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Episode 11
Nick Maiorano
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Post #1: 9th Jun 2016 2:16:57 AM 
Nothing has happened so far this round game wise but I've been working on improving some personal relationships because, as last round showed, I need to be a better social player if I want any chance at winning. I talked to a lot of people yesterday who I really haven't had much of a chance to talk to and took yesterday as an opportunity to build bonds. Today has pretty much been the same as well as the challenge.


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I had a great conversation with Neal following tribal results after Alina got booted where we basically joked around a bunch. He seems like a really funny guy and pretty easy to get aLóng with. Yesterday he was feeling pretty under the weather but I still made sure to reach out to him and carry a few Shórt conversations whenever he was around and not resting to feel better.

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I reached out to Hunter some more. Conversation flows really easily with him and we continued to bond over a lot of similarities. He's a really funny guy as well which helps like it does with Neal. Our convo was a little on and off but he's still one of my more favorite people to talk to.

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Liz reached out to me and it was a pretty good conversation. I feel like we're both making the effort with each other and really attempting to like each other but sometimes it's just hard. She's quirky which I can usually get aLóng with well enough but she doesn't really say anything incredibly interesting. She just puts a spin on it but that only goes so far. I like hearing about what she's up to and I'm trying to make her feel comfortable with me but it's a little tough.

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Continues to be really boring and impossible to connect with. On two separate occasions, she answered with "ooooooooh" and "LMFAO" with nothing else. I just have no idea how to respond to one word and even calling those words is a stretch. People seem to have good things to say about her but I don't trust her too much strategically because I don't know where her head truly is (and never did) and I don't even like talking to her that much no matter how much I try.

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I REALLY put in the effort with Rachel yesterday because I don't like not being able to connect with somebody, especially someone who is probably in a good spot with my allies and one who I should be close to. She was a little better to talk to and gave me a bit to work with but she still seems pretty boring overall. She just focuses on the most random things that I say and it doesn't seem like she always understands my responses. Nevertheless, I think I made progress with her yesterday and I can keep doing so the more I reach out to her.

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I really love Rita. Our conversation flowed really well and lasted for a while. We were able to talk about a bunch of different things like food and TV which are usually pretty easy things to bond over. She gives me ample room to respond and keeps the conversation interesting. I feel like I'm learning a bit about her too which is a sign that she's keeping me interested. I would love to be able to work with Rita once I've built a solid enough foundation with her.

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He reached out to me later in the night and we had a great conversation as always. He's really grown on me and, while I still feel he can be boring at times, he's a really solid guy and he seems loyal based on last round. I think we can have a bit of a bro down for a bit which I'd be a fan of. We're able to flow the conversation well enough and bond over a couple of different topics. I wish I could get a little closer to him but I don't know what I can do to bring us there. I think we need to vote together for a few rounds and that will probably do the trick.

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He was the last person to reach out to me for the night and our conversation didn't last too Lóng because of it but it was definitely the best convo I've had with him thus far. He seemed more invested in moving the conversation aLóng and talking about interesting topics. I still don't feel like Kenny is an option for much of anything in the game but bonding with him is still a good idea.

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Easily my favorite conversation yesterday and one that lasted pretty much all day. I really really love Jenna and I'm not surprised because she has that same conversational ability that made me love her pre-tribes. We were able to flow the conversation very easily and just talk about random topics, most of which I don't even remember, but she still kept it interesting and funny. I think I'm finally making the impression I wanted to make because she seems to be enjoying our conversations too but I obviously can't be too sure.

That concluded yesterday. Again, no game conversations whatsoever. Just a bunch of talks in order to improve relationships and I think it worked for most of these people. Today I was busy until around mid-afternoon but most people don't log on until around then anyway. More talks that were kept on a personal level and still no game. I feel like most of the game stuff will happen tomorrow regarding the vote and I'm hoping that these two days of improving relationships will help me to be kept in the know by multiple people and to not be targeted this round.


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Liz was one of the first people to reach out to me today. She pretty much just said that she wouldn't be around a ton today but wanted to check in. We had some boring small talk which has become the norm with Liz before she logged off. I still get the feeling that she wants a relationship with me but I've yet to understand why because I couldn't have made much of an impression on NuMushu and our conversations recently have gotten nowhere. It may be jury management but idk. Either way, nothing too exciting here.

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More of the same with Rachel. She messaged me and we had a nice talk but it just doesn't go anywhere. We dance around the same uninteresting topic for a bit, she takes forever to respond, and the conversation is disjointed and pointless. I've made an effort to connect with her this round despite all that so hopefully she is willing to work with me in terms of the vote but I don't see our personal relationship going anywhere soon.

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Rita continues to surprise me each day. It's rare that I connect with someone this well in a game but she's yet to hit a day where our conversation doesn't flow which is more than I can say about literally all of this cast I'm pretty sure. There are rocky moments but that's natural. It's never to the point where I want to stop talking or where the conversation feels like it's in the ground. Rita is a really cool person and I've enjoyed getting to know her. I'd love to be able to work with her to some capacity just because of this bond and it would also be a good sign for me that she reciprocates. I think I've made the effort I've needed to with her for a couple of days and so I'm hoping it goes somewhere.

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I can't get a solid read on Jenna. One day I feel like she's amazing and I love her and she's the easiest person to talk to ever and while I still feel like that's the case, our conversation just didn't flow as easily today. There were points where it felt like it should naturally end and the switching of topics was weird and disjointed. I think it was just an off day and will get better again tomorrow but I hope we can be a little more consistent. Like Rita, I actually hope I can work with her in some capacity because she's really awesome and I connect well with her.

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He messaged me right before we both did the challenge. We caught up a bit which is nice but the conversation didn't go very far before he basically just bailed on it. He's still a good ally but talking to him is a bit cumbersome which I don't like.

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We started talking around the time of challenge results and had our usual talk that was semi-interesting, flowed well enough, lasted a few hours albeit with slow responses on his part, and had a good vibe about it. I trust Jeremiah a lot after last round and I think I'm in a good spot with him. He's actually one of the few people I feel like I've built a personal connection with so I just keep trying to strengthen that in any way I can. He's a really nice guy and not everyone in these is an amazing talker so I don't hold anything against him for not always flowing a conversation well. Hoping there's good things in our future.

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My conversation with Hunter today wasn't anything too special. He was nice as always and I feel like we still connect well but I didn't feel like it flowed as well and got boring at times. Like Jenna, I think our relationship and talks could have a little more consistency to them but also like her, I don't hold a bit of boringness or a slow convo against him. I like him a lot and I'm hoping we'll end up working together. Of all the people I've said that about, he seems the most likely due to his Mushu connection with Hope and Woo.

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I congratulated him on his challenge win and that started a conversation that lasted for a good amount of the night. He was funny as always and we talked a bit more about our lives and TV and Big Brother so I feel like I'm getting to know him a bit more. He was one of my main concerns this round because he did almost vote for me last round but I think I've dealt with any potential issue that was there and have talked to him enough that he feels comfortable with me. I do actually like him a lot (more than some of my allies tbh) but I just don't know if the foundation or potential is there for us to realistically work together. If anything, it means I have other targets before him.

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We didn't talk yesterday which didn't bother me too much then I reached out to her tonight and while she was sweet as always, she wasn't giving me a lot to work with and almost seemed kinda withdrawn. I still like her a lot and she went busy on AIM soon after dropping our convo so maybe she's just got things going on but I hope our conversations go back to how good they used to be and we can keep our connection going.

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Messaged me late like always I'm pretty sure because of his time zone but it means I don't invest too much in the conversation before going to bed. He was pretty boring like usual, not a bad conversation but it doesn't last Lóng or branch out too much beyond a topic or two. I just don't connect with Kenny for whatever reason.

And then of course the challenge. I started it close to the deadline so that I wouldn't have to go for that much time and because I procrastinated to that point. I didn't want to put in too much effort because I knew realistically I couldn't win and honestly I didn't think I needed to. This challenge was a bit too complicated for me and I didn't want to spend a lot of time doing endurance, especially since I had a busy morning. Luckily, the challenge didn't last Lóng at all and I went until I couldn't anymore which was the cutoff anyway funnily enough. I thought I went 50 minutes but I only got 20 minutes so I must've made a mistake somewhere. It's probably better that way anyway because I'm pretty sure I'm safe this round and that way I don't get a target for challenge wins before I actually need to start winning. My target for the round is Kenny mainly because I've connected least with him in the cast, we've talked the least despite him having more time to talk to me than most due to us being dragons, and he's just not on the same side of this game as me. With this many people left, it's important to find a boot that I'm ok with that I can also get the majority on board with. From what I've heard, Kenny is boring to a lot of people and not too many people are particularly close to him so I think I could vote him out with few issues. I also want to make sure he isn't voting for me because of this merge idol being a thing and potentially 2 more still out there from the premerge. Anyway, that's all for now. I'll update tomorrow with more game-oriented talk but I thought I should go over what's happened the past few days.
Nick Maiorano
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Post #2: 9th Jun 2016 9:42:47 PM 
Hi it's me.

I don't think many of the viewers know who I am or what I'm capable of when I get angry but let's just say Kenny, Liz, and Neal don't realize the beast they've awoken. Kenny is going to wish he had gone home this round. I wanted to really be as passionate about this game as I have about others in the past and this certainly did it. So for those of you who don't know me, you're about to see a side of me that hasn't come out in a while.

For those of you who do know me, Iceman is back.
Nick Maiorano
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Post #3: 10th Jun 2016 11:57:14 PM 
Episode 11: The Return of Iceman

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This round started out like any other. Treemail was posted following the Alina boot and, with her out of the game, I had a new lease on life. Like with most treemail days, things were pretty uneventful to start the round. I basically just decided to have a few talks to try to improve my social standing and get to know some of the people I haven't been able to talk regularly better. I've already touched on this so I'll just categorize them briefly.

People I Am Closest To and Didn't Really Talk to Much

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People Who I Already Liked and Liked More due to Convo

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People Who Made Me Like Them More due to Convo

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People Who Did Not Really Change My Opinion

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People Who Made Me Like Them Less

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The challenge got posted that night and it seemed like a really complicated endurance challenge. It was nice that so much was involved in the sense that it ensured that no one could realistically go for hours with it but it sucked in that it made it a really hard challenge but still one I had to dedicate time to. I actually felt pretty safe going into this round because, even though Alina targeted me a shit ton the round before, no one buying it and my allies ultimately winning out on numbers made me feel like I could slide back into a decent position. Plus, I had worked on improving my relationships with anybody who was iffy last round in terms of voting for me so I didn't think I should be targeted. I really didn't want to spend much time on the challenge because of this and so I pretty much just sat down before deadline and finished it up. I thought I went for 50 minutes but made a mistake and avoided a target I would've gotten myself by accident. So that was nice. I still felt pretty secure and like it should be a relatively easy boot this round. I had talked to some more people the day of the challenge but nothing really changed. Jenna, Rita, and Hunter were still awesome to talk to, Jeremiah and Neal were solid, Rachel and Liz were boring, and Kenny was annoying. Nothing new. Woo actually reached out to me and we managed to catch up before we both went to do the challenge so it's nice to have him check in. Hope was giving me weird vibes because she wasn't really talking as much as usual but I didn't chock it up to much and let it go.

This is where I really took the round into my hands. Like during the Alina boot, everyone was being really indecisive about the vote. Everyone in this cast is really afraid of the smallest amount of visibility. I get why, especially with a cast this large. Even the smallest thing can make you stand out and an easy target. But it also doesn't distinguish you at the end when you can't say you did anything other than spread a vote you heard from a few people around that ended up being unanimous. I really wanted Kenny out because the guy is more boring than a history class (sorry history fans), is almost never around, and is a number for OG Anaira if that were to ever become a thing. I thought I could easily swing the vote in that direction as well. And I also knew that if I waited until the last minute, somebody else's name could easily start spreading last minute that wasn't Kenny's and, even worse, it could be mine. I had already told Jaison and Hope about my intentions and they were informing Woo. So I decided to breach the subject with Hunter. I just mentioned that I don't talk to Kenny a ton or really see him around much. He actually agreed which was good. I started with him because I felt like he was the easiest person to sway in my direction due to his OG Mushu connection to my allies as well as how we were getting pretty close. Idk if he actually didn't like Kenny or was just agreeing with the first name he heard but now numbers were forming which meant I could take it to other people.

Natalie came around briefly. We had our Shórt small talk before jumping right into the topic of the vote. She REALLY wanted an OG Anaira out due to them having the most numbers left which I obviously agreed with. She said she didn't have a preference so I suggested Kenny which she was perfectly fine with. That was 6 and almost a majority. I had already danced around the topic of the vote with Rita, Jenna, Jeremiah, and Rachel, almost all of whom I told I would message once I heard a name. So I went back to Jenna first and we had both heard a name at about the same time apparently (lol). I had asked her before who she talked to least and said Natalie but, once I said Kenny, she agreed so she was fine with Kenny going. I was a little nervous about her and Rita because of the OG Anaira stuff and not knowing how close they are. But Jenna really did seem to respond well and said she barely talks to the guy and is more than ok with it. Rita responded in similar fashion, saying that he doesn't really reach out much to her and that she's fine with him going. I reached out to Rachel next and she said that she thought he was a nice guy but that she was fine with it for sure if majority was headed there. This was perfect. I had basically organized this vote and to be able to say you controlled a vote with this many people left at FTC can be huge. That was 9 votes and an easy majority. All that was left to do was to tell Jeremiah.

This is when things started to get weird. I was about to eat dinner so I quickly told him that I had heard Kenny's name spreading and that was probably where the vote would end up. Rather than a "that makes sense" like I had gotten from everyone else, he asked why. I sensed danger and told him that I had heard it was because he doesn't talk much which I kinda agreed with. I also said that we could try to switch if it made him uncomfortable but that it was spreading. After a pause, he said he agreed and was fine with it. Shortly after, Jaison told me that Natalie told him that Kenny had heard his name but was blaming Hope. THEN, Jenna told me that she had heard my name going around now last minute because Kenny had found out. Regardless of who he was targeting, it was obvious he found out. I was quick to blame Jeremiah but then he was going into a talk about how he's trusted me from the beginning and really wants us to go far and that our dragon group will stay strong without Kenny. He could have been lying but I just don't know if he has the skill to be able to do so. Anyway, my fears started to shift now to if Kenny had an idol. I knew he didn't have the ability to shift the vote on to me but, if he had an idol, he, Liz, and Neal could deflect any vote I might throw and boot me. I was a bit paranoid to Jaison, Jeremiah, and even Hunter a bit but ultimately decided not to throw my vote. I had a bad feeling but was going to hope for the best.

When I read tribal results, I got furious. I was sure that Kenny had just booted me with an idol singlehandedly. I didn't bother to scroll through slowly like I normally do because I knew the only vote that would matter would be the last 1-3 (depending on whether or not Liz and/or Neal voted with Kenny). I was fully expecting my name to come up but I was shocked to see Jaison's. He was definitely the bigger threat between us, as proven by how many people lamented his boot to me after the fact. But I just don't think that could have been the reason, especially since Jenna told me later that Neal had tried to put the vote on me but would never have gotten the support. Like if you're playing an idol you don't need support? I don't know what the ulterior motive to taking out Jaison was or if it really was just that, at the surface level, he was a bigger threat. I also don't know how involved, if at all, Jeremiah, Jenna, and Rita were. Was it an OG Anaira thing or are those 3 now truly on the bottom? All I knew was that I was furious and that this wouldn't go unpunished. Jaison was my closest ally. This was a vote I organized. And everything was coming crashing down because of some bullshit idol found by the most påpãyä guy left in the game. Absolutely not. I wasn't going to let that scum win. They got one victory, one battle won, one round survived. But they had done far from win the war.

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Something was awoken in me last night that I haven't felt in a while, one year to be exact (which I just realized today). I'm really angry about everything that happened and I'm really angry about how confident those three idiots feel right now. But this isn't about anger or a temper. If I fall victim to that, I won't be levelheaded. I won't be able to think in my cold, calculated way. And I won't be able to figure out exactly how to defeat those three in the most humiliating way possible. No, if I want to come out on top of all this when it's said and done, I need to be ruthless. I can't feel anything. I can't celebrate, rage, complain, sympathize, feel bad, or enjoy anything. All that will do is cause me to make a mistake. I'm not just playing for me anymore. Now I'm playing for Jaison who was a dear friend and who I won't forget. And I will not let him down. I've been weak lately. I've fallen victim to the fact that these are people. And I've come to like them, to talk to them, to befriend them. But all that does is leave me vulnerable. I must remember my roots. They are not people, not players, not adversaries. Only chess pieces, numbers in my own grand game of chess. Minds vulnerable for manipulation. Avatars on my computer screen that I must vanquish and use at my own discretion. I will not be the weak man I have become. I will demolish all, annihilate anyone or anything in front of me.

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I have played by my own rules too long, allowed myself to make relationships, to consider these people friends. I have let my real life influence my game and the way that I play it. That ends now. These people were his allies, my allies. But none of them could see what was coming. None of them were smart enough to anticipate the idol play like I was. It left us open for an attack and those assholes took advantage. I can't let stupidity win out anymore. I may not be able to win the game on my own at F12 but I can certainly lead an army. I made the mistake of forgetting that chess pieces can't think for themselves. I have to be their brain. And I will be. Stupid mistakes end here. And feeling bad ends here as well. If I'm going to enter a war, then I must remember that people fall. I shall not care but it won't be because we were too stupid to anticipate an idol play. I will have none of this.

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I don't know who was truly responsible for this and frankly I don't care. They'll all perish. If I can't figure out what role the other Anaira members played in that vote, then I'll assume treason and treat them as such. Better to assume an enemy and be wrong than a friend. Besides, I don't really care how ruthless it is. They'll fall just the same, it's just a question of if they'll get an honorable defeat or the same one I plan to serve the sewer rats who wrote Jaison's name last round. No more attempts at sympathy. That shit ends here. They'll be defeated just the same.

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This isn't about having fun. This is strictly business so why care about facts and numbers or decisions. I'm not voting people out of a game. I'm removing chess pieces from the board when I tire of them. I'm eliminating targets when it's their time to go. I will be judge, jury, and executioner and I will answer to no one but myself. Pawns can't be relied on. They're just pieces of plastic. So I'll ensure my own safety every round and worry no more. Paranoia and fear are but more feelings that will only get in the way. They too must be eliminated. If I am to win and vanquish and defeat, then I must no longer FEEL anything. And I have no other option but to win.

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Take your last look at Nick because he won't be here anymore soon enough. Nick struggled to eliminate people he bonded with. Nick was worried every round about votes and idols. Nick allowed an ally to go home through his own ignorance. Nick was defeated. But this was a second chance. A wake-up call. An opportunity to do what is right, to be there in time, to avenge Jaison and even his former self. Nick wanted passion. Nick wanted motivation. Nick wanted a purpose. Well, here it is. But this time Nick won't be there to make a mistake, to let his guard down, to be vulnerable.

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Kenny, Neal, and Liz will not stand in my way and neither will anybody else. They will all be systematically targeted, defeated, and wiped out. I cannot be a clueless chess piece like my "opponents." I must become superhuman, find that side of me once again. An animalistic, cold-blooded machine with no other purpose or desire than to police and win this game. This is their fault, they did this, they unleashed this upon themselves. And I sure as hell won't feel bad for them, even if I could anymore. Nick is no more, extinguished for the same weakness that the rest will pay for. He is just the first of those who will crumble. Oh but who am I then? Well, the only being that is left of course. The one who will obliterate this cast and walk to the end of this game like it's nothing. I am...

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Jaison didn't deserve to go. Kenny doesn't deserve to still be here. And I'll make sure he and his little runt friends are aware of that. I will not be defeated in the same way that they did to Jaison and like they think they can do to me. I will not feel bad. I will not feel happiness or anger. I will not feel fear. I will not feel. I'm smarter than everyone else in this game and I'm about to show it to them the hard way. Everything I'm about to do in this game is for Jaison and I hope he laughs at them all as they join him on the jury one by one. If they wanted to start a war by voting out a good friend, then they certainly have one now. I'm not going to go out without making them pay for this round. Iceman is fucking back and it's about time. This is the reckoning. As I said one year ago from today, this is just a business trip. And make no mistake about it, Iceman will come out on top.
Jaison Robinson
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Post #4: 10th Jul 2016 7:58:22 AM 
This is the best thing I have ever read.
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