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Episode 10
Erik Hufflepuff
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Post #1: 25th Mar 2015 9:33 PM 
This game is getting really frustrating right now. You know, I think I've played a pretty good game so far. I'm in a pretty good spot. But these people in my alliance...it's so frustrating. They are all perfectly content making this group the final 6. I mean, I don't want to be the crazy person who tries to blindside everyone, that's not what I'm trying to be. But these people are all so comfortable. I mean, it's boring to be honest. No one wants to see a Pagonging. There's only one winner. So for everyone to just want to get out all of the people in the minority...5 of them are probably going to regret that. Only one person isn't.

What's even more painful is that this isn't just me trying to make the game entertaining for PWs, it's not just me trying to blindside people for fun. There are real reasons and people just won't accept that. Caryn has a very, very good chance of winning immunity next round. If that happens, we will have to turn on each other. Because that will leave only one minority person to vote for. As soon as next round, people might have to turn on each other! Isn't it smart to make the preemptive strike?

I've been trying to convince Kelley that we need to take out Austin now. If we leave three people in the minority, we could just take out two next round no matter who wins immunity. Kelley is on the bottom of the Belyvers alliance. I've been trying to tell her that and she's just so complacent and afraid to make a move to try to shift the power. Sierra is already talking about getting her out next round. This might be Kelley's one chance and she's not gonna take it. And if she doesn't, I'm gonna have to vote her out next round most likely.

I believe pretty strongly that I'm perceived as a threat. I'm very worried about this tribal and the next and the next. I'm going to be worried until I either make it to the end or I'm voted out. And I have a pretty strong alliance with Garrett and Sierra. But at the same time, I have a strong suspicion that they're going to vote me out for being a threat near the end. I think they both know that I'd beat them. I mean this is the time in the game where you have to start making the moves that are best for you. And I'm not here to come in third or fourth place. I'm here to win.

If Monica goes tonight, I'm gonna have to completely change my strategy. The people I'm with wanna stay together and live happily ever after? I'm gonna be with them. But if Kelley or Sierra or Garrett are voted out and I somehow make it to the end...I'm gonna tell them that I gave them the opportunity to change the course of the game and they didn't take it.

Erik Hufflepuff
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Post #2: 25th Mar 2015 9:40 PM 
haha :( I'll do one next round! If I survive this one.
Erik Hufflepuff
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Post #3: 25th Mar 2015 10:32 PM 
ha HA! I had a feeling that was gonna happen after you said that Shawna!!!
Erik Hufflepuff
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Post #4: 25th Mar 2015 11:21 PM 
Thanks :)
Erik Hufflepuff
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Post #5: 25th Mar 2015 11:22 PM 
I'm coming on the podcast though! You can't get rid of me that easily mwah hahahaha
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