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Garrett's Glamorous Gossip
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Post #1: 22nd Feb 2015 5:28 PM 
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Here I am, Garrett Adelstein, Queen of Cagayan, ready to redeem myself from my piss poor performance last time. Well.. not so much.. since I'm ready to gloriously flop once again. But I will, as anything I do in life, do it in style, if I do it. I have no expectations, so it can only go better and better from here.

I'd really like to be a villain in an ORG for once, but truth to be told I don't think I have it in me. I play with my heart, not so much with my brains. I wanna hang on tight and be loyal to certain people like the true hero I am. But when bitches are disloyal to me, there might be a villainous dragon inside me that wants to come out so bad, that I can't hold it back.

Garrett is my beautiful rep since he's everything I represent. A beautiful, muscular, social sensation...no not really, but in all seriousness I can justify being a strategic flop (what I usually am) playing Garrett. If I make some stupid, crazy, irrational move that ends up costing me the game it will just be me "playing in character"!!

One word to describe my strategy would be "bananas". I will go apeshit as soon as I hear one person talking shit about me or even bringing up my name. As soon as that will happen, all lights will go out and I'll go into bananas mode, but in this game I will try to find a cure for this obscure phenomene. I will try to keep my calm and have faith. Have faith that everything will go right. I will probably fail..

These three returning players scare the shit out of me. Especially the black one. I mean anyone who calls himself "The Crusher" scares the crap out of me instantly. I might look like a big, tough guy but hell no I am gonna start a fight with him. I might ride the coattails of one of these people since they look pretty fierce.
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Post #2: 23rd Feb 2015 8:44 AM 
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Yve Rojas
and here i was readying to make babies

Sierra Reed
I don't have space in my vagina

Girls take it easy, okay! I know I am hot shit and everything but I usually want to get to know people before I make babies.. It would be nice though to create a harem of evil fembots, Garrett's Girls. But no for real, that wouldn't work since all these bitches would be fighting over me and my hot muscular body. Don't want my alliance mates to target each other you know..

Anyways, I had a pretty rough start, cause AIM was being a egocentric bitch and wouldn't let me talk to other people. So here was me thinking all these people were ignoring me, when it was evil AIM playing games with me! You will pay for this AIM, you ain't gonna get away with this! Being the computer genius I am, I found a way to fix things and now I can finally start being a social butterfly and work my magic. I hope to make as much friends as possible in this early game talk so I get picked early in the schoolyard pick (which I am assuming is gonna happen with this captain thing).

As for the captain challenge, I really don't wanna win, cause I think one can only piss people off by not picking them in the schoolyard pick. Above that, I wouldn't view myself as a charismatic, fun, witty tribe leader who can lead a tribe to victory after victory. No, I'm probably gonna make a low bet and then go over it to let people know I am actually a fierce challenge beast. Let's hope that will work!
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Post #3: 25th Feb 2015 7:52 AM 
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"As for the captain challenge, I really don't wanna win, cause I think one can only piss people off by not picking them in the schoolyard pick."

Well, that escalated quickly... I feel like a teen mom right now, who hadn't planned on getting a baby. I never thought in a million years I was gonna win that challenge, considering I even had 2 minutes left when I reached my goal. But apparently, other people had the same thoughts about the leadership role as me.. At least the leadership role does have its plus sides. I got to pick the hottest sluts for my army of evil fembots and the coolest duds that walk around. I think I'm pretty satisfied with the people I chose, even though I wish I could have talked with everyone in hindsight. Also, it sucks I couldn't pick either Erik, Kim or Yve cause they were in my top three for the tribe picks. I later heard from Yve that the picking of the tribes was pretty awkward, since it was public and all them bitches were judging your choices. Glad I left a bootlist and wasn't there at the time...

Being a captain's kind of annoying, considering you have responsibilities and need to make decisions and I ain't ready for that. I don't feel like being a moral God-dictator type of leader, so I will be the cute democratic, sympathetic "I'll do whatever the majority wants" kind of leader, I'll be like Sarah Palin, such an icon. I don't know if that's the type of leader this tribe wants/needs, so be it. The tribe name/color decision was pretty annoying since no one really had any suggestions so my "I'll do whatever the majority wants" strategy didn't really work. So I chose the God-dictator role and made the decisions myself. That's how Garrett rolls, adjusting to the situation like a true leader does. I chose for "Sangoma", "the witch doctors" cause it sounds like a bad ass alliance name.

Let's do a quick first impressions of my lovely tribe mates, I'm getting nice vibes from most of them:

Posted Image My first choice! We had a nice talk pre-game and I think we can work something out! She seems fun, outgoing and knows what she wants! The perfect hot slut Garrett needed.

Posted Image He's really cool, I think we can relate well since we have sort of the same lives. I also think he would be a very trustworthy ally and he seems very genuine!

Posted Image I don't know about this one, he's awkward to talk with and responds so slow. Let's hope my opinion can turn around.

Posted Image 10/10 would bang this bitch! She really surprised me, she's very talkative and seems like she has such an awesome life! Wanna be her!

Posted Image God seems like he doesn't want us to meet each other, fuck him! :(

Post Edited by garrett @ 25th Feb 2015 4:36 PM
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Post #4: 26th Feb 2015 12:37 PM 
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Well we definitely delivered in that first challenge, but not in a good way... We were blown away by the other two tribes and I truly question whether I picked the right tribe. I thought Taj & I worked great together, but somehow we performed twice as bad as the other two tribes. At least we all collectively performed horrid.. so props to us there!

However, rumour has it one of us truly outshone every single one of us, Mister Zane was a useless as a condom with a hole in it, congrats! Besides that, Zane is also a very awkward presence who just doesn't seem to fit in. So, pretty much every single thing hints towards Zane getting the boot tonight. There ain't much for him going to stick around. We might as well host a public voting!!! No, I definitely think he's going home, or some weird thing is happening that I don't have any idea off..

As for alliances, I have made several seperate deals to "look out for each other" with Taj, Vytas and Sierra. I believe I am in all of their respective "Top 2". I also really like Sue but she doesn't seem like the most active player on our tribe. Taj wanted to force an alliance between the four of us, but I told her to keep her cool and wait. I think patience is required here and I told myself to not play too hard early on. Personally I'd probably put Vytas and Sierra a bit higher on my "trust"-list then Taj since she can be pretty vague sometimes..

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Post #5: 1st Mar 2015 1:06 PM 
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To speak with the famous last words of Zane Knight: "wethugs, wet hugs, not we thugs" That sums it all up, what an icon. What an inspiration. He will be remembered, but we need to move on from here. We can't be mourning about losing him for too long, cause we still have five icons on our tribe.

What scares me a bit is the fact that Sue received the two (?) masks by Zane. This new twist with the giving away of the masks definitely gives the minorities more power when their lesser minions leave. I myself now have two masks, while Sierra's already got three (it's a big plus she told me this by the way, I really feel like I can trust her), I hope one of us can pull that idol in.

I definitely think Sue's on the outs of our tribe, she needs to show up more and get her shit together, cause she's a pretty awesome human being. I sure hope we don't lose this challenge cause I ain't ready to send another of those goddessess to heaven. May God be with us.
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Post #6: 2nd Mar 2015 10:07 AM 
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LOL that was pathetic.. despite our efforts, we are heading to tribal council again and I think we'll be coming back and back until something drastic happens. Let's hope that happens quick.. cause I ain't seeing this misery stopping anytime soon.

Okay, let's lay out the facts; I was a lazy goat at the challenge, but at least I was a pretty one. I mean in the end, would you choose to marry the ugly heartworking worn-out goat or the pretty, fit goat who can still make cute babies? Boy, I'd know it. A more surprising conclusion after this challenge is the fact that Taj showed her true colors when building the tribe shelter and boy they are diarrhea brown.. I mean I liked that she took charge in the challenge and all, but there was no room to discuss with her; she came off as a bossy, condescending dictator who tolerated no objection of her ideas cause they were amazing!!! Her ideas weren't that bad, but the fact that she was like "You need to talk about the challenge to get good teamwork!!!" and then everytime I said something she had something smart to say!!!! Well bitch, if you are gonna act like that I might as well sit on my pretty ass and do nothing. And so I did. And so we lost.

There are lights at the end of the tunnel however. Sue stepped it up in the challenge and while I think her Photoshopping skills were not *that* amazing, I liked that she tried and showed that she actually wants to work hard. That is however a double-edged sword, cause I was ready to feed her to the hungry Serengeti lions if we would lose again before the challenge, but I'd be such a coldhearted bitch to send her off now and be like "thanks 4 the photoshop sue but it fucking sucks, cya later" (credits to Sierragoddess for this quote <3)...
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Post #7: 2nd Mar 2015 5:27 PM 
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Well, well, well, we've got a sneaky, little, powerhungry bitch over here on Sangoma that goes by the name of Taj. Girl, girl, girl, what are you doing?! As I said, I knew my name would be brought up by some people due to the fact that I wasn't doing anything at the challenge. So yeah, it was pretty righteous to call me out on my performances and I wasn't surprised that I was getting targeted by the almighty Sasquatch Taj, she already gave me hints at the challenge..

But what the bitch shouldn't have done is go on a power trip and target the fuck out of half our tribe, she didn't only target me, she also target Sierra & Sue for different reasons.. what is she thinking? That we don't talk to each other? That she's like some distribution center that sends mails and treats to whomever she wants? No. There's only one leader on Sangoma and it might not be a very charismatic, talkative, autocratic Putin but it is ~me~ and I ain't ready to abdicate yet!

So thank the lord I got my baes Sierra & Vytuss and we all agreed Taj ain't making this coup d'état, Taj ain't forcing no revolution, Taj will sit the fuck down and get slaughtered by the guillotine. Well, that was my blown up version of the conversation we had.. but point is.. she's probably going home. One problem remains.. the MASKS! They add a new layer to this game in such a way that the voted out player actually can give some power to the minorities. And who would that minority be in this case? SUE, our sweet little lady who already has 3 masks and will probably get Taj's masks if we vote Taj out. That leaves two options: 1) Vote Sue out for having too many masks 2) Vote Taj out and sign in Sue. At this point option two sounds like the better one but we haven't fully decided yet..

Post Edited by garrett @ 2nd Mar 2015 5:27 PM
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Post #8: 4th Mar 2015 1:03 PM 
Ugh, I have been lacking these.. my real life is so busy...

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One bitch down, whoopty-woop! In all seriousness, I'm kind of sad to see Taj leave. She was actually a very nice presence to have around and I think she was perhaps the most active, most into the game player on our tribe. But that is exactly what cost her the game and I have no regrets writing her name down. As expected, she gave her mask to Sue, which concerns me quite a bit. Sue now has at least 4 masks and she might even already have the Hidden Immunity Idol. And let Sue be the one person I am not actually aligned with on our tribe and boy she knows she's on the outs. Reason enough to start winning some challenges!

As for cross-tribal communication, I have been talking quite a bit with Erik (as is Sierra) and I think we can work something out with him once there is a tribe swap. I also think being in a minority might not be such a bad thing in a three-tribe season considering the fact that there are two bigger majorities that will fight each other. If I had to side with one of those two sides at this point, it would quite obviously be the Borewhores, since the Returnee Tribe still scares the shit out of me. Rob (or Rory? I don't even know) has been trying to contact me quite a lot but I don't really feel like responding so I'll just be the ignorant bitch, because I don't want to like him. I don't want to like any of the returnees (though I already like Kim) cause I know they will be shady bitches and I know they will play me..

Post Edited by garrett @ 4th Mar 2015 5:37 PM
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Post #9: 4th Mar 2015 5:34 PM 
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WE WON THE CHALLENGE! HALLE-FUCKING-LUJAH! The Sangogods are actually with us! The challenge shows that commitment actually pays off and my tribe mates now know for once and for all that I have commitment in this game. I mean I am fucking crazy.. I woke up at 3 AM to do some stupid slide puzzle for a challenge.. if that doesn't show commitment I don't know what does. If we had lost that challenge I would have been fucking pissed by the way. I'm so glad the Borewhores are going to tribal, cause I really hope we can work together with them to get rid of those evil returnees. Clear the room for these new bitches please, old hags!!!

As for the masks, I'm livid that they keep on being hidden at racist times for us Europeans!!! I know you guys have some weird hatred for muscular, good-looking Dutch guys, but I actually wanna find those masks so that our little Hawk doesn't find them. I hereby request you rig this game for me by posting these things at an appropriate time for me so that I can go on to take over this game!!! Isn't that what everybody once after all, me to win? I mean I have all the redeeming qualities of a great winner so you might as well rig it for me! At least y'all can't stop my allies from finding these masks, cause I believe Sierra & Vytusss both found them! However, I'm either doubting their common sense or they are just stubborn to give each other the idol, cause we would have been perfectly fine if one of them had told the other one where the second mask was located. Doing so, the other person would have had 5 masks and could have retrieved the idol before Sue!!! Well whatever I'm still alive, I won't complain about racist times or stubborn allies!!!!

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Post #10: 7th Mar 2015 4:33 PM 
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Shakers gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake it up! Lord it was about time for a tribe swap (& a proper Garrett confessional sorry awesome hosts ._.) and my body is fully prepared for it. The swapgods were mildly in my favour, considering the fact that I still have my tenderoni Sierra with me! I'm so glad I have at least one person I can put my faith in on this new tribe! Sierra's just fun to be around and I believe she will look out for me, as I will for her. The swapgods did however abandon us, the entirety of the Sangoma Tribe from our original tribes and now there's a bunch of heretics on the holy grounds of Sangoma.. I swear, if these bitches touch anything, they will be cursed by our witch doctor voodoo magic and I will take them down one by one!!!

So I obviously had some time (very little however; I have ~other~ things to attend in real life sorry ._.) to get to know my fellow new tribe mates. First we have Yve. Yve & I got along great pregame but I'm not sure if we can pick things up the way we left them. I just think there's too much conflict of interest, even though I would really like to work with this bitch. I know I'm being vague and shady with her and I just hate myself for it, but I can't make up my mind on how to act towards her.

Then we have Stephen, who is like this nerdy type of guy I think.. I don't think we really get along as Stephen doesn't really get my humour and I just find him dull and boring. Like falling asleep during the conversation would be an offense to a normal person, but I couldn't help but think about taking naps when I have convos with him. There was this funny dialogue we had though, where in I stated I would do both Rory and Yve, and he interpretated it as though I wanted them out and then there was this awkward moment and then I was like 'phuck he actually thinks i means voting out' and I corrected my mistake.. ("doing someone" is the same as "making out/make love" in English amirite; or was I being stupid #languagebarrier)

Last but not least there's my boy Rory.. he's just plain odd and I think I love him for that though I think if one would marry this guy it would probably end up in domestic violance; not to sound r00d. Unfortunately I have mainly spoken to him on occasions where he was drunk, but I think it would definitely be Alcoholics Anonymous meeting together, imagine the fun. <333

Post Edited by garrett @ 7th Mar 2015 4:33 PM
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Post #11: 7th Mar 2015 7:07 PM 
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Shit's going crazyyyy!!! This twist is absolutely wicked fun, adding all these new layers to the game. However, it ain't as much fun as you wake up with a hangover on Saturday morning, have exactly 15 minutes to do some strategizing and everyone throwing all these craycray plans at you. "GARRETT YOU ARE BEING TARGETED!!!" Girls bye, I could use some better news at my Saturday Morning.. Anyways, I'll try to recap the events of my day, though I don't even think what went down myself as I was rather absent.. I'm the king of not knowing what's going on <3

07:00 AM Alarm goes. 20 million AIM messages fun!!! Apparently I made some new alliances in my dreams called "baes" with Erik & Sierra. They are both sweethearts so I went along with it, on the condition that we get to call the alliance the Glamazons. And so the Glamazons was born! Another portion of the messages was about Monica, Monica the demon herself targeting the biggest greek god of them all, yes that's me.. Girl needs to calm her titties and start thinking straight, I spoke like 10 words with the bitch, 10 words who were probably so awful she despises me this much. Sooo Glamazons and ma boy Vytas have already made plans to take the bitch out, amazing. <3 I don't even have to make plans myself, my servants just come up with the plans!!!

The original plan was to get all the Old Sangomas and Y'mra S'bor s'Abor to vote Monica out, sending the bitch to where she belongs, Loser Lodge. Sounds ea-zay? One big happy family of Sangomas and Ymras!! It isn't... Monica probably has an idol so idol paranoia was afoot!! Apparently Kim & Vytas have this close BFF bond and Sierra & Erik are like jelly-jealous of it. I'm very indifferent about it, but Sierra & Erik think shit's way too dangerous and they came up with some complicated plan to get rid of Kim. Oh god, my two biggest baes already having conflicted opinions, lord jesus. ._. This is like a Sophie's choice, I have to screw one of my baes over and if I don't I screw both of them over. This world ain't fair...

I ended up accepting the deal cause I would cut myself not going along with it and Kim's this overpowered shady bitch I am pretty scared of. As Erik stated it, this might be the only chance to get rid of her, or she might go on some stupid immunity powertrip. If all goes to plan Erik, Sierra, Stephen (wtf) and me vote Kim; Kim, Vytas, Sue vote Monica and Monica, Yve & Rory (wtf) vote Sue and we get rid of Kim. <3 That being said, this shit might all go up in flames but at least we have a pretty fire to look at while going out!! I'm just ready to make these powermoves cause I'm all here for it and I love Erik & Sierra for being twisted enough to setting this up.

ps. As you might see I am pretty unaware and these events are pretty random, there happened like a ton of shit more but I ain't ready to recap it all (:
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Post #12: 9th Mar 2015 12:08 PM 
Reaction when Kim got voted out:

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OH GOD THAT WAS SUCH A PLEASURE TO EXPERIENCE <3 We fully took advantage and abused the fact that Kim took a night off and getting drunk and above that Monica decided to do what's best for Monica (plot twist it wasn't) by playing her idol! Kim took it great, but I totally think she was totally baffled. She thought she had this whole thing figured out and that we were gonna follow her like puppy dogs, but oh boy she was wronggg. I just love how I can rely on my Glamazons Sierra & Erik. I know I didn't really talk strategy with most people but when Erik and Sierra came up with that plan, I knew that they would have their shit together and I could go along with it, even though it was pretty twisted. And the best part about it was the fact that no one's even that mad at us. I figured the damage control would be onnnn, but I think everyone realizes that Kim was playing all sides and being buddybuddy with everyone, so people aren't like furious at us, they are even pretty understanding.

I do however feel really bad about letting Vytas in the dark.. I mean he was my BFF from day one and I truly feel like I screwed him over and he obviously was mad at me. But I do think he understands the importance of this move, that it wasn't a move against him but it was a move against Kim. I'm not quite sure yet, but I hope his wounds will heal fast and we can go back to the way it once was. <3 Then there was Yve. Clueless Yve, who was left out of every single alliance at that Tribal Council so she voted for me LOL. I do feel for her and I did want to include her in the plans for that tribal council, but when I tried to test her loyalty by saying I was being in danger, Kim messaged me like 20 seconds later: "YO BITCH U TELLING YVE YOU ARE IN DANGER?" At that moment I just had to pull the "ignore" strategy and not talk with her all day about the vote anymore. At least that prevented me from actually lying to her. Sue was also wearing sackcloth and ashes, but yeah I would too if I was her, as she must feel like some useless bitch by now. She has always been on the outs in any tribe so far and she certainly ain't doing something to prevent it from happening. Gurl is gonna flip ASAP when we are merging, ideally I would like to see her ass in Loser Lodge next.

We also have Monica, who wasted her idol, but nonetheless dropped her guns in the ocean of forgiveness. And so did I. I mean I would have done the same if I was in her position, target the shit out of people I don't know, but it ultimately bit her in the ass, and she must acknowledge my generosity by not returning the favor and voting one of her allies out. There's however also a bad thing that came out of this tribal council: it totally exposed the alliance of me, Erik and Sierra. We hope to cover up these effects by lying power in the hands of the people who are close to us, but weren't in on the plans. I would like Vytas, Yve & Monica to feel included, to make decisions and to feel as though they are with us. I know it's gonna be hard, but I think they will go along with it if we play it smart!

Post Edited by garrett @ 9th Mar 2015 12:17 PM
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Post #13: 10th Mar 2015 5:50 PM 
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Un-fucking-believable. The steroids pulled it off again. I already had my suspicions, but Rory confirmed it yesterday: the Original Y'mra S'bor S'Bors are on steroids! Okay, admittedly I might occasionally grab a steroid or two here and there myself, but these guys are using it on a regular basis. This ain't fucking fair, shemale Caryn took some "I don't need no sleep" steroids, Rob took some "I switch roles when you least expect it" steroids and the other bunch just took a short break. You can't always do steroids. But the worst part about all of this is the fact that we almost won, we almost pulled it off, we almost beat the cheaters.. but almost equals to losing equals to tribal council equals to mad craziness. So here we go again! (PS: Yve is an animal)

Sue's the intended target for this tribal council. Girl made it clear she ain't gonna stick with any of us, I don't blame her, but if I were her I would have made it a little less obvious. I would have kissed my pretty ass so hard that I would believe she really liked me. But hey, let's be real, this is Sue, she doesn't have that big of a fight in her.. well at least I haven't seen it so far. I'm kind of disappointed in hindsight we didn't get rid of her at the second tribal council, she just doesn't seem like she's here to play and fight hard. Truth to be told, we didn't give her much of a chance to begin with, but all in all I think she has to go.

There are some slight complications with this vote however. Sierra seems to believe Vytas got the idol, but there's also a chance Sue has it. Sierra also seems to be under the impression that Vytas would give up his idol to safe Sue. In my opinion, that would be way too big of an offering for such a big prize, like using the idol on Sue is wasting the idol on default, but hey that's just me. There's an oppertunity but I don't think it's very big. So I was honest with Vytas and told him that even though he probably doesn't like it, he should vote Vytas.. he seemed to understand even though he obviously didn't like it, cause it decimates his tribe even further to 3 members. I am however recognizing the fact that Sue could have the idol and as I can definitely not vote for Vytas (my heart doesn't let me) I asked the old Marehemus (Yve, Monica, Stephen) whether they would vote for Vytas. I know it's a sly move, but I think they went along with it so that would mean I have my ass covered for this tribal. Let's just see what's happening, cause this game has proven to be pretty twisted!

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Post #14: 11th Mar 2015 5:33 PM 
Fuck bitches, this wasn't supposed to happen.. It should have been an easy 5-3 and we should have voted Sue the fuck out. Girl is like the evil stepsister of dairy queen Baylor Wilson, getting votes at every tribal council but still surviving. Can't she just die in her endless pit of irrelevancy? Now Vytas's probably going home and it's all my faulth. But I ain't gonna do buttkissing to Sue and I ain't gonna vote for my brotha, I play with my heart and if voting Sue would end up getting me voted out, then so be it. I'm sticking with my brother and I'm going down with him. For now, I will work my cute charms and try to convince these people in voting for Sue, but yeah if I were them I would vote for Vytas too. He probably has the idol and social skills, two things Sue kind of lacks.. Ugh this is so frustrating I can't even...
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Post #15: 13th Mar 2015 4:36 PM 
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Vytas Baskauskas
Next time. Maybe don't put your supposed friend up as the backup plan if an idol is played
That's what hurts the most
Good luck

Ugh I feel so bad for letting this happen and Vytas saying this to me.. He's completely right and I didn't even know what to say to him anymore.. He probably thinks I'm some coldhearted bitch by now. What sucks most, is that I did consider Vytas a good friend of mine and I feel so bad for hurting him. I should have just told him to use the idol to be sure about the vote. It's stupid, but I should move on, I can't mourn over Vytas' loss for the rest of this game. I did vote for Sue, cause I just couldn't get it over my heart to vote for Vytas. It might end up hurting me in the long run, but at the end of the day I wanna be proud of the game I played and I couldn't look myself in the eyes had I voted Vytas.

Sue on the other hand is officially arch enemy #1 at this point. I don't even wanna talk to her anymore, cause I know it will just be this negative bullshit and I ain't ready for that. The fact that she's still here while we could have easily booted her at one of the first two tribal councils baffles me to this day. I mean girl should be worshipping us for giving her two more lifelines, yet she goes on and on about targeting us. Truth to be told, I would have done the same if I was her cause we treated her like an abused pet, but let's just say we tried to pet her but she just wouldn't listen.

Anyway, another swap, and this time my luck ran out. I'm officially swapfucked and should just hold on for dear life. I hadn't even spoken more than 10 words with half my tribe prior to this tribe swap so it's not a forgone conclusion to say I'm pretty fucked. I don't have my Glamazons Erik & Sierra with me and now I have to rely on shady business Rory and "I'm responding slower than Slowpoke" Yve. I wouldn't put my money on either of them, but I think I'm gonna try to put some faith in Rory. Problem is however that I hardly see him online so we can't really talk strategy with him. But when I do see him, he seems very open to work together with me. I don't know if he does the same thing with pretty much everyone, which wouldn't surprise me, but I'm gonna give him a go, especially since I don't have many other options anyway.
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