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Richard Hatch
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Post #46: 14th Feb 2014 11:39 PM 
I don't think Leann has done anything though. I don't think she can take credit for anything. She'd have to make a really strong argument for her to get my vote. She didn't play a good social game, IMO. She ignored people she had no interest in. She was a parrot and just told Jamie everything.

Honestly, if Jamie wasn't such an arrogant prick he would deserve the win. However, since he's so full of himself he totally neglected and purposely antagonized the people that would end up on the jury.
Richard Hatch
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Post #47: 14th Feb 2014 11:42 PM 
Had Leann taken the opportunity to take Jamie out this round I think I would have put as a contender to win. She's just a less social Todd though.
Ciera Eastin
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Post #48: 14th Feb 2014 11:42 PM 
Leann could have been Jamie's Natalie White if she was more social, I agree completely. The best part about this final 6 is that the next person who enters is going to get THRASHED.
Ciera Eastin
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Post #49: 14th Feb 2014 11:43 PM 
Nah Leann isn't like Todd. Todd is so cocky, you can see it in his votes. And like...dude, you haven't done a single thing. Leann at least acknowledges the fact that she's been trying to play a very low key game. Todd likes to take credit for things he didn't even do.
Richard Hatch
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Post #50: 14th Feb 2014 11:44 PM 
My worst scenario is Jamie v. John. I want to puke just typing it.
Richard Hatch
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Post #51: 14th Feb 2014 11:45 PM 
Yeah, you're right, Ciera. Todd was always very condescending when he talked to me now that I think about it.
Ciera Eastin
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Post #52: 14th Feb 2014 11:46 PM 
Whoever loses is just going to cry "bitter jury" but it's not like that at all. Hell yeah I'm pissed that these people could have made moves, hell yeah I'm pissed I was lied to for no reason, but that's not even why I won't vote for Jamie. He was unnecessarily arrogant and rude to the people he was voting out and that's bad gameplay.
Richard Hatch
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Post #53: 14th Feb 2014 11:50 PM 
Yeah, all of the people left (excluding Kelly) did a HORRIBLE job handling the jury. Like, it is fine that you vote people off, but you need to do it in a way that they want to vote for you. You have to kiss their ass and play the politics of it all.

These people fall into three categories (Besides Kelly again)

1) An arrogant prick
2) Everything ever said to me was an elaborate unnecessary lie
3) Completely ignored me
Richard Hatch
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Post #54: 14th Feb 2014 11:53 PM 
At this point what is your list of how you'll vote?

I'm at Kelly > Leann > Todd > Chet > John > Jamie
Ciera Eastin
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Post #55: 14th Feb 2014 11:55 PM 
Leann > Kelly > Chet > John > Jamie > Todd
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Post #56: 15th Feb 2014 12:02 AM 
Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your beers.

Seriously, i need to get fucked up

Ciera Eastin
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Post #57: 15th Feb 2014 12:03 AM 
What happened?
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Post #58: 15th Feb 2014 12:09 AM 
I don't have alot of time tonight, but ill be glad to fill everyone in on what the fuck's been going down in there tomorrow.

Once i found out i was leaving tonight i really blew some shit up, Jamie's been puppetmastering everyone this game, including myself for alot of it. I honestly think he's played the best game so far but i really want to see him leave next just because he fucked me pretty hard.

I made a last ditch effort to get him taken out tonight but at the very least i hope i got people to see that Jamie's been running the show and that he needs to leave ASAP.

Kelly's next unless she wins immunity. Todd will never sway from Jamie no matter what and he actually got pissed at me earlier when he realize how Jamie's been manipulating everyone. John's not even really playing and Chet's gotten lucky at a couple immunities or else he'd be as bad as John.

Leann has a hidden immunity necklace but i made sure that everyone knows about it before i left too, so hopefully that can cause some chaos. Out of everyone left, i would like to see Kelly win for personal reasons, but Leann probably has played the best game other than Jamie.

There's still lots of season left, so I'm excited to see how this plays out.

Ciera Eastin
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Post #59: 15th Feb 2014 12:11 AM 
This is a preemptive message to all future jurors: I told you so.

I'm sorry you're here, Dreamz, but at least you didn't go out quietly.
Richard Hatch
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Post #60: 15th Feb 2014 12:11 AM 
How does Leann have an idol?
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