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An Open Letter To The Final Two; also, a few questions
Jamie Newton
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Post #1: 2nd Mar 2014 5:36 PM 
1. Leann: Lives in Chicago and is an engineer.
Kelly: In college and has one sister.
Chet: Has a girlfriend and loves cooking.
Todd: Has his own theater where he puts on improv and musicals, an outlet for his creativity away from the stress of work.
Dreamz: He lives in Ohio and works in sales as a manager.
Dave: He lives in Pennsylvania and is heavily interested in the film industry.
Richard: Is currently going to school to get his masters in social work.
Ciera: A high school student who enjoys theater and flappy bird.
Greg: Drives a truck that has been having problems lately and has invested a lot of money into his vehicle.

Yes, the entire time I was really paying attention to what people said to me and told me because like I said when it is all over all you have are the friendships you’ve built in the game. That’s the best part of the game getting to know people from all around the world who share the same common interest as you. Like I stated in Kelly’s thread - there were some conversations I was not knowledgeable enough about but I had the willingness to learn so I would not derail conversation topics my way every single time because no one wants to speak with someone who is all about themselves 24/7.

2. I had a lot of alliances in this game, with it being one world style and tribes shuffling every so often I knew each and every deal would help progress me as far as I could in the game. I’ll include deals in on this as well.


So yeah I had a bunch of deals/alliances but the deal was that I connected so close to a lot more people than I initially thought on a personal level that it helped them incentivize me as being their best option of moving forward or at least as a personal friend during the game. I don’t regret making them because each deal was made a different time of the game, right after I saved Dreamz over PG, Dreamz though about getting the six person alliance with the Gwads and Todd together and with merge coming near of course I was going to hop on that train because it gave me protection from literally everyone at that point. I was able to assess the best options for myself moving forward, see where everyone stood and gather information from everyone that I could get a pulse on. The deal with John was the VERY first one I made, believe it or not. John was someone I connected with because I could tell he was a lot more docile than my personality allows me to be which made for a great team, opposites attract.

3. A lot of lying that goes down in Survivor is harmless lying in my opinion, none of the lies I told would affect you in your personal life so I don’t see the lies I told as malicious or to inflict harm upon anyone. Lies are told in the game of Survivor to distract your opponent most of the time from what your true goal is at the end of the day, lying if effective throws your opponents completely off the trail and gives you more of a cushion/leverage to attack. Also, with 3 idols being played this season I think it’s no secret that was able on everyone’s minds for a while. My lies WERE strategic. The only lie I regret which I’ll get more into for number four is the most impulsive lie I’ve ever told which was the round were you were voted off Ciera.

4. This is just what I was about to get into during number three. This is definitely the most impulsive lie I made in the game, the only reason I can really tell you why I did it was because I was extremely nervous that Richard played the idol correctly and that I was losing Todd. Todd wasn’t someone I wanted to leave that soon at the merge and our friendship kept growing more and more at that point and you guys targeting Todd just made the whole situation more of a headache for myself so I figured if I told Richard that we voted for him that he would just come out and tell us what he really did with the idol - played it on himself or Ciera. I guess just being impatient that round is something that took over me but that’s the only time I did something like that, I learn from something and take it with me forever. After the round you left Ciera, I felt like I had a great chance of getting to the end or I wouldn’t have voted that specific way if I didn’t think my game would progress closer to the finals. Richard was someone who played these games for 11 years and if he wanted to turn someone a different direction in the game with logic he more than likely could overtime which is why the whole everyone vs. Richard war was something I could not look over and let him slip by. Dave was still an obstacle in my way, he was charming/charismatic and wanted to make moves to get himself to the end which is why he had to go soon after. Dreamz, Kelly and Todd were people in my way at the end because of becoming jury threats. Everyone liked Dreamz and he was a great talker. Kelly didn’t really piss anyone off personally and played a great UTR game while Todd fought for people to stay which made them happy with him even though they ended up leaving. Lastly, Chet was a huge challenge threat in my way and someone who never promised me something important like final 2 when the finals are approaching so he posed a big threat for me too. In Survivor, everyone is an obstacle.

5. OK well lets get this started.

Greg - Greg definitely had the strategic mindset to make something happen but he made shady decisions like sharing information with Ciera without the full intentions of making a move to flip it seemed like. He also wasn’t able to talk to a lot of people on a personal level which definitely hurt his position to have people go along with the moves. I think the small chat annoys Greg but that is what I would advise is to sit through that to get people to trust you initially and then later on you’ll be able to build a more meaningful friendship.

Ciera - You spread yourself way too thin socially in these games, people can sense when you’re messaging them to actually chat or if you’re just messaging them because you have to. Take the time and effort next game to learn about these people or if you don’t want to learn about them then just stay away from them or at least don’t drop hints that make your social game transparent.

Richard - Richard gets hot-headed when someone doesn’t vote the way he does which sometimes can prevent someone from ever wanting to vote that in that direction. Richard isn’t stupid and has played these forever but my advice would be to remember everyone is playing for themselves at the end of the day.

Dave - Dave when wanting to make a big move put his trust in people who were super close with me, Kelly and John both told me about his plan to come after me so I would say his biggest error was feeling like these people were as genuine as flipping as he was. The only advice I would say is to feel people out more before you make a big move especially if you feel like the people you need to flip are associated with both parties.

Dreamz - Dreamz stuck with the information that Richard gave him as f11 that Todd was for sure going home so Dreamz went along with the plan which kind of outcasted him on Richard’s side from there on out. Although Dreamz did not have much to go on I think him not having an ear in on the other side of the people hurt his chances of keeping tabs on all of the plans and being able to go from there some of the times because people would try to leave him in the dark. Only advice would be to have some type of ear open somehow, someway in every sub-alliance that is going on to prevent yourself from voting in the minority.

Todd - Todd’s downfall was also his biggest strength, he went off on people who wronged him in the game which made people uneasy about him but also helped him out because they knew where he stood. I think him being so blunt and in your face, some people couldn’t handle that and just couldn’t trust him anymore because they weren’t used to someone being so honest about their feelings. I think the only advice I can give Todd is to hide your frustration toward a situation if it helps you in the game.

Chet - I think Chet’s biggest downfall in the game was not telling me verbally that he wanted a final 2. I could have flipped the vote anyway that round but Chet only said “we need to go to the end together” which is when we all thought it was a f3. We meaning John as well because we all felt we stood the best shot against each other, he never told me even when it was revealed that it would be a final 2 that he wanted HIM and ME in the final 2 together but he figured that out after the vote so only advice I would say is near the end make sure the person you want in the finals with you knows that.

Kelly - I think not being online as much as the others to built up a rapport with people that were seen as wildcards to build a close enough bond to actually have them consider flipping in the first place. The problem was that the people left in the end were a combination of people Kelly never put stock into earlier in the game compared to other people so the others only saw her as a jury threat and someone they weren’t sure if they could trust or not. All I would say is talk to the wildcards more often since they help, being busy with IRL you can’t really change though!

Leann - Her biggest downfall is going to be weird because it also would have helped her lock up a win if she reached the finals. Leann’s downfall in this game was not lying to people on the way out, being great at immunity challenges and being smart enough to rekindle relationships with people whenever she had to which made her a HUGE threat. Everyone that left thought Leann was literally amazing because she didn’t lie to them on the way out. It made her a huge jury threat and a favorite to take this game. The only thing I would tell Leann to change would to downplay the accusations that come her way and not to leave the cards out on the table.

6. If I was invited back for a Heroes vs. Villains game, I would definitely be cast on the villain tribe. Just because you’re a villain doesn’t mean you don’t form close personal bonds in the game but it represents that you’re willing to put your best foot forward to make damn sure that every move you make is the best for you, yourself. Villains in my opinion tend to be selfish players but have the ability to adapt to whatever given situation and to work with literally anyone for mutual benefit. Whether they hated the person a day earlier or not. Survivor is not a game that prides itself on honesty all the way through and people who are committed to being self-interested players thrive so online reality gamers being villains in games (even not in the malicious sense) is not that rare to see.

7. He played a cleaner game, he didn’t have to really backstab a lot of people along the way to get here. Even when Chet was leaving he would vote for the person who was playing the immunity idol so he didn’t have to make a friend mad or hurt their feelings. He wasn’t too bad at challenges either.

8. I’m awful at remembering the ins and outs of every Survivor season. I just am. I’ll go with something fresh in my mind though and pick Tyson. I think Tyson and myself both were social people willing to speak to anyone and everyone in the game whether it was just about personal stories or the game. We both also have a sense of humor but when it comes to playing the game we are extremely serious about getting to the end and presenting our case to the jury. The whole game people were calling out Tyson for being the biggest threat/snake whatever you want to call him with the same happening to me as people left every tribal council and yet we both made it to the end. Although I didn’t have an idol like Tyson, he didn’t ultimately need one either. He was able to separate his personal feelings with people apart from the game he signed up to win and he had someone in this game who played UTR next to him (Gervase) and they worked pretty well together from beginning to end which relates in my opinion, to my relationship with John.

9. I know my chances right now are 50/50 of winning this game and I hope that just because I had to look out for my best interests in hand just like everyone else did, people won’t be completely pissed off and just want to find anything and everything to nitpick me on. I put my everything into this game, the time and dedication I brought to it allowed me to play it to the best of my abilities and to take a valuable friendship from several of you as the end of the game approaches and I’m proud of that. Even people from the pre-jury have made it known that they would still love to stay in contact with me after the game so that right there makes me feel good that not everyone thinks I’m just some soulless gamebot which is fantastic! I’m proud of how I played the game, I made my own decisions and a lot of the moves like taking out Kathy, PG and Greg I was able to pull off myself without the my f2 partner being there. I also feel like I made less blunders in my game, even if John wants to say I was a huge target over him of course I was but he still received so many more votes that I did this entire game because I had a way of talking to people and in the end playing Survivor how I best thought I could.

10. Jamie :)

Post Edited by Jamie Newton @ 2nd Mar 2014 5:44 PM
Jamie Newton
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Post #2: 2nd Mar 2014 5:55 PM 
Oops I forgot about that one, I knew I was forgetting something. I don't see why you feel like I would lie during the final tribal council, I've been nothing but honest. There was a deal that went into place that involved Kelly, Dave, Ciera and myself which stemmed from the fact that Dave and myself both liked Kelly with Kelly being connected with Ciera and since Ciera was said to be running a "cult" from early on in the game I felt like becoming an alliance member with those 4 would not hurt my game to allow Dave and myself to get closer to the Gwad tribe. My merge actions are still justified though, I did what I had to do to get to the end and call me delusional but I didn't feel like that alliance would have lasted until the four, many others in it didn't think so either which is why everyone inside of the alliance but you voted the same way at f11.

I hope that answers your question.
Jamie Newton
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Post #3: 2nd Mar 2014 6:05 PM 
Ciera Eastin @ 2/3/2014 16:00
No, the reason that I was pissed about you leaving it out of your question was because you denied it as I was being voted out. To me, it looked like you were painting me as some crazy bitch and the alliance between the four of us never existed and you never made a deal with me, etc. You betraying me isn't what pissed me off, I saw that coming. What left a bad taste in my mouth was the fact that you taunted me, tried denying anything bad you had done, and claim that I was making up our alliance. Let's not forget that both times YOU approached me for an alliance yet you had the nerve to throw the blame on me for betraying you. That's what upset me so much.

Ciera denying it when you brought it up as you were being voted out was to protect my own game. I knew you would use anything and everything in your final tribal council post if you had to, to make my game blow up in my face (where you posted about old lugata sticking together). If I were just to point blank say that again as you were leaving you would have probably copy and pasted it in the tribal council thread to paint me out to be someone to watch out for even more so. You posted part of our conversation when you left anyway so denying information that could hurt me in the game was something I had to do. I wasn't playing russian roulette in this game. When I approached you for the sixsome alliance that wasn't even my idea in the first place, Dreamz thought up that idea which I have told you a bunch of times. Just because I was the one who spoke to you about it to inform you doesn't make it my entire concept. But I just didn't feel like admitting to anything as you were leaving the game was a smart plan on my part so I denied which was the safest route for my game.

Post Edited by Jamie Newton @ 2nd Mar 2014 6:06 PM
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