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Hey, bitches, remember me? It's Leisha Fabo!
Jamie Newton
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Joined:Jan 11, 2014
Post #1: 5th Mar 2014 4:36 PM 
1. I felt John and I made the perfect final 2 alliance because we both started off on different tribes during this game which would make a plan of diving and conquering much easier to accomplish. If you have someone you trust 100% in your tribe, that is always great but it’s sometimes more important to branch off to other tribes because you’re able to divide and conquer. I was able to build relationships with people on Lugata and every tribe that I swapped to and John was able to pull in Chet, if either of us were the target we would have information about it because people didn’t see each other as being super close mainly because we never were on a tribe until the merge and I was careful of not throwing his name into the conversation as much until someone mentioned him. I remained this way even in the final three to secure my spot in the finals. John seemed like someone to me who would play the UTR game and I would play a game where I was more socially proactive as I liked being the go-to guy for information or for someone to trust or even go to if someone wanted to make a move which was seen in several instances. I felt like I had the edge over John in every aspect except for people probably wanting to hand him the win because he didn’t piss as many people off. We also voted the same way every single round except for the round Chet left which I became a little annoyed at John for because his vote didn’t matter yet it looked like he was just okay with voting Leann because he wanted to gain some jury favor, by indirectly voting Chet out. Other than that instance John was a perfect final 2 alliance member because he was flexible and I work well with flexible people.

2. I justify my betrayals and lies in a game like Survivor it just being a game and everyone being in it for themselves. If even your closest alliance member had to vote you out or betray you to save your ass in this game, you can’t just expect them not to because you would just be thinking in a selfish manner and without realizing that when you join this game… everyone will be playing for their best interests at hand. The people I had to backstab and the lies I told were done so to get me to the spot I was aiming for the entire time, the spot everyone signed up for and that is to make it to the final two. If I would have lied and backstabbed just to give the PWers entertainment then my lies and betrayals wouldn’t be justified in my mind. To be justified, I feel like they have to be moves that help your individual game and hoping people realize just like you that this is just a game and in the back of my mind I felt like if my emotional state was stable enough to understand people would go against you if it helped their game (like Dave going after me) and that I would talk to these people as friends after the game is all over because at the end of the day it’s just a game! I knew backstabbing people wasn’t to be malicious and it put no harm in their personal lives so the way I look at it, is that I’m just doing what is best for me and thinking everyone is here to play the same way.

3. This was my favorite question!

Play the game of Sausage Island like a porn star
Rock the enemies like a broken bed frame
Socialization and strategy are my objectives for a win
Whip those votes with an iron-fist

Jamie jump in bed with them until you're the one ahead
Jamie jump in bed with them until you're the one ahead
Jamie jump in bed with them until you're the one ahead
Jamie jump in bed with them until you're the one ahead

Play the game to put out their flame
Rock it to the final two
Outwit, Outplay, Outlast, homey!
Rock the small talk to get off the chopping block

Jamie jump in bed with them until you're the one ahead
Jamie jump in bed with them until you're the one ahead
Jamie jump in bed with them until you're the one ahead
Jamie jump in bed with them until you're the one ahead

Play the game as hard as you can even if you take all the blame
Make the crowd of 50 viewers roar like a lion
Take everyone on a strategic joyride
Whip the hell out of this game like you're running an ORG cartel

Jamie jump in bed with them until you're the one ahead
Jamie jump in bed with them until you're the one ahead
Jamie jump in bed with them until you're the one ahead
Jamie jump in bed with them until you're the one ahead

Jamie Newton, the villain of Sausage Island 7

4. Done and done!

5. Dan/Todd/Myself

I loved both Dan and Todd in this game, Todd was someone that even though was ranked last on the original Lugata tribe that I considered to probably be one of the people I connected with the most personally in the game. I didn't want him to leave because of it, it made our connection that much stronger in the game and I knew Todd had a liking for Dan - which I myself had too. We all three came together because of a mutual understanding for one another and to benefit each other's games. Dan got idoled out pre-merge which pretty much just dissolved the alliance of us into a two man team - Todd and myself. I didn't intend of breaking this, it happened by other people's actions and the votes not being split that round to counteract an idol but since I had a final 2 with John that I knew would never vote me out no matter what I obviously had to break the latter half of the deal which included Todd. So I knew I'd have to break free from this, just never knew when because the game switches up every round.


There's no denying the four of us connected together based on how we communicated so naturally in a Survivor game where the power is in numbers we would all make this out of at least self-preservation on each of our behalves. I made this alliance knowing that if I made it to the end with John and if it was not a final three tribal council that I would have to cut a couple of these people loose. So you could say I was in this alliance or 'deal' knowing I would have to break it but there were hardly any alliances that can keep together all the way throughout the end, that's just how this game works. There isn't an unlimited number of spots at the end and we all knew that. I used this to navigate me through the pre-merge portion of the game knowing that I would have to break them if people came at me (Dave) and if people were jury threats (Leann) so you could say I had an intention of breaking it since I had a f2 with John and I felt confident in my game going against John but each and every situation that happens round by round in Survivor can totally throw your game for a pretty crazy turn and you may start distrusting other people and your game plans could very well change. But I'd be lying if I said I planned on sticking to this alliance until the finals because I knew we'd have to eventually start targeting each other.


This alliance was formed because I saved Dreamz and Todd was connected with me in the game because of our close relationship. I knew taking Dreamz to the end would kill my chances at winning because a lot of the Gwad members filled up the jury and seemed bitter on the way out the door and keeping him in the game wasn't my best plan of action that I had the option of choosing from so he had to go. I made this knowing I would have to break it only to have a chance at winning the game.


This was made during the round that Kathy left because the tribes were split 2-2-2 from the original tribes and PG/Chet were a grouping and so were Todd/myself follow by Dreamz/Kathy. I felt like making this alliance would be the best for my game at the time because I was able to knock off a Gwad tribe member who barely lose any numbers at that time and would open the door to being connected with Dreamz more so afterward because I felt like I connected with him better than PG or Chet. I knew I would have to break this alliance because I didn't know Chet enough to fully trust him and like I said I had a final 2 with John which was what I was sticking with the entire time because the first deal I make is something I won't go back on unless I absolutely need to but I picked the person who I felt like would never betray me and would warn me if people were wanting to blindside me.


This was made by Dreamz the round that Greg left the game and I accepted the offer to cover my ass and gather information from both parties to give me a clearer direction of where I needed to work people with to gain the upperhand indefinitely at the merge. I 100% knew I wasn't going to stay loyal to this because they wanted John out and that would have been a dumb decision on my behalf if I went through with it and I knew when the numbers got down to it, Todd and myself would most likely be picked off when they didn't need us any longer. Plus saying no to an alliance in Survivor is one of the biggest mistakes someone could make.


I planned on going to the final 4 with this group but plans kind of shifted because Leann was immune at f6 and I felt like if I kept someone like Kelly in the game it would take the target off my back for being a jury threat. Leann had Todd to work with if left in and leaving Kelly in like I said would reduce the target off my back especially because she wasn't as close with Chet and John in the game. Like I said in a previous statement above, the game chances with more information being brought to you and you have to change your plan accordingly. Chet also never offered me a final 2 like he thought which made me nervous going into this after thinking about it because it would give Chet the chance to make the final 3 if he won immunity and Chet proved to be amazing at endurance challenges and I couldn't risk that. So at the time it sounded like a perfect idea but with everything that went down I didn't feel like it was the best option for me in mind especially because at the time I thought it would be a final 3.


I made this day one and I stuck to it the whole game. He always told me if people were targeting me and never voted against me and pretty much voted with me the whole game so I had no reason to go against it and I didn't. I intended on sticking with this 100%.


This alliance was never ever going to work out. No one really trusted Ciera enough in the group and I knew Kelly/Dave had a connection in the game but I never knew how strong but I always had a feeling that during the mid-merge Kelly trusted me more and we both felt like taking Dave out would help our games, definitely mine because he was targeting me but also Kelly because if it wasn't Dave that round it would have been her or Dreamz. This was made because Kelly/Ciera were seen as friends and Ciera saw Dave/myself as friends and it had the set up of being 2-2 (two Gwads and two Lugatas). I didn't plan on sticking with this but it was nice to have another blanket of security.


This connection was made because I really did love Dreamz in the game and why not help out someone who in return would help you out but this all changed at the f11 when he ended up voting on Richard's side and ended up on the wrong side of the battle. I already had other plans in place that didn't include him and people on my side were wanting his head on a platter and I knew he would be a big jury threat in the end. I definitely made this deal knowing I'd have to break it.


I loved Kelly in this game, she was the outlet that if you wanted to just have a good time you would go to her and bitch about random things, talk about how amazing Gale Weathers is and the like. Definitely someone I had a deal with because of how alike we started to see each other as late into the merge. I knew I would have to break this deal though because Kelly would have had the underdog story going for her in the end and she's too damn likable.


This deal was made early early into the game, right when everyone was on one of the three original tribes. I connected with Leann because I loved her eccentric videos she would send me, she was savvy in the strategic department and she kept me thoroughly entertained throughout the game. I knew she was a jury favorite since the beginning of the merge as the Leann hate started to die down because she was honest with the people she was voting out. I knew I'd have to break this deal if I wanted any shot of taking the title of being the sole survivor.


I knew I would have to break this deal once I saw that Todd was gaining jury favor during the game because he was trying to save people like Richard and Dreamz even at one point and they were loving him and blaming it all on me because he wanted to keep them and I didn't because I didn't feel like keeping them would help me get to the end. I made this deal with intentions of going pretty damn far with Todd but once I started to figure out how he was being perceived he became a threat and I made the deal with John before anyone else so I felt I would be a huge douchebag if I just broke each and every alliance and didn't even have a justification for it like not breaking my final 2 promise that worked out in my favor.


I made this knowing I would have to break it but like I said you're going to have to break some deals to get to the end, even if you have an alliance of 3 and the game is the final 2 and you win the final immunity challenge with your final 3 alliance being in the game you're going to have to screw over someone. It sucks but it's the name of the game. I didn't intend on cutting Dave as soon as I did but that was unavoidable because he started to target me in the game so I had to play defense and get people out who would go against me in the late game and it ended up working in my favor. But I didn't intend on ever taking Dave to the final 2.

Thanks Leann!

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