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Merge Questions
Sierra Reed
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Reputation: -11
Joined:Feb 21, 2015
Post #1: 20th Mar 2015 4:54 AM 
1. Who is your closest ally? Do you plan to go to the end with them?
Erik / yup absolutely. It's gonna be awwwwwkward if he intends to cut me but I don't think he does

2. Who would you say is the biggest overall threat remaining? Strategic? Social? Physical?
Overall: it's hard to say...
Strategic: Rory THINKS he's making inroads by trying to intimidate/scare the shit out of everyone (including me), but I don't think it's working. Stephen was the only one I was super worried about strategically, but if Erik decided to go against me, then he'd easily be my biggest threat. we have very similar thought processes and share a tendency to overthink and overanalyze every single possibility. we'd definitely make a tough match up for each other. I'm thankful we're on the same side for sure lmao

Social: there are a lot of people here who are veeeeery likeable regardless of what one's personal taste in other people might be (Yve, Austin, Erik), but I don't know how many of them are actually using their sociability to advance themselves in the game. I'm not sure how to answer this question t b h. again, if Erik were to go against me, I think it'd be him.

Physical: it depends on the challenge, but for the most part, Caryn. no tribe she was on ever lost a challenge. that's gotta count for something.

3. Who do you want out next?
sue the part time social pariah & full time trainwreck. her gross attitude during the chop challenge was like the last straw for me. she's not cute or funny sry

4. What's your strategy from here on out? Will it differ from how you've played so far?
stick close with the couple of people I trust 100% and maintain my wider alliance. I think my social connections at this stage in the game are strong enough to keep me safe unless something totally insane happens.. loljk like EVERYTHING that happens in this game is insane. seriously though, I think I'm in a great place overall. getting rid of Stephen this round was definitely the right call. I've been way nicer to him than usual the past couple of days so I actually felt kinda mean acting all helpless and bullshitty towards him today but that faded when I remembered how much of a wanker he is ^_^

5. Which cast members do you think deserve to make All Stars? Why?
Caryn - how the fuckkkk did she not get voted funniest in Majority Rules? what a character. I intend to keep her around as long as I possibly can solely because I enjoy her so much.
Erik - super amazing first time game
Austin - just because <3

6. If you had to give yourself a title based on your gameplay until this point, what would it be?
The Goddess, because that's what I am lbr

Post Edited by Sierra Reed @ 20th Mar 2015 4:56 AM
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