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Host Lex
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The Bastard
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Reputation: 22
Joined:Dec 5, 2013
Post #1: 12th Feb 2014 12:37 AM 
g1nger23 (10:33:17 PM): Jamie! Congrats on Immunity. Do you think you needed it tonight?
[SausageAuction7] (10:33:48 PM): Probably. :)
[SausageAuction7] (10:33:56 PM): and thanks Lex.
g1nger23 (10:34:02 PM): okay then! and you're welcome
g1nger23 (10:34:49 PM): Kelly! You were an hour late to the auction. Are you nervous about the fact that others won prizes but you didn't?
[SausageAuction7] (10:35:00 PM): LOL
[SausageAuction7] (10:35:26 PM): Well it is crappy not to have a prize, of course. But it could also benefit me because people know I don't have one. Maybe that makes me less of a threat
[SausageAuction7] (10:35:44 PM): and I was like 43 minutes late btw
g1nger23 (10:36:11 PM): Dreamz! You were the first person hit in tonight's challenge. Does that make you nervous about tonight's vote?
g1nger23 (10:36:58 PM): I'll ask a few at once in case people don't see
g1nger23 (10:37:40 PM): Dave! How nervous do you feel about potential auction prizes floating around in the game right now?
g1nger23 (10:38:09 PM): Chet! How safe do you feel tonight out of 10? Would you be surprised if you went home tonight?
[SausageAuction7] (10:39:01 PM): I'm not nervous to get voted out, if i leave i leave. You get to the point where you just try anything you can to get people to play the game with you and nothing happens until 2 minutes before TC. Im frustrated, Im tired, Im horny, but I'm not nervous. I WELCOME THE SWEET RELIEF THAT DEATH FROM THIS GAME WILL BRING
[SausageAuction7] (10:39:25 PM): I'm not nervous about potential auction prizes, if they were distributed, they were used to be plan, so being nervous for something given out at the auction would be a little idiotic.
[SausageAuction7] (10:40:13 PM): I would first like to start off by saying how disappointed I am that you are not asking me about my beautiful family. My feeling of safety tonight is low, 3/10 at best. There has not been a lot of people speaking with me strategically, even before the Rich vote. I have my fingers crossed for tonight, but I know that once the conversations stop flowing, you're probably on your way out.
g1nger23 (10:41:03 PM): John! You were a split second away from winning Immunity tonight. Are you worried you may be considered a challenge threat?
g1nger23 (10:41:27 PM): Leann! You received a vote at last round's Tribal Council. Did that surprise you? Does it worry you for tonight at all?
g1nger23 (10:42:09 PM): And finally...Todd! You all booted Richard unaimously last round. Do you expect a unanimous vote again tonight?
[SausageAuction7] (10:42:25 PM): Hi Lex, thanks for asking.
[SausageAuction7] (10:42:33 PM): yeah it sucks to be that close and lose, might as well have gone out first but you just gotta do what you can do and hope for the best. if you look at my track record and the tribes I was on you can get a clearer picture
[SausageAuction7] (10:43:12 PM): I can vouch for that
[SausageAuction7] (10:43:25 PM): I just now noticed Santa in the chat.
[SausageAuction7] (10:43:26 PM): I don't expect a unanimous vote at all. I think everyone has very different end games in mind and this live tribal is causing folks to run around. We'll see if people get shit together, but I don't think unanimous at all.
[SausageAuction7] (10:44:06 PM): It didn't quite surprise me. It's a little worrying, but the past isn't nearly as worrying as the future, because the future hasn't happened yet.
[SausageAuction7] (10:45:07 PM): Anything could happen in the future. My asscheeks absolutely will happen in the future, that's one thing I can hang my hat on.
g1nger23 (10:45:19 PM): Alrighty
g1nger23 (10:45:23 PM): with that interesting note
[SausageAuction7] (10:45:28 PM): #asscheeks
g1nger23 (10:45:29 PM): it is time to vote
[SausageAuction7] (10:45:52 PM): Omg just found santa
g1nger23 (10:46:25 PM): would you guys rather just vote by IM? or make parchments and post them in your voting histories
g1nger23 (10:46:29 PM): for record sake
g1nger23 (10:46:41 PM): i'll still reveal votes on here, not parchments though
[SausageAuction7] (10:46:41 PM): IM and then I'll post one after TC
[SausageAuction7] (10:46:43 PM): but idc
g1nger23 (10:46:50 PM): anyone else?
[SausageAuction7] (10:46:58 PM): ^that
[SausageAuction7] (10:46:59 PM): same i'll post regardless
g1nger23 (10:47:02 PM): alrighty
g1nger23 (10:47:06 PM): It's time to vote!
g1nger23 (10:47:13 PM): IM me your vote now
g1nger23 (10:47:18 PM): You have five minutes to submit your vote to me
g1nger23 (10:47:29 PM): 10:43, votes will be read
[SausageAuction7] (10:47:36 PM): it's 10:47...
[SausageAuction7] (10:47:36 PM): well shit
[SausageAuction7] (10:47:39 PM): I'm late already
[SausageAuction7] (10:47:48 PM): (:
[SausageAuction7] (10:47:50 PM): "Kelly, you were an hour late to the auction"
[SausageAuction7] (10:48:01 PM): get the deloreon doc
[SausageAuction7] (10:48:05 PM): 10:53
[SausageAuction7] (10:48:12 PM): get voting
[SausageAuction7] (10:48:12 PM): Merquz
[SausageAuction7] (10:48:15 PM): Merquez
[SausageAuction7] (10:48:36 PM): is that the twist? Merquez was here all along
[SausageAuction7] (10:48:54 PM): OMG
[SausageAuction7] (10:49:15 PM): Steven Merguez is the Santa Clause
[SausageAuction7] (10:49:26 PM): In the franchise reboot
[SausageAuction7] (10:51:55 PM): Leann start writing that screenplay.
[SausageAuction7] (10:51:58 PM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6boT-1YiCA
[SausageAuction7] (10:52:16 PM): no no no
[SausageAuction7] (10:52:48 PM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guCEG0W92hU&autoplay=1
g1nger23 (10:53:19 PM): I'll go tally the votes
g1nger23 (10:53:54 PM): I've got the votes. Once the votes are read the decision is final
g1nger23 (10:54:04 PM): The person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately
g1nger23 (10:54:18 PM): If anyone has a Hidden Immunity Idol and wants to play it, now would be the time to do so....
g1nger23 (10:54:31 PM): .....
[SausageAuction7] (10:54:32 PM): *stands*
g1nger23 (10:54:34 PM): ....
[SausageAuction7] (10:54:42 PM): *fumbles with bag*
[SausageAuction7] (10:54:51 PM): *picture breaks*
[SausageAuction7] (10:55:06 PM): i got one at the auction
[SausageAuction7] (10:55:08 PM): family photo falls out
[SausageAuction7] (10:55:08 PM): continue
[SausageAuction7] (10:55:08 PM): noooooo chet's family
[SausageAuction7] (10:55:11 PM): im still having nightmares about that
g1nger23 (10:55:15 PM): ...
g1nger23 (10:55:19 PM): ..
g1nger23 (10:55:22 PM): .
g1nger23 (10:55:25 PM): No one then
[SausageAuction7] (10:55:27 PM): http://i.imgur.com/IbwaPuv.jpg
g1nger23 (10:55:33 PM): I'll read the votes
g1nger23 (10:55:42 PM): First vote...
g1nger23 (10:55:49 PM): [TODD]
g1nger23 (10:55:53 PM): One vote Todd
[SausageAuction7] (10:55:55 PM): Shocker
g1nger23 (10:56:02 PM): Second vote...
[SausageAuction7] (10:56:04 PM): -1 karma
g1nger23 (10:56:11 PM): [DAVE]
g1nger23 (10:56:15 PM): One vote Todd, one vote Dave
g1nger23 (10:56:25 PM): Third vote...
g1nger23 (10:56:33 PM): [DAVE]
g1nger23 (10:56:42 PM): That's two votes Dave, one vote Todd
g1nger23 (10:56:49 PM): Fourth vote...
g1nger23 (10:56:58 PM): [DAVE]
g1nger23 (10:57:05 PM): That's three votes Dave, one vote Todd
[SausageAuction7] (10:57:08 PM): ;)
g1nger23 (10:57:12 PM): Four votes left
g1nger23 (10:57:25 PM): Fifth vote...
g1nger23 (10:57:33 PM): [DAVE]
g1nger23 (10:57:44 PM): That's four votes Dave, one vote Todd
g1nger23 (10:57:50 PM): Three votes left
g1nger23 (10:57:57 PM): Sixth vote....
g1nger23 (10:58:26 PM): Fourteenth person voted out of Sausage Island 7: HMS Salsus and the fourth member of the Jury
g1nger23 (10:58:29 PM): [DAVE]
[SausageAuction7] (10:58:40 PM): see ya man!
[SausageAuction7] (10:58:44 PM): good game
g1nger23 (10:58:45 PM): Dave, the tribe has spoken
[SausageAuction7] (10:58:56 PM): Farewell... my brave castaways. My work is now finished. Here at last, on the shores of the sea... comes the end of our Fellowship. I will not say, Do not weep... not all tears are an evil.
g1nger23 (10:58:57 PM): *snuffs*
[SausageAuction7] (10:59:13 PM): i guess i ammend my unanimous comment
g1nger23 (10:59:38 PM): *dave sails away into the sunset*
[SausageAuction7] (10:59:51 PM): bye dave, valiant effort!
[SausageAuction7] (11:00:08 PM): me and brett are gonna go mac on some galu babes
g1nger23 (11:00:23 PM): We're down to the final seven! With the end game in sight, it's truly every man for himself now
[SausageAuction7] (11:00:31 PM): Go get laid, dude!
g1nger23 (11:00:32 PM): Grab your torches and head back to camp
g1nger23 (11:00:36 PM): GOODNIGHT!
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Host Lex
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The Bastard
Offline Marker
Reputation: 22
Joined:Dec 5, 2013
Post #2: 12th Feb 2014 12:38 AM 
(Format sucks because I got it from my logs. Will replace later!)
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Host Lex
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The Bastard
Offline Marker
Reputation: 22
Joined:Dec 5, 2013
Post #3: 12th Feb 2014 1:05 AM 
[SausageAuction7] is almost certainly the Sprint player of the season
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