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Pregame Discussion
Purple Kelly
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Post #1: 22nd Feb 2015 12:25 AM 
Hi everyone! Ah, this is so exciting! I feel like a kid on Christmas morning, I'm such a dork lol...

Overall, this is a really interesting group of contestant choices and I love it. The first thing I noticed was that this is a more or less older cast, as in the actual ages of the players, not necessarily the seasons they were on. I can't wait to see how the vets fair (go Kim!) I love that there's a Caryn, an Erik H., a Katie C., a Monica Culpepper (a mere last initial doesn't do her justice,) and a Stephen!

On the opposite end I'll be struggling to take Kelley and Sierra R. seriously... UGH, two of the most miserable players I can remember seeing both on my television screen and on Twitter... okay maybe Sierra wasn't that bad but she annoyed me. JFP is a bold choice to play as too, we'll see if he fares better than Hantz did last season!

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Post #2: 22nd Feb 2015 1:48 AM 
Haha his conversation with Caryn is my favorite. She's just so clearly disinterested she hardly tries to humor him... please let them be on a tribe together LOL.

EDIT: Or maybe "humor him," isn't the right way to describe it. She does it while being uppity and in character and I love it lmao.

Post Edited by Purple Kelly @ 22nd Feb 2015 1:49 AM
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Post #3: 22nd Feb 2015 2:27 PM 
I endorsed Bailey for a spot and I really hope that he can embody his natural spunk into his alias! He's such a sweet guy, with that wide-eyed kid in a candy store sort of naivety. He's not the run of the mill gamebot and I think he has a lot of potential character wise.
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Post #4: 22nd Feb 2015 4:43 PM 
Kelley is doing great so far! I wasn't a fan of her post SJDS but I'm pleasantly surprised! I think she has the potential to make it very deep into the game. Maybe 4th Place will be three for three Kelly/Kelley's since Allstars.
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Post #5: 22nd Feb 2015 4:46 PM 
Purple Kelly
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Post #6: 22nd Feb 2015 5:26 PM 
Jonathan Libby @ 22/2/2015 14:50
Purple Kelly @ 22/2/2015 15:46


Jonathan I miss you!
Purple Kelly
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Post #7: 22nd Feb 2015 7:20 PM 
Okay! Hi hi! I just caught up with what everyone has posted so far. Here are my thoughts:

Austin - Complete sweetheart. I think he and Erik are both adorable (and Vytas too obviously.) He's already showing some self-deprecating humor and I love that. It can get annoying when players go into things insisting that they're THE BEST because usually those types can't back it up actually playing the game. I find humble people endearing, especially in the sea of Brian Heidik wannabes that ORGs sometimes are.

Boston Rob - I don't know a lot about him aside from what I've heard from Kim about SI. He seems like a good guy and I agree with those of you who have been saying that he has the best odds of doing well out of the returnees. I'm excited to see 'The Tragic Hero' play and I'm rooting for him!

Caryn - She hasn't posted anything yet but her conversations with Kim and Rory have already delivered. I love it when players don't hold back and she definitely didn't try to act interested in Rory's antics. I hope that she's as haughty and hilarious as the real Caryn.

Erik - He's an angel and I think he's gonna be really good at this! He seems charming and smart and he's in for such a treat with this being his first game! I hope he doesn't get eaten alive since he's just a baby but I have a good feeling about him. He's definitely one of my preseason picks to win the whole thing.

JFP - He's a confident SOB isn't he? We'll see if he can back up his words playing the game. Playing as Fairplay is a bold choice and he sounds like he wants to play very much like him... how is that smart?

Garrett - The 'Queen of Cagayan!' He's gonna be another great character.

Katie - I loved Katie on Blood vs. Water. She and Sierra are similar for me right now in terms of the cast though. I see her doing fairly well based off her answers but she might not be the biggest character or the strongest game player. Kind of a MOR player to me at the moment I guess? I love that she dissed Rupert though! Props for that!

Kelley - She's another frontrunner who seems to know exactly what she's doing. If she and Kim hookup and align they will be a force. I find it interesting that she's gotten "cold" vibes in the past from Kim on FE but Kim was still able to change that perception with her very quickly. If Kelley isn't very careful I could see her winding up like DD and several others have in Kim's wake!

Kim - I know that she thinks she's gonna do horribly but I think she'll be just fine. I think that all three of the returnees have the potential to do well. I'm not sure that she can win though... hoping that she can but it'll be really hard for her in this format!

Monica - If she really is planning on playing in character then I seriously CAN'T wait. GO Third Personica, GO!

Rory - He's such a psycho... in the best possible way. I really hope that he stays invested and sticks around. This is our inaugural winner guys! How surreal is that fact lmao?

Sierra - She seems cute! Is this really only her second game?

Stephen - Boo! His stuff so far has been way too abridged. Let's see some meat on those confessionals!

Sue - I can only say that I hope she misspells everyone's names on her voting parchments.

Taj - I haven't seen a lot from her yet but I love the player choice!

Vytas - I feel like Vytas is such a weird character choice for Bailey lol... his face in his video confessionals just doesn't match the character for me! Still, he's so goofy and lovable and I'm so excited to watch him play.

Yve - ... nothing yet!

Zane - Another player in the vein of JFP. If he's really as young as he told Taj (14?), then he's going to get eaten alive I think. I'm not taking him too seriously but hopefully he'll bring us some entertainment!

Post Edited by Purple Kelly @ 22nd Feb 2015 7:24 PM
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Post #8: 22nd Feb 2015 7:53 PM 
Jtia @ 22/2/2015 17:49
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Missed you girl!
Purple Kelly
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Post #9: 22nd Feb 2015 8:12 PM 
JeaNINI-Robert I miss you too. :angry:
Purple Kelly
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Post #10: 22nd Feb 2015 8:30 PM 
Third Personica is AMAZING. <3
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