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Bill Lets it All Out
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Post #1: 2nd Aug 2014 4:03:04 PM 
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Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooo finalists.

Obviously I wish I was sitting where you are, but congratulations on making it here, this is arguably the hardest game out there, it takes something, even if it's a little bit of something, to get here. I'm not bitter....not really, I never expected myself to get as far as I did, and I honestly didn't expect you guys to be the ones I'd be questioning, so props to all 3 of you. I just want to get a better perspective of how your games went and get a little bit of asskissing for us here on the jury. So here it goes.

Right now, I'm voting for Yul. He was the only person I was aligned with throughout the duration of the game, he's the only one of you that I truly know played the game,he's the only one of you that really even tried to have a relationship with me, and as far as I know, at this moment, he's the ONLY person sitting here that truly deserves the title of Sausage Island 8 champion.

Why? Because even as I played alongside him, and knew he was playing the game how he was, I never once considered him a big threat. I honestly (no offense) wanted to bring him to the end for more than just him being my closest ally, but because I knew nobody saw him as a threat or big player. He played an amazing UTR game, while still "having his hand in the cookie jar" for a lot of the big moments. His opening statement is the only one I can actually completely buy at this point, and while I still have questions for you Yul, this is your vote to lose.

Opening statements aren't too important to me, but as I just said Yul's is the only one I'm believing right now.

Jonathan, I'm sorry, but for me, being on your social A game isn't just talking to your alliance members everyday, it constitutes talking to EVERYBODY and getting a little bit of info from all those people, and I know from personal experience that was not true for you. You actually tried a bit more than Charlie to talk to me, so I guess kudos for that, but we still had no real relationship at the end of the day. I understand not talking to me if I'm not apart of your plans, but don't go talking about Social A game after the fact, I didn't have a really good one and if I was sitting infront of a jury, I'd admit. Not saying that you didn't have a decent or good one, but there's a ton of people sitting on this jury that played way better social games than you IMO, sorry.

The same conditions make me want to fault you on your so called "incredibly aware game". On one hand, it's not the best point to make, I'll probably go down as one of the least aware players in Sausage history, and even I had some sort of who was with who, and through my boot I knew who was gonna go at every single tribal, paranoia would just drive me to think otherwise at times. On the other hand, just because you had people giving you the dish on the rumor mill doesn't mean you always knew the truth. The one thing that rings true in your speech to me is that there are some that view you as the goat here, I'm one of them. But, as I said earlier, I'm not the greatest when it comes to awareness, so maybe I have it all wrong. Prove it to me! Good luck.

Charlie! Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie. Guys, Charlie bit me. Charlie bit me and it reaalllly hurts. Obviously he didn't bite me literally, but he bit my game, and he bit me as a player. Now when it comes to my game, I don't know if all the claims were 100% true or not, so I'll just stick to player-to-player things. You never even tried to talk to me! I guess that was your strategy, but as far I know you still went and talked to people and I just got left ignored. If I'm not apart of your plans, OK, but great players have great social games, and try to get know almost all of the people they play with.

Now your jury speech, for me, seems to list off the reasons I shouldn't vote for you rather than the reasons I should. You got into a majority alliance and made the merge easy, I can't fault you for that too much because that can be said for all but three of us here. You got an idol, but misplayed it, though again I can't fault you for that too much because we tried to keep who was going at that tribal underwraps and it could've been anybody. Then, you got into some more majority alliances and that never made you a target after Eddie left. I guess that it's less reasons to not vote for you, but just sort of fluff. I need to know more.

Alright, enough rambling, question time!

1. What was your best move in this game?
2. I saw you as my closest ally n this game, but I'll say it for a 3rd time, my awareness skills were less than perfect. How did you view me as an ally and player in this game?

1. What was a move that you initiated in this game? I feel like you were locked with J'Tia for most of the game, and then once she left, you were with Charlie, I don't know what moves you made that you spearheaded on your own.

2. You say you were on your social A game and played an incredibly aware game, where you knew who was in trouble and who wanted who out. So to show it, sort of, who were the 3 people I wanted out of the game the most post-merge?

1. Why did you choose the "people have to come to me" strategy?
2. From what I hear, you tried to make moves in this game and a most of them just didn't formulate. You didn't really talk about it in your speech, which surprised me. If these claims are true, can you go a little in-depth on those moves and why they did or didn't work?

For Errybody (Aka "The Ass-kissing Ones")
1. Who on the jury do you feel played the best game?
2. There's a DVD cover. 6 people get on it from this season, who are those 6, where are they on the cover, and why are they there?
3. Who do you feel is/will be considered the star of the season by the PWs?

That's all I've got to say here. If you chose not read this and just skip to the questions, well then, go fuck Yoosef. But I hope you guys give all of us the time to hear what we have to say, good and bad. Good luck and good night!

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Billiam out!
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 1
Joined:Jun 17, 2014
Post #2: 3rd Aug 2014 1:04:15 PM 
Thank you for the answers guys!
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