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YauMan's Journal; My deepest and darkest thoughts...
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Post #1: 12th Jan 2014 6:44 PM 
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Post #2: 13th Jan 2014 11:03 AM 
Well Colby I would do it again in a heart beat!!! I am excited about tonights challenge ( will make a parchment confessional in a little bit ) and hope that I can swim with the big dogs in this game, I feel so tiny and newbish!!
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Post #3: 14th Jan 2014 8:49 PM 
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Post #4: 18th Jan 2014 4:59 PM 
Yeah its been a chaotic week!!! Today/Tomorrow I will be catching up on journals and getting my social game back on track. Right now I am not feeling so secure with not being able to be online much this week between work and the little one having headlice (A LOT OF fucking LAUNDRY) arGH
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Post #5: 19th Jan 2014 11:41 AM 
I am living on a perverted beach of crazies yet ironically I feel just at home as ever. This week I have had my head in the same scrambling with real world things and feel like I am a million light years away in the socialness of the game. It is time to take this game by storm like a tornado and make things right.

Right now being slightly quiet MIGHT be a good thing but with a swap looming at any moment in Survivor and not talking to everyone outside my tribe it could render me screwed. I think the crazy is rubbing off into me as random thoughts poke me, distracting me from writing this confessional

Why is it called a Hot Dog, if its Pork and Mystery Meat?
Why can I never find a matching pair of socks when I own about 40 of them?

Anyways ....... So Ciera is our captain and we couldn't ask for a better captain. She is strong, social, and a great motivator. She is owning the role and if we were in finals RIGHT now she would have my vote hands down.

"Attitude Reflects Leadership Captain" - Remember the Titans

and we have steller attitude. Sure we compare dick size, and offer each other golden showers in our down time but when it is time to put on the war paint we are really to take the other tribes to the cleaners!!!! I am excited to see what else Ciera will bring to our tribe and hope we avoid a swap for a while.


Next we have Danni. I haven't talked to this girl much. She likes to say the word FUCK a lot and I think her mind is chained to the gutter. The only fault she has really put forth is her lack of puzzle skills, lmao but we all can't be a boss on everything.

Dreamz, oh dear Dreamz... you nasty mother fucker you still owe me a truck!!! I mean... lol... The first night on the island Dreamz and I chatted er up for a while. We joked about our past and how it would be wicked to work together and no one suspect it. He seems in love with his "huge" dick, which means in reality it is prolly the size of a pen lid, but we don't judge.. muahahaha...Im asian average which means in reality my slong is the size of a small country and my ballz are made of steel!!! BAM!!!!


Miss Mamma Kathy and her laundry skillz... Every time we are talking she is rushing around to do laundry and she is so cute!!! She takes the time to message me and feels like she doesn't know where she is in the tribe right now. She is someone I can see myself being extremely loyal with throughout this game.


Kelly is another one that I have yet to talk with on a one on one basis

OMG WHY is iCarly so ADDICTIVE!!! HOLY SHIT.. Daughter Obsessed.........

Not much to report on Kelly right now. She sat out of the challenge but seems like she is active and strong and a kick ass member of our tribe.


Hatch, the naked queen of Survivor!!!! At first I thought he was going to be a no show and drag the tribe down. Truth is first impressions are never truly correct and I am glad he is a little bad ass. He ripped through those puzzles like a boss!!!! I wouldn't mind getting naked up beside this guy!!!!

Why do humans have so much body hair???? OMG naked images of Hatch!! Make it STop Make It STOp... I think I will go watch Monster High with my Tiny Human . . Yes Yes Yau that sounds like a good idea....

until next time ...

Yau Man

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