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An Open Letter To The Final Two; also, a few questions
Ciera Eastin
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Post #1: 27th Feb 2014 12:58 AM 
Let me start off by saying that as of right now, my vote is for John. I told myself and I told Jamie that if he was ever in the finals, he wouldn't be getting my vote because of how he treated me. This may seem self-centered and a bit dramatic but it's my vote and I will do with it as I please. However, my mind can always be changed. If Jamie can prove he isn't a soulless gamebot and John can't prove he has game at all, Jamie will get my vote. It all depends on how you answer the questions at this tribal, honestly.

That being said, in no way do I think that I deserve to be in the finals over the two of you. My original plan to stay blended obviously fell through and due to circumstances that were partly out of my control I became the poster child for a threat in this game. I realize that my overeager personality annoyed some of you. I understand that there were numerous misunderstandings that turned people off from me, and I understand that I very much so deserved to be voted off (though tbh not necessarily WHEN I did but I'll get to that later.)

Despite me being seen as "bitter" and "irrational" by my fellow jurors, I honestly have very few problems with the way each of you played the game. Jamie, you had every single person believing that they were aligned with you at one point in the game, and you used most of the cast as a human shield to power your way through the game. I don't think you ever received a vote against you, right? That is an incredibly impressive feat, dude. And John, your game was not nearly as flashy, but it was still there. Though you never actually did anything about it, you put yourself in a position where your vote was needed by both sides. You kept your closeness with Jamie a secret and rode all the way to the end with him, nobody ever expecting a thing. The question is, does your "coattail riding" strategy really warrant you winning the game over Jamie?

As I had just stated, you guys didn't necessarily suck at the game. However, personally, I'm afraid that one if not both of you is an actual sociopath. I have no problem with lying, backstabbing, the like; if you own up to it and don't do it unnecessarily. Telling someone they're safe out of fear of scramble/an idol is perfectly justified. Trying to convince someone they're safe seemingly just to fuck with them is not. Jamie, you've said it a million times: this is a game. A game where the only prize is bragging rights and having your name on a list that will go down in Sausage history. So when I am at the point where my real life insecurities are out for everyone to see in this game, and someone preys on that and uses it to get my hopes up when there is legitimately no reason to do it other than being an asshole and bragging about how badly you played me in your confessional, then yes my feelings WILL get hurt. I'm not sure if you just didn't realize it or were completely clueless to how you treated people, but both of you actually hurt me in this game, and it felt personal.

Like Greg said, if you want to be the villain, be the fucking villain! Blindside everyone! Make diabolical moves! Make your best friends cry! But if you're going to do that, own up to it. If you want to blindside me for fun, I expect you to rub it in my face instead of giving me a big chat about how loyal and honest you were in the game and that you never made a deal with me and all of this stuff. I think you tried to be a good person in this game, but you just don't know how. Saying you're a good, nice guy won't cut it. The thing that will make you a good person, Jamie, are your actions. Stand up for someone that you care about. Stand up for yourself. Don't be disingenuous, don't be a bully, don't make promises you don't intend to keep. If you find it hard to do any of this, work on it later and own up to being the traitorous snake you know you are inside.

I'll admit, I have lied in this game as well. Most of my lives weren't related to the game, however. I guess I was playing semi-alias; if someone knew who I was I wouldn't deny it, and yeah I did tell a few people that I had played in this series before. To the new people though, I didn't want anything to set me apart and make me different. No, I'm not actually an art student living in Pittsburgh. I'm a fifteen year old high school sophomore from West Virginia who ask PG for advice when I was asked what my favorite drink was because I don't actually drink. Lies like that are, in my mind, okay; they weren't meant to be malicious and didn't harm anybody. Despite my low placing as Brenda in Sausage 3, I was a bit worried that having small experience in this series would make me a target. When you sign your name, sign with a smiley face. Also, off topic, a reason that I played so hard in the beginning was because I was desperate to be noticed. I wanted to make big moves and be a big, likeable character because I wanted to impress everyone in the prediction writer lounge that has underestimated and demeaned me throughout my years of playing. I wanted attention, and that was my downfall.

Anyway, back to you two. I'm a firm believer that anyone who makes it to the finals deserves to win, but I'm not so sure about that philosophy now. We have someone live John, who is widely believed to have done very little in this game. And then we have someone like Jamie, who somehow convinced everyone that he was going to the finals with them despite the fact that it was increasingly obvious he wasn't. This sounds great on paper, but was all of this REALLY Jamie's doing? Your game was sloppy, Jamie, and it shocks me to see you here because I didn't find your game to be nearly as impressive as anyone else. I'm not trying to be hypocritical here, it was obvious I was never winning this game, but here we have you. After Richard and I was voting out, you had to have become the biggest target in the game. You were a PERFECT final 7 boot. Everyone should have seen that if you weren't taken out there wouldn't be any opportunity. Yet, here you are now. Anyone who tried to make a move against you was either afraid to or realized that you needed to go a round too late. I adore these people personally but it was so frustrating to watch all of this happen. I'm not sure if you played a game deserving of a win, or if you lucked out by falling into a position where nobody wanted to vote you out because you were a "nice guy".

My questions today might be a bit different from what you're used to. John, my questions for you will all fall under the category of your strategic game. I've picked out several attributes that I believe a savvy gamer has and formatted a question for you to fit that trait. You already have my vote, so answer the questions honestly and to the best of your ability and try to prove to me and to everyone else that you know what you're doing here. Jamie, I will go about this in a similar fashion, except yours will be all about your personality and how you interacted with the various people in this game. This is your last chance to win my vote and prove that you were either a loyal hero or an asshole villain. Good luck to the both of you! I'll start with John.


1. Adaptability - You've been on a total of four different tribes in this game. How did your strategy differ as you were swapped from tribe to tribe? What exactly was your main plan at merge?

2. Awareness - Greg tasked you with an awareness question already, so I'll be looking at that for this trait but I do have a small question for you here. Did you find out information in this game on your own or did you rely completely on Jamie to let you know what was going on?

3. Preparation - While adaptability is important, so is having a plan. When you were cast, before you even spoke with anyone, what was your strategy going into the game? Did you follow up on that strategy?

4. Fearlessness - Was there ever a time where you wanted to make a move but decided against it out of fear?

5. Control - where there any people in this game that you felt would vote with you unconditionally?


1. Compassion - Name one personal fact you know about each member of the jury. Were you really paying attention to their stories or were you pretending to be interested to further yourself in the game?

2. Integrity - How many alliances did you have, exactly? Can you even count the amount of promises you made to people? Do you regret making so many of them? Why was your deal with John more important than your deal with everyone else?

3. Honesty - why did you feel the need to constantly lie? Were your lies completely strategic? Are there any lies you regret?

4. Humility - When you knew the votes were locked for me and you also knew that the idol was played incorrectly, you taunted Richard and I. At that moment, did you know you were going to make it to the end of the game? Did you honestly view anyone else in the game as an obstacle in your way of winning?

5. Charity - Since you made it to the end, you should know what exactly everyone did that ruined their shot at winning. Critique each juror's gameplay and give them criticism on how they can improve in a future game.


6. If you were invited back for Heroes vs. Villains, which tribe would you be on?
7. Why should your opponent win the game?
8. Seeing the way you played the game now, who do you wish you had chosen to play as in the beginning? Basically, which Survivor contestant do you think played a similar game to your own?
9. Any final comments?
10. Please sign your name below to show that you have read and understood everything.

Good luck!
Ciera Eastin
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Post #2: 2nd Mar 2014 5:48 PM 
Alright, thanks to the both of you. I think I received what I wanted to know and it's a lot to think about. Good luck!
Ciera Eastin
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Post #3: 2nd Mar 2014 5:50 PM 
Actually I lied, one more question for Jamie - are you still going to deny the alliance you made with me earlier on to justify your actions at merge?
Ciera Eastin
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Post #4: 2nd Mar 2014 6:00 PM 
No, the reason that I was pissed about you leaving it out of your question was because you denied it as I was being voted out. To me, it looked like you were painting me as some crazy bitch and the alliance between the four of us never existed and you never made a deal with me, etc. You betraying me isn't what pissed me off, I saw that coming. What left a bad taste in my mouth was the fact that you taunted me, tried denying anything bad you had done, and claim that I was making up our alliance. Let's not forget that both times YOU approached me for an alliance yet you had the nerve to throw the blame on me for betraying you. That's what upset me so much.
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