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Episode 13: Deja Vu
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Joined:Jan 12, 2014
Post #1: 18th Feb 2014 1:35 AM 
Well this seems familiar, doesn't it?

- 6 people on my tribe
- I'm fairly sure I'm not getting voted out
- I talk to everyone after the challenge and make sure we're voting for the obvious target
- I have a busy day the next day
- Person who I'm loosely aligned with but don't exactly trust all the way talks up my connection with him and tries to shake up the status quo by telling various people various things
- (This part's actually a little different, because I was actually on and asked a couple people if anything had changed this time)
- The vote switches against him and nobody tells me because they believe I'm too aligned with him and would pull something
- I'm the only one besides the target to vote for the original target

That was basically what happened this last round, just substitute Dreamz and Greg for Kelly and Todd. I must just attract these people! This time was a lot more reasonable, though, because a) people were right to fear a Lugata F3 (though of course I'm not telling them this was in any way a good impulse to have had) and b) I could have passed my idol to Todd (people never seem to believe me when I keep telling them it's a necklace, which they're right to do, but which I would not have expected). I just let everybody know that I was in no way privy to Todd's plans and wouldn't have signed onto them and made sure everyone knew I wasn't mad and totally got the logic given the info, I just would have liked to have been given the logic and info in advance next time. I have my idol this next round, so I'm not too worried about figuring out what to do next; I have time, but I must use it wisely. Now that Todd's gone, my best shot in the finals is Chet, but of course he's closest to John. I could also make a deal with Kelly in order to secure a majority of some sort. Basically I think that Jamie and John are the two best targets now, and I'm going to have to see what kind of circumstances come up in order to see how one of them might best be targeted. The only problem, of course, is that I can't expect anyone to tell me the truth now that I have an idol. I think that, since this is the last round I can use it, if I don't win immunity I'll have to play it like it was a necklace (i.e. well in advance of the deadline) with a speech to the effect of "I got this idol at the auction as a joint decision with Dreamz, I told him it was a necklace in order to try to get him to think it was less of a deal and not to tell people, but obviously he did tell people and so now in order to secure my safety this round I am playing it as a necklace, I know it doesn't mitigate the fact that I lied to everyone about what I actually got at the auction but I just want to prove to everyone that I'm not going to do any shady shit with it" or something like that. From a logical point of view, this woke me up to what kinds of things people might be withholding from me based on me having the idol; from a completely emotional point of view, I want to throw as many wrenches in people's plans as possible!
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