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Kelly Goldsmith
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Post #1: 3rd Feb 2014 12:23 AM 

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My reaction to Ciera leaving.

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Kelly Goldsmith
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Post #2: 5th Feb 2014 2:37 AM 
I will write a long update tomorrow! Sorry, it's been a longgg week!!
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Kelly Goldsmith
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Post #3: 5th Feb 2014 4:29 PM 
What a rollercoaster last round was, eh? I honestly was hoping that alliance of 6 was going to work out. It would've put me in the most amazing position ever. Sadly, it was not meant to be. I knew it was too good to be true. So I felt very stuck in the middle. It was rough because I didn't want to lose my allies in Ciera and Rich. Even if they were bossy schemers, they would not have turned against me any time soon. In fact, they both talked endgame with me. I wanted them around. The numbers just were not there. They played way too aggressively, and I had to cut ties with them. There was no other way for me to survive unscathed. So now here I am, and I seriously have to step up my social game with Chet, Leann, and John because they are total wildcards in my book because I just don't have a close relationship with them. So that's next on my list.

It turns out I don't like Richard (Tim Obmann). Now that Jamie revealed his true identity to me, I decided to use that as a way to get Jamie to trust me. The truth is, I don't care that Rich is Tim. Even if we have a crappy history, he doesn't know that I know it's him. And I think he would be loyal to me. But like I said, I have to separate myself from him at this point. So I've talked shit. It's just what I have to do at this point.

So hopefully Richard is going this round in kind of an easy boot. It almost seems TOO easy, which makes me like super nervous. But apparently he is scrambling like crazy, so hopefully no one bites. I know he is probably upset with me. I could have told him to use his idol on Ciera and clue him in. But that would've just made me a target. And the numbers just weren't there. Besides, idoling out Todd would've been pointless. Like if Jamie wasn't immune and I was able to pull of that blindside, then possibly. But sticking my neck out to get Todd out just didn't make any sense at the time.

Moving forward, I'm going to just try to build my social connections and look for some cracks. I know they have to be there. People can't be expecting to just take Jamie to the end. Um no, that would be idiotic. I already talked to David about the possibility of having to make a move and soon. Final 9 and Final 7 will be the pivotal points to really pull something. It is time to pull off the sheep outfit and show them I'm a wolf. I just have to make sure the timing is perfect. :)
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Kelly Goldsmith
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Post #4: 5th Feb 2014 5:03 PM 
Jamie Newton: (5:02:37 PM) richard is a CANCER
Jamie Newton: (5:02:42 PM) he has todd pussy-whipped it's sad
Kelly Goldsmith: (5:02:50 PM) he's like the definition of a malignant tumor
Jamie Newton: (5:02:59 PM) LMAO I KNOW.
Jamie Newton: (5:03:09 PM) We need Laura to come remove it, she's probably a super super smart surgeon!
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Kelly Goldsmith
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Joined:Jan 11, 2014
Post #5: 5th Feb 2014 5:04 PM 
I'm actually hoping that Laura goes and Rich stays. It opens up some options for me that I definitely will try to explore.
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