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Episode 9x09 - "#CrushBlessed"
Purple Kelly
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Post #1: 20th Mar 2015 9:50 AM 
Lol at Erik calling himself "The Hufflepuff," in his 'merge q/a,' because he's "not the smartest player or the biggest snake." This is right after he nonchalantly says that he might need to blindside Sierra at some point, y'know because essentially: she's too loyal to him/seen as his partner/number. I can practically hear his tail rattling.

I get playing up the whole humble thing to the players in the game but as PW's I don't think he's fooling any of us (okay except for maybe Ciera lol, girl are you thirsty?)

Erik it's cool dude, we all love Slytherins as game players on Survivor, but please own it. One of my biggest pet peeves is when players try to play the audience. Derrick did this in Big Brother 16 for instance and it's sooo annoying!

Post Edited by Purple Kelly @ 20th Mar 2015 9:53 AM
Purple Kelly
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Post #2: 20th Mar 2015 11:00 PM 
Endurance! I have such a love/hate relationship with these. I really hope that Rory wins this one but it'll probably be Caryn. I'm not ready to lose Rory! :(

If Monica really throws this then I wouldn't mind seeing her go actually lol...
Purple Kelly
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Post #3: 21st Mar 2015 9:22 PM 
By the way, this is a bit late BUT I'm listening to SHAP and how hilarious was Sierra and Stephen's relationship in this game? Sierra was continuously saying stuff like: "STEPHEN IS A HORRIBLE DESPICABLE SOULLESS HUMAN BEING WITH NO HEART AND HE DISGUSTS ME AND MAKES MY SKIN CRAWL." Haha and then Stephen, post blindside has nothing but glowing things to say about her lol, like: "I'm rooting for Sierra hands down! If she makes it to the end she has my vote ^___^! Love her so much she is my 'bb.'"

Purple Kelly
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Post #4: 22nd Mar 2015 7:57 PM 
I don't understand the 'God Warrior' thing. Like I legitimately don't know what it means? It is leaving a sour taste in my mouth though. Don't get me wrong, Rory throwing a tantrum is uncomfortable to watch and not the way that he should be going about things, but Garrett is coming across worse to me. This is gonna sound blasphemous but I really don't like Garrett right now... he and Sierra are insufferable when in power. I'm so ready for Austin and Yve to flip.
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