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Hey, bitches, remember me? It's Leisha Fabo!
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Joined:Jan 12, 2014
Post #1: 26th Feb 2014 11:49 PM 
Jamie, John, I had a great time playing with the both of you. That's what makes this vote so hard. Both of you played great games, and I talked to the both of you a hell of a lot. My vote is completely up in the air right now, and it will likely come down to how well you answer jury questions.

Question 1: Why did you two feel like you made a good final 2 alliance? This happened early on, so it was likely based on little other than a good feeling, but please elaborate on what you saw in each other and what you continued to see in each other after the deal was made that made you want to keep it. I'd like to see both what you had in common and what you thought you would have over the other person in the actual final 2.

Question 2: How do you justify your lies and betrayals to yourself? This is not a bitter question. We all lie to each other and betray the shit out of each other, I'm fully aware. But for a lot of people, the mental hoops you have to jump through to make tough decisions are obscured even to the people to whom they belong. They might also just be shitty hoops, but that's neither here nor there. I feel like I have a pretty good handle on how I handle it, which is mainly through the use of deliberately ambiguous wording when making deals, combined with the sense that everyone should be fully aware that I'm in the game only for myself just as much as everyone else is and therefore to take everything I say with a grain of salt. I want to know how YOU do it, what YOUR methods are. This is not a test of how contrite you can be. This is a test of how clearly and concisely you can articulate your thought processes.

Question 3: Explain why you deserve to win and/or why the other person doesn't deserve to win. Please submit your answer in the form of song lyrics in the style of Wesley Willis. It should be in the third person. Feel free to lean as far to whichever side of the "go me/boo him" divide as you like, or to split the difference. Points will be awarded for creativity, humor, persuasiveness of argument, and resemblance to the work of Wesley Willis.

Question 4: Okay, this is where I get to be a little bit self important. Follow me @LeannSausage! http://twitter.com/LeannSausage

Question 5: This one's the doozy, and also probably the one where I actually get self-important. The way I play this game, I have a particularly skewed concept of honesty, but I stick to it. Mainly, I don't make integer deals I intend to break. If I say, "I'd like to take you to the finals," then accept that as exactly that: I'd like to, but it doesn't mean I will. However, if I say "We have a deal to the final X", I intend to see every single person I said that to in the final X. That's why I never did it all game.* I know this is a particularly weird thing to get hung up on, especially since being led on through personal ties can be just as bad as being told one thing WILL happen before it doesn't, but it's my thing, I guess. This ties in to one of my other things, which is that this game ended the way I've seen several other One World ORGs end up: Two people make a final 2 deal on day 1, nobody suspects a thing, and they cruise on by to the finals. There's hardly any good way to counteract it, and as much work as it takes to make a day 1 deal last to the end, the secret cross-tribal alliance is also a game breaker on par with the infinite squirrel deck, and I don't like to see it used. That said, I know it's difficult to implement, but I feel like it's substantially less so when other integer deals are involved. And from the talk I'm seeing in the jury house, there were a lot of integer deals being thrown around willy-nilly, with Jamie being the main offender. I may just be projecting my insecurities and personal preferences with regards to how I think the game should be played onto the both of you, but I want the unvarnished truth: How many integer deals did you make with the intention of breaking them, and how many did you make intending to use as far as you could but then they just didn't work out? Integer deals could be "to the final X" or just "how about we specific people all align" kind of thing, either one, as long as there's a specific whole number attached to it, hence the name. Ones that you implied (like my sneaky wording I mentioned above) count exactly as much as ones you said unambiguously.** I don't know for certain whether I'll view a substantially high number as a positive thing or a negative thing, and I don't know whether or not making them wanting to break them is better than making them sincerely and then having to go back on them. I guess it all comes down to, like I said, how you answer.

Thank you both!

*EDIT: Actually, I just remembered one time I did. I said to Kelly in a PM, "I will take you to the final 2." I meant to say "if I win final 3 immunity, I will take you to the final 2," but through a combination of sloppy wording and wanting to seem convincing, I didn't. My apologies.

**EDIT 2: If you could imagine a juror yelling at you "HEY FUCKASS I THOUGHT WE HAD A DEAL", it counts.

Post Edited by Leann @ 27th Feb 2014 1:56 AM
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