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Sierra; 5th Place
Monica Culpepper
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Reputation: 9
Joined:Feb 22, 2015
Post #1: 7th Apr 2015 4:22 AM 
Sierra. This is hard cuz I loved a lot about you but did not like some other aspects of you.

First the nice stuff: You were really fun to talk to. You had such a crazy awesome fun spirit that really bounced with me. I loved your energy. You have a real zest for life and like did really appreciate me. And I appreciated you. You are such a dynamo!!!! And that was really needed. especially mid-merge phase. I really did enjoy our conversations ...

... but only if they were on your terms!!

The mean stuff: I guess this could go for your whole clique, but you seemed to suffer from this the most: myopia. And by that I mean, being myopic. And by that I mean, seeing the world from only your perspective and no one else's.

You got really cocky about the game! And basically seemed to coast on this idea that you had your friends, and your friends clique was the best, and that naturally they deserve they get to the end. When things did not go your way you would whine to me incessantly.

When things did not go my way, I just pretend things were fun and cute. I always pretended things were fun and cute. And things were only fun and cute with you when it was going your way. It was always very undermining and discrediting to me, as if I did not have my own game going on. Cuz no other games existed against Sierra. Which made you such a dynamic character, of course, but like omg it was a lot sometimes.

I still enjoyed our conversations a lot! But only certain portions of it. You really did act like a mean girl queen bee but did not realize it. I hope you get some self-awareness on that like I got some when I took too much weird glee in trolling you. I'm sorry for being so brutal, but it is because I can see so much good in you! So all the shiftiness makes me want to help. lmao that sounds so condescending and patronizing but that's how I feel. You just brought a very negative energy to this game. That was fun and dramatic. But also exhausting and so mean-spirited. So like .. I guess it all cancels each other out and makes you a very good character. hurray!

I know you might take this the wrong way <3 but you took every criticism you got in this game the wrong way lmao. just know i really enjoyed you and i just want u to be DA BEST DAT U CAN BE

Post Edited by Monica Culpepper @ 7th Apr 2015 7:01 AM
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