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Kelly Goldsmith
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Post #1: 12th Jan 2014 12:34 PM 
It’s the first night, not everyone has even checked in yet, and people are already rubbing me the wrong way. Perhaps I am just growing up to be a more cynical person….perhaps I just have a snarky attitude…I don’t know. What I do know is that I am actually pretty picky about the people that I like and actually get along with. One of my biggest pet peeves is pure idiocy. Kathy Vavrick-O’Brien…or should we call her Cathy? Does she know how to spell her name? Anyway, she’s proven herself to be a dumbass and the game hasn’t even started yet.

So what does she do? She posts the wrong AIM sn in the check in thread. Then she posts again, correcting it….with another wrong sn. I’ll just announce now that her sn is kathy.sausage and I know this because she was IMing me. So, kindly, I try to message her and tell her what her correct sn is.

Kelly Goldsmith: (1:09:32 AM) by the way, I just thought I'd let you know that your AIM sn is actually kathy.sausage
Kelly Goldsmith: (1:09:42 AM) so you might want to post that in the check ins instead!
Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien: (1:10:37 AM)
I just did that - lol but now I cant remember my password to link my accounts - I'm too tired

Ummmm, no, you didn’t just do that. What you just did was correct it INCORRECTLY. Like I don’t care if you’re too tired, even I know what my sn is when I’m running low on sleep. And even if I made a typo, I wouldn’t correct it wrong AGAIN. Like the sn she posted isn’t even remotely similar. So like here’s this doofus who could possibly be on my tribe. Like BLAH. If she doesn’t know her sn, how the hell is she going to perform in challenges?! Um, bye. You better hope you’re not on my tribe because then your bags best be packed.

Ugh, I know I shouldn’t be a bitch this early, and I’m going to have to watch my mouth. I put a smile on and continued the rest of the conversation kindly. I’m sure she didn’t pick up on my annoyance with her. Now what I have to refrain from is gossiping about it. I know that it will only cause trouble if I open my big, fat mouth. I have a tendency to come on too strong at first with people. Like I said, I have some pet peeves, and I can be pretty harsh when people don’t really live up to my standards. But this is a social game, and I have to be careful to keep my mouth in check. I’ll be the smiling, unintimidating college student for now. Even if I don’t like someone, I’m not going to start spreading anything. If my strategy is going to work, I can’t let my emotions get the best of me in this game.

I’m sure this game is going to be long and psychologically and emotionally exhausting. I can’t allow myself to lose it before the game even begins. I have to pace myself. So deep breaths, Kelly. I’m hopefully in for a long ride.
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Kelly Goldsmith
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Post #2: 12th Jan 2014 1:11 PM 
Kim @ 12/1/2014 12:47
Africa representing, I love it. Good luck!

Thanks, Kim!!! :)
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Kelly Goldsmith
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Post #3: 12th Jan 2014 1:19 PM 
I suppose I should take note of the people I have talked to thus far.


Well, we all know how I feel about her. I am talking to her again today, and it is going smoothly. She always starts off the conversation weird...like some random thing about the game that she probably IMs every single person. However, the conversation doesn't seem pushed, which is nice. I doubt there will be anyone totally socially inept in this game.


Leann IMed me today. The conversation is flowing nicely. Everything is small talk at this point, of course. She seems nice, but nothing really impressed me about our conversation. She seems like she'll be a decent competitor though. She could be the type who will fly under the radar for a while. But like I said, everything is small talk. I'm sure her true colors will come out later.


My favorite person thus far. Our conversation was so interesting and fun! The quote in his siggy -- that came from our conversation. :) He is most definitely someone I can see myself working with. I really hope he ends up on my tribe.




She just IMed me. She started the conversation by saying how she got a new haircut. That is definitely something different and unique that no one else uses as a conversation starter. The girl seems fun! I can definitely see her being a social threat!


He seems faker than press-on nails, to be honest. With all of his hearts, giggles, and pretending to be interested in every single thing that I said....blah. I don't trust him. He's just going to be fake. So if people fall for his bullshit, he is definitely someone to watch out for.
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Kelly Goldsmith
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Post #4: 12th Jan 2014 1:56 PM 


responds with only a few words each time. I was the one really forcing the conversation and keeping it going. Socially, he's not the best. He was boring.


She seems fun, but she took a while to respond each time. She was probably talking to a bunch of people at once.

I'm still getting the best first impression of Ciera! Love her! But she's probably giving a great impression to everyone, so she's someone to really look out for!!

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Kelly Goldsmith
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Post #5: 12th Jan 2014 3:50 PM 
Malcolm Freberg @ 12/1/2014 14:20
Totally rooting for you <3 Best of luck!

Aw, thanks!!! I'll try my best not to let you down!!! :)
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Kelly Goldsmith
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Post #6: 12th Jan 2014 7:14 PM 
Vecepia Towery @ 12/1/2014 18:57
Excited to watch you play! Good luck sista! :)

Thanks, girly!!
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Kelly Goldsmith
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Post #7: 13th Jan 2014 1:59 PM 
Jonas @ 13/1/2014 13:33
Rooting for you as well. Always playing blonde girls

Hahah I didn't even realize that!!! Thank you, Justin! :)
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Kelly Goldsmith
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Post #8: 13th Jan 2014 2:22 PM 
So AIM has been pretty quiet so far this afternoon. Is it sad that I'm getting paranoid when the game hasn't even begun? Like did I not make a good first impression on people so now they don't want to talk to me?? :concerned: I know I'm overthinking things. Oh my god, this game is already getting to my head.
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Kelly Goldsmith
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Post #9: 13th Jan 2014 7:22 PM 
Kelly Goldsmith: (7:13:46 PM) hey, Greg!!

Greg Buis: (7:14:55 PM) greg jackson is shaking in his boots and is pissing his pants right?

Kelly Goldsmith: (7:15:41 PM) i do not know who Greg Jackson is, unfortunately. ^.^

Greg Buis: (7:16:35 PM) Oh well, I'm 18 and located in manhattan. I'm a girl ^.^ just an fyi, but we'll discount that for now. I do know is that greg kasavin worked on that for a day it's acceptable, but not who I am.

Kelly Goldsmith: (7:17:20 PM) ahh you live in manhattan? so jealous!

Greg Buis: (7:18:31 PM) if it's northwestern indiana or western indiana you're moving to manhattan like your picture better.

WTF? I DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU. Am I an idiot or does this guy not make any sense? I don't even know how to respond right now.

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Kelly Goldsmith
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Post #10: 13th Jan 2014 7:42 PM 
Kelly Goldsmith: (7:28:36 PM) are you excited for the game to start?

Greg Buis: (7:30:15 PM) Such a nice game to just dislike the idea of you getting blown to bits in the talmud, tractate berachot, second part is devoted to it. Start marking out and shit but for some reason are market anarchists or at least have the balls to say fuck it?

Kelly Goldsmith: (7:35:28 PM) haha i think i'm just gonna try my best!! i feel like the challenge is gonna be super hard

Greg Buis: (7:41:28 PM) Just be like a dumb idea after i started fapping and shouting IRENE IRENE!! I moved out my parents house "to pursue a career in the mid-card, but he'll feel hurt that she threw herself at me, I'm gonna try complete 2012 since I've heard a lot is just worrying about it!

Okay, I'm not sure why this guy is trolling me. Apparently he isn't doing it for anyone else. I'll just stop trying now.
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