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Post #1: 28th Jan 2014 6:37 PM 
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So we are Dyndeth now. Greg's idea for a name. Blech. I mean it's fine, who ever remembers the merge tribe names. I really wanted to look up CUNT PEOPLE in Latin or something but I let it go.

We rocked our first challenge but I have to say I made a terrible impression. I fell asleep by the fire waiting for the challenge to start - no shit. I just got so warm and comfy and boom conked out. When I came to the challenge was in full swing. It was like all those times I wake up from blackouts and just go right back to partying. By the time I came to we were just into the challenge and everything had been assigned and I was playing catch up the whole time. I told them I would help put the final puzzle together and then as I was doing it Jamie posted it…the wrong one. And I was giving them the slots the whole time. Very frustrating. They were just ignoring me, and Jamie was rushing to prove to everyone that he is a big asset. I am starting to grow really cautious of Jamie. He kind of is very Alpha in personality and takes control and when you talk to him about it he tells you to calm down and then immediately tells you not to be mad at him.

It's a little strange.

The new tribe is great though. Keeping Jamie and Dreamz from last time and getting Leann is a big win. To me Greg and Kelly are the two expendable ones here, but for all I know that is the same conversation they are having. Jamie is starting to strike me as the kind of player he was accusing PG of being - connected to everyone. I guess we will have to see. We won the first and don't have to show our true colors just yet. But I have a feeling it is coming.

Maybe not?
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Post #2: 29th Jan 2014 2:31 AM 
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RIP Undie Friend. Though, I am actually pretty OK with this. I was going to have to do it to you at some point so somebody saved me the trouble which I like.

Jamie continues to get fishier. He constantly needs to know everything that is going on and has his fingers in all the pots. He knew Dan was out the moment it was announced and was already talking to Chet, Hatch, Ciera, etc. He knows way too many people for my liking. I might have to blindside him before jury phase starts.

I reached out to Ciera to tell her I was glad she stayed. She and I have bonded over being so disliked. Though, I really don't think I am ACTUALLY disliked, and I think she might be. That could also be the seven liters of vodka I have had. She wants to work together at some point. I have a decent amount of options right now and I am feeling OK juggling most of them.

Here's who I feel OK about...
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Not too bad.

My first baby step is to make the merge. Todd is making All Stars, but first step is merge. This is how you would have to remove me pre-merge:

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You're welcome,
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Post #3: 31st Jan 2014 12:06 AM 
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Apparently there was a plan to throw this challenge.

The fuck you say?

More on this when I am awake. Pissed little drunk right now.
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Post #4: 31st Jan 2014 11:58 AM 
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OK sobered up.


So I find out from Jamie and Leann that a plan was hatched right after Dan was voted out to throw challenges to save Old Lugata, specifically Dave in this one.


Well I was traveling for work yesterday and was not privy to this plan or I would have revolted against it. First of all, I am dead set against throwing challenges. I think it is pompous and a shitty way to play. So finding this out after the fact really was a slap. Then Leann tells me it was a plan the moment Dan was voted out, not just yesterday. Nobody told me about it. So they just all got egg on their faces and realized they left me out. Not smart Old Lugata, not smart at all.

So then whiny crybaby Kelly approaches me and tells me boo hoo the challenge was thrown and did I know about waaaaa waaaaa. I told her I did not and that I was not happy about it. Then I try and feel it out and see if she has the idol, how close she is to Dreamz, and what her deal with Jamie is. I completely go with her and tell her what she wants to hear. As I suspected I got nothing - because she has nothing to give. I mostly did this because I didn't want to pile any votes on Dreamz if we didn't need to. Dreamz is a linchpin in my plan and I need him to feel safe. That's why throwing this challenge was a bad idea. Now he won't trust Jamie and I, and will join any antiLugata party. Dumb, dumb. For a split second I start contemplating voting with Dreamz and Kelly if they will vote Greg out. But then Kelly goes and shows my fucking conversation to Jamie and tries to get things turned around on me.

Dumb bitch.

So now, Kelly is done. I hope. Unless people buy her BS and think I was really going against Jamie, which I was not. Greg? Maybe. Jamie? Not yet. :)

You're welcome.
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Post #5: 31st Jan 2014 4:35 PM 
Honestly, I'd love to go at least F5 with him, maybe to the end. He's hilarious and playing his character which I really respect, so I love that. Plus he's not Lugata, which I also love.

In my opinion, it's going to be important to have a non-Lugata that I can have in my corner when and if I need to go against Jamie.
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Post #6: 31st Jan 2014 6:46 PM 
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So shit just got realz y'all.

As you'll see Kelly is not going anywhere. The cocky, strange Greg will be going home tonight.


Dreamz came to Jamie and I with a plan to turn the game upside down, and you know what? Daddy liked it. He basically confirmed what I already knew about Leann and Greg and their ties with other people and specifically where I fit into that. Now I don't believe Jamie was at the bottom of their plans, but I do believe I was 100%.And Todd is not a bottom. OK Spoiler Alert: I am, but who's counting?

In all honesty, this Lugata shit needed to be broken up. I like Dreamz, I want to work with Dreamz and this is an investment in that. This suddenly brings Kelly, Hatch and Ciera into the mix as well. We are essentially aligning all the unliked, uncool kids. The difference is we aren't goats - we are actually kind of good at challenges and I am a fucking delight socially, so...

Anyway, I feel good about this move. I have wanted Greg out 4EVA, and I love a good blindside. Especially when it makes sense. I listened to the evidence presented and I jumped on it. Also fuck them for throwing a challenge, and fuck them for not telling me and pretending it was because I was not on during the day. I am pumped about this move. Is it a good idea? Time will tell. I am not that arrogant. But this is what Greg looks like now:

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So he kind of deserves it right?

You're welcome.

Post Edited by Todd @ 31st Jan 2014 6:47 PM
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Post #7: 31st Jan 2014 6:56 PM 
Shawna, you spoil me with adoration.
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Post #8: 31st Jan 2014 7:26 PM 
And I likes what I see.
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Post #9: 1st Feb 2014 12:41 AM 
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Post #10: 1st Feb 2014 1:17 AM 
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Offline Marker
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Post #11: 1st Feb 2014 6:14 PM 
This. So Much.

About as underwhelming as your game. I am sufficiently whelmed at this video though.

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