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Yul's Opening Statement
Yul Kwon
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Reputation: 4
Joined:Jun 17, 2014
Post #1: 2nd Aug 2014 2:23:43 AM 
Hello everyone! This has been by far the toughest game I have ever played in. Everyone in here came to play, we were all equally thirsty for the win. There was only 1 inactive player, and we all came to fight. I've met a lot of cool people this game, I didn't really expect to make friendships when I came into the game but I'm happy that I got to connect with people and find people that enjoyed a lot of the same hobbies I did. I'm hoping I can keep in touch with the friends I made after the game is over and maybe even Skype. Without my allies, there is no way I would be here.

With that being said, I'm glad that I finally have the chance to defend my game.

As the game was beginning it was overwhelming how many people there were. My goals from the beginning where to form bonds with people. Instead of scrambling to make alliances early in the game I focused on talking with people and trying to find something to bond on. Tight bonds are way more important than impulsive alliances since they tend to form into more solid alliances that can take you further in the game. I always tried to be able to talk with anyone. I didn't want to burn bridges. Drama/fights do nothing but hurt your game, I made sure to stay out of those. When things didn't go my way, I kept my cool and tried to make a plan for how to survive.

Throughout this game I always wanted to make sure that I was in a good position. I wanted to be sure that there would never be enough votes to take me out. I kept in touch with both sides of the game once tribal lines were broken. Both ken/kelly and betsy/jr. When Bill was voted out I knew I was in a bad position. I had to be very careful how I played it, I kept my head low. I knew there was no way I could make a move from my position, I just needed to buy time and survive.

Throughout the game I wanted to establish a specific image of myself. I wanted to present myself as a weak player. The majority rules competition was fantastic. It echoed my game completely. Even though the results seem negative, it highlighted that I wasn't a threat. It painted many other players as threats and helped plant some seeds going forward. I always wanted to make sure there were threats left in the game that were bigger than me. This insured that there was no way I would be going before these players.

There were enough big personalities left in the game that I knew I could make it deep into the game if I kept my cool. I think this is one of the most important things of Survivor. It may not be flashy, and it may be boring but it works. Sometimes you just have to sit, be quiet, and wait. Patience is important.

I also did win some key immunities. 3 to be exact. When my ass was on the line, I made sure to go into beast mode. The JR vote, I didn't know how safe I was. And I sure as hell wasn't going to risk it. The F4 immunity was even more important though, I think it could have easily been me going that round. I needed it badly.

Posted Image

I think this image perfectly describes my game. It's a lot like I am in real life. I'm a chill and easy going guy. I'm not very confrontational, I always used my words rather than my fists to get out of conflicts. I just wanted to be myself in this game and I felt like this translated well to my style of play. I think I'm a pretty calculated player. I'm always analyzing the game and thinking of what I can do to protect my positioning. I'm not overly aggressive in making moves, that's just not my play style. I'll always make the move that's in my best interest but I never want to be seen as the one that's having control. I like to sit back and see where the dynamics are and make a plan based off of that. I'm not riding coattails, everything I did was by choice, that should be demonstrated in the moves I made. I made sure that there was a threat going deep into the game, which led me survive and ultimately make it to the end.

I can't say that I played perfectly. I surely made mistakes along the way. I did my best to learn from that and to not repeat them again. I can't wait to see what the PWs and jurors said about my game so I can improve it when I play again. But most importantly, thanks Lex & Brett for giving me a shot. I know my resume my not be huge but I'm happy you guys took a gamble on me. This game has been a blast, it gave me something fun to do this summer. The amount of work you put into this game is staggering. The graphics are beautiful and everything runs so efficiently and on time. Keep up the good work guys, I'm looking forward to be a part of this community going forward :)

I welcome any questions you may have and am ready to answer them honestly and thoroughly. Good luck Jonathan and Charlie, may the best man win.

Post Edited by Yul Kwon @ 2nd Aug 2014 2:28:55 AM
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