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Kelly Goldsmith
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Reputation: 6
Joined:Jan 11, 2014
Post #1: 19th Jan 2014 2:04 AM 


Once again, there really isn't anything new to report. I was not on much this weekend. I was busy with last minute plans before I head back to school tomorrow. I sat out of the challenge, which I am actually pretty happy about. I hate puzzles. I would've tried my best and done pretty well, I think, but the fact that I did not have to sit around for hours and repeatedly complete the same puzzle is pretty satisfying. Perhaps I was not as social as I should have been, but I still don't feel like I am in any danger. I know I'm close with Ciera, and she seems to be running the show right now. Don't take this to mean that I am the type of person to take the backseat. That's simply my strategy for now. I'm going to increase my social game and try my best to get to know everyone. I won't strike and become a power player until much later, when I feel the time is right. Ciera can continue making herself a huge threat for now.

Winning immunity is great because you don't have to worry about Tribal Council. However, at this point, I think two wins in a row is somewhat bittersweet. We are now seen as the tribe to beat. It's funny, because I didn't think we had a strong tribe at all when the tribes were revealed! Now we are going to be seen as the powerhouses -- yikes. Of course, this makes us all bigger targets. And with a tribal swap most likely looming, it could definitely affect our game.

You see in recent seasons how tribes who win a lot of challenges in the beginning end up fracturing later. It can be just as much of a disadvantage not going to Tribal Council. There is kind of a halt on all of our games right now. We are not really having to "play the game" while the other tribes are getting a head start on us. In all honesty, I am hoping that a switch does not occur next round so we can lose one before we get swapped. I think it is important that we go to Tribal Council at least once before any kind of mix up is to happen. But we will just have to see what is in store for us. The bad thing about me being sat out of this challenge is I'm going back to school tomorrow! And I have to compete in the next challenge, when I might be busy. Oh, I'll make time. I'm obsessed with this game already, so I'm sure I'll put everything else on the back burner.

Even just with these two wins, I'm already starting to feel too comfortable! This is what is probably going to happen to the rest of my tribe, and that could eventually lead to our demise. I have to keep on my toes and get motivated to keep playing. Get your head in the game, Kelly!

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