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Ice City; Things Just Got Chilly
Nick Maiorano
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Post #1: 5th Jul 2016 11:37:13 PM 

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Hello finalists! As mayor and president, allow me to welcome all of you as well as the jurors and any prejurors reading to Ice City. I am going to be pretty direct here and say that I didn’t play this game with many emotions. Sure a few people managed to thaw out my cold heart temporarily but I was ultimately always doing what was best for me. I was cold and calculated so my jury speech will be no different. I don’t want to hear about any of your emotional decisions or how you ~felt~ throughout the game. I don’t want to see any self-pity or fakeness (you know who you are). I want to hear about your gameplay and the moves you made so let’s be very honest and open here if you want my vote. I’ll start with the honesty. This is probably going to be the harshest speech that you guys have to endure because I don’t feel like any of you deserve my jury vote. That doesn’t mean that none of you deserve to win the game because those 2 things are very different. But I have to cast my vote how I am comfortable doing so and right now my choices are someone who ignored me for 2 weeks (6 rounds) of the game, someone who led me on for 24 hours for LITERALLY NO REASON the day of my boot, and someone who by all accounts didn’t play the game whatsoever. This vote is difficult for me to cast and I am going to be VERY honest about why, what I think, and what I want to know. It’s important that you are just as honest with your answers and talk openly about your gameplay, not try to create narratives that don’t exist or go on Lóng and meaningless emotional rants. Thank you finalists. I’ll start by addressing you each individually and then I’ll ask questions at the end for you all to answer. In addition to the questions, please feel free to clarify or argue anything I say when I address you. I like to be proven wrong if I am so feel free to further explain or whatever anything I say.


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I made this graphic the round of the Jaison boot. From that early on you were my #1 target and I wanted you out immediately. I wanted you, Kenny, and Liz to pay for idoling out Jaison. He was a close ally and a good friend who I felt deserved to be in the game over any of the three of you. I got right on it by eliminating Kenny the following round and you were supposed to be next. But my Anaira allies (Jenna, Jeremiah, and Rita) decided they would rather use you and Liz as swing votes to target Mushu. I didn’t want to do this and came up with another plan. My goal that round was after you promised both sides you’d vote with them to throw you under the bus, turn the vote back on you, and you would go. But you outsmarted me that round and only promised one side, the correct side too imo. From there, I was never in a position where you could go. Mushu refused to turn on you during the Jenna boot, I couldn’t get Natalie to flip last minute during the Hunter boot, you had immunity during the Hope boot, you flipped Rachel during the Natalie boot, and by the time my boot rolled around you had positioned yourself well enough that you were basically a lock for the end.

As you can see, my issue with voting for you does NOT stem from your gameplay. You played this game well, better than most (if not all) other players to be honest. You can point to big moves you made very easily which is something the other two finalists struggle with. On a purely strategic level, you would have my vote 100%. But I have issues with voting for you that stem from your social game as well as some circumstances that make me question your merit in getting here. I’m going to list off the issues I have with giving you my vote, not with you winning because I think you’re the rightful winner at this point. But you still need every vote you can get if you want to pull this one out and mine is possible. I need you to answer my questions well and address any of these issues you feel that you can.

1. You decided following the Jaison boot to completely ignore me on AIM for 2 weeks until the day of my boot, at which point you reached out to me I assume as a pathetic, last minute attempt at jury management. I have never had someone completely ignore me like that in a game and it just seems very arrogant to me. Yes it can be pointed out I didn’t talk to you either but I can own up to the fact that I was arrogant in that sense and it could be part of what led to my downfall. Idk if you’re willing to own up to the fact that it was arrogant of you to ignore a player in this game the way you did. I also knew when I opted to not talk to you that I would not get your jury vote and I came to terms with that. I accepted it as a consequence of my actions but now you have to make a case why you deserve my jury vote for doing the same thing that I felt doing to you did not entitle me to your vote. Maybe you don’t want my vote either but if you do it seems unreasonable to expect it when I didn’t expect yours for burning you the same way you burned me.

2. I don’t feel like we actually had a relationship. For the VERY brief time that we did talk, I actually liked you and thought you were really funny. You were someone I probably connected with more in the very early merge rounds because we had personalities and senses of humor that I thought clicked. But you were a very fake person in that sense. You acted like we did bond and gave me the impression that you liked me and that we were beginning to build a relationship but just as quickly went behind my back during the Alina boot AND the Jaison boot where I heard I was almost the target because of you. It was this fakeness and seeming relentlessness in targeting me that made me decide not talking to you at all was the better call.

3. You almost went home a few times which is not the case for Rachel or for Liz. During the Kenny round, the plan was to actually send you home. Hunter and I didn’t fully trust Jeremiah. He had told Natalie, Rita, Jenna, and I that he was in a group chat with you, Liz, Kenny, Hope, and Woo about targeting Jenna and that we needed Hunter and Rachel to vote with us to avoid Jenna going. He then hatched a plan to form a group chat with those two as well as Hope/Woo to suggest a split on you and Kenny with Mushu voting for Kenny. That way, if Woo and Hope did vote Jenna, the rest of us could vote Kenny with Hunter and Rachel and he would still go. But, thanks to my position, I knew Hope and Woo weren’t voting Jenna and I thought it may have been a plot to force all of the votes onto Kenny to bait us for another idol play. Hunter and I counteracted it by giving Mushu a heads up about the trick split and I had those 4 vote you despite being told Kenny. If everything had gone according to plan that round and Kenny idoled, you would have gone home. Now I don’t actually hold this against you because it would have been bad luck if you had gone (not good luck that you stayed) but it’s worth pointing out as a time you were in danger and got saved by circumstances. In addition, you almost went home at F9 (or Liz did which would have led to you going the following round) but Natalie not being on the board before deadline prevented Rita from being able to convince her. At F8, it would have been you and not Hope had you not won immunity. Luck is very much a part of making it to the end but I don’t think anyone else in this game was so close to going home on 3 different occasions and were saved solely by luck/circumstances and not by their own actions.

Ok that’s all from me in terms of an individual statement. I think you played the great middle strategic game I attempted to play but obviously played it better than I did because you made it there. I would be hard-pressed to say that you’re not deserving of the win in a strategic sense. But if you want my individual vote, you’re going to have to put more effort into my questions than you did into our relationship. You have to understand on my end that it is difficult to just overlook that.


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I also made this following the Jaison round (as well as one for Kenny). You three became my targets and, just like with Neal, I could never get you out. But Neal was always my main priority, the biggest threat. You were just his right-hand man, his lapdog if you will, someone who would need to be eliminated with him but who was pretty much useless without him or Kenny. In fact, once it was made clear that Neal wouldn’t be going right after Kenny, you became a VERY background concern to me. Eventually, it got to the point where you were such a goat that I started factoring you into my FTC plans. And this is all brilliant gameplay to make me go from vehemently targeting you to basically forgetting about you if you are still actually a threat to win. But it’s pathetic when it happens because of how little you’ve done and how much of a goat you actually are. Plain and simple, you did not play this game. Every move you attempted to make at least from the merge on hindered your gameplay and was the opposite of what you should have done. And any time your position advanced in this game, it was the result of Neal’s actions or maybe Woo’s. The fact that you have a seat at an FTC where you will get ZERO votes and are wasting a spot that could’ve gone to one of many powerful players on this jury really sucks.

You used emotional manipulation, self-pity, underhanded personal tactics, and false displays of emotion to advance yourself in this game and that is something I refuse to respect. That isn’t gameplay. That is preying on the emotions of people which is messed up. We’re real people and it’s one thing to vote us out of an online game in brutal ways (which I have said in the past is totally fair and part of the game). It’s an entirely different thing to fuck with their emotions and how they feel to the point where you bring them to tears. And the fact that through it all you made yourself the victim in every case and got people that you hurt badly to actually feel bad for you makes this that much worse. Your OS is a good example of your gameplay to be honest. It was a pity-filled, completely delusional, fabricated emotional rant that makes you the victim in some of the most ridiculous ways, all while emphasizing how few moves you actually made. I’m not going to list off issues I have with voting for you because they are many and I wouldn’t say my vote is particularly open to you but neither Neal nor Rachel have it on lock so if you show me some game awareness I might toss you the only vote you get at this FTC. But I should be clear I don’t respect the way you chose to “play” this game.


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I made this one the round of the Jeremiah boot. Before I realized Neal and Liz were voting with Mushu, I was afraid a Mushu might be screwed and I decided if it had to be one of them, it had to be you because you were irrelevant to my game. But I think the graphic still stands in general. You were non-relevant in this game, a bystander watching the big players go at it. Unlike Liz, you still played the game and were more than just a double vote for a lot of the game but you seemed to make the wrong moves at every turn. During the premerge, you did nothing which is fair because you were lucky to be on winning tribes. But then the merge rolled around and for the first half of it, you were Hunter’s lapdog. He told you how to vote during the Alina round despite me barely talking to you and you did it. During the Jaison round, I organized a Kenny vote and ran it past everyone in the game myself except for the three who voted out Jaison and you. Except you still voted Kenny. I let Hunter tell you about the vote because I figured you’d just do what he told you to anyway so there was no point in me talking to you. During the Kenny round, you did what Hunter told you to after we organized a split. During the Jeremiah and Jenna rounds, you were just a vote.

Then came the big round. Hunter was in trouble and you had a chance to save him. He had made it clear to you for rounds that he and I were working together but you apparently couldn’t comprehend this and went on to shade Rita out enough that she was convinced voting him out was the right move. It took me practically throwing Hope under the bus to give Hunter another shot and even then you were still useless in doing anything that round other than alerting Mushu that Hunter was in trouble, a fact they had known for hours. You failed to save Hunter. At F8, you were given something that you didn’t have all game, power. You became the swing vote and you played it well. You helped me to trick Hope and Woo into splitting and we were able to pull off a very good move on Hope who was a huge threat. But having power for one round terrified you and, when you once again became the swing vote at F7, you went to Woo and became HIS lapdog instead of Hunter’s. You voted against your best interest (but in Woo’s) at F7 to take out Natalie, one of the few people left you could easily beat at FTC. And then my boot round you led me on for no reason for 24 hours and once again voted how Woo told you to because voting against Woo would (and I quote) “make him uncomfortable.” Well thankfully you didn’t do that. Why would anyone want to make someone uncomfortable in the game of Survivor? Then you just voted out Rita with Woo at F5 and forced the tie for him at F4.

Just like with Neal, my vote is salvageable for you. It’s important that you answer my questions and address any of the following issues I have with voting for you in the same way I asked Neal.

1. I went through your entire game and found 1 move that you made. Why should I vote for you when you had very little gameplay of any kind, strategic or social? You can technically claim the Natalie vote as well but that was such a poor move on your part, you’d probably be better served not doing so. Hope is the only person sitting on the jury because of a good move you made and even that was far from being all because of you. I struggle to vote for someone who did not play this game very well at all.

2. You led me on for 24 hours that round of my boot. I felt that you made a very bad move at F7 but once you committed to that side, the smart move was to stay with them and vote me out. But you insisted for the entire round that wasn’t what you were going to do. You were going to stick to your word and flip back with us and even hopefully bring Woo with you. But if he didn’t you’d still vote with Rita and I because you owed it to us. And it was all bullshit. As soon as Woo made it clear he wouldn’t be voting with me, you went back on the word you had given for an entire day, led me on so unnecessarily and burned my so badly, and acquiesced to Woo like a good lapdog for the sole reason that it would make him uncomfortable. I pleaded with you, argued with you about how bad of a spot you were putting yourself in if you sent another pissed off juror out of the game and tried to go to the end with Neal. But you didn’t listen, made your mistakes, and got here with one good move under your belt.

I’m going to be honest when I say that you burned me pretty badly but I’m not completely closed to voting for you. You might answer my questions well and I may vote for you. Or I may promise you as much as I possibly can that I’ll give you my vote, that I’ll do anything to get you the win. Do that just up until the voting deadline for jurors. And then a few minutes before I have to lock in my vote I’ll let you know that my vote is actually going to go to someone else because voting for you would make Woo uncomfortable. And then maybe YOU can begin to feel the heartbreak that I did that round to come so close to the win and feel it ripped away by somebody else’s poor choice.

Questions for Everyone

My main focus is game awareness because I think that’s one of the most important qualities for a winner to have.

1. PLEASE POWER RANK THE JURY. I ask this question in every game I serve as a juror because it shows game awareness. Who were your threats and who were your goats? It shows how in tune you were with the game you played. You don’t have to go crazy with explanations but a sentence or two for each would be nice. Rank from best to not best player. Don’t use it as an excuse to pander for votes. Be objective please.

2. WHO IS ON THE DVD COVER OF THIS SEASON? Keep in mind that the 6 people who make the cover are typically AS and that next season is HvV. Explain why you feel those 6 people deserve placement on the cover and a potential spot on next season. This once again shows game awareness. Who were the big players/characters in the game you played?

3. My last one is a fun new thing I came up with that I think shows game awareness. As many of you know by the end of this game, I was obsessed with Town of Salem. And I think that a fun game of ToS has a lot in common with how this game went down. So what I want you to do is to compare each juror and finalist (14 total) to one of the following roles:

Serial Killer

Please explain briefly why each person represents the role you gave them and be creative. It’s not a puzzle and it can fit multiple ways but justify whatever answers you give. Only give one role to one person please. To see what each role does in the context of ToS, visit this site.



1. If you could put 3 jurors in the FTC instead of yourselves, who would it be?
2. What is your second favorite Woo moment from this game?
3. Why is Hope awesome?

Thank you to you all and I look forward to your answers. Good luck.
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Ice Cream Man
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Post #2: 8th Jul 2016 1:36:30 AM 
Heya Nick! So I just want to address your statement to me because you’re right. I don’t deserve your vote. I ignored arguable the most important aspect of this game with you. I told you after Alina left that I had thrown your name out and we were good. Next round I find out that Kenny is in trouble and my instinct is to throw out the name of the person that almost went home last round. Obviously one thing led to another and not only did I target you for the second time but I idol’d out your best friend and closest ally in the game. I thought “Great. Wtf am I supposed to say to this guy w/o looking like a total asshole?”

One round became two, and I just didn’t know what to say w/o coming off as fake or desperate. I felt like you knew where I was in the game and I knew where you were and we just left it at that. I totally get it if you don’t vote for me and by all means I’m not trying to excuse myself for how I handled our relationship. I just felt like I owed you some sort of explanation. Sorry if that was long!!!

1. PLEASE POWER RANK THE JURY. I ask this question in every game I serve as a juror because it shows game awareness. Who were your threats and who were your goats? It shows how in tune you were with the game you played. You don’t have to go crazy with explanations but a sentence or two for each would be nice. Rank from best to not best player. Don’t use it as an excuse to pander for votes. Be objective please.

Alright! So my criteria for this ranking is who I felt had the best shot at winning and who was the biggest threat to my game. The higher you’re up the more likely I thought you were going to make it to the end and take the win.












2. WHO IS ON THE DVD COVER OF THIS SEASON? Keep in mind that the 6 people who make the cover are typically AS and that next season is HvV. Explain why you feel those 6 people deserve placement on the cover and a potential spot on next season. This once again shows game awareness. Who were the big players/characters in the game you played?

I think I was the most polarizing player in the game. I was the biggest villain that played this game from all different directions.

The best UTR player of the season. Rachel was great at challenges and swept under the radar to have a strong finish in the game.

A big threat to a lot of people. Hope had lots of loyal followers and had the strongest all around game.

An early merge boot but a very important figure. I think Jaison’s eliminated was the spark that set fire to the rest of the merge. The game blew up after Jaison left.

The sleeper. I think Woo was incredibly close to taking the game. He was super likeable and he played an excellent social game. He was part of the first ever F4 TB challenge that made the last vote an intense one.

The hero of the season. Spent almost the entire merge fighting against the grain and trying to get back at the people that fucked her over.


1. If you could put 3 jurors in the FTC instead of yourselves, who would it be?

Hope/Woo/Rita. I think late game, those were the three biggest threats to win and the people I would want to be there if I could not be.

2. What is your second favorite Woo moment from this game?

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3. Why is Hope awesome?

Because we could have an entire day's worth of convo without bringing up game at all. She was great to just talk to and interacting with her really helped me get through rough nights of the game.

I'm working on the ToS comparisons now! I'll have them up before I go to bed. Hope these answers help you with your decision.

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Ice Cream Man
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Post #3: 8th Jul 2016 2:47:29 AM 

Alright everyone. Welcome to the Town of Salem!!! We’ve got a colorful community with lots of different roles. Let’s see what we’ve got.















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Post #4: 8th Jul 2016 2:50:45 AM 
Hey Nick!

I have to say that I genuinely liked your ~roast~ I know most people would actually be upset about it, but I don't mind people taking jab at my game, as Lóng it's nothing personal, but overall it was a fun read!

There are few things I want to address but yes I want to clear this one first since it's related to your boot and obviously I haven't fully told you what happened


2. You led me on for 24 hours that round of my boot. I felt that you made a very bad move at F7 but once you committed to that side, the smart move was to stay with them and vote me out. But you insisted for the entire round that wasn’t what you were going to do. You were going to stick to your word and flip back with us and even hopefully bring Woo with you. But if he didn’t you’d still vote with Rita and I because you owed it to us. And it was all bullshit. As soon as Woo made it clear he wouldn’t be voting with me, you went back on the word you had given for an entire day, led me on so unnecessarily and burned my so badly, and acquiesced to Woo like a good lapdog for the sole reason that it would make him uncomfortable. I pleaded with you, argued with you about how bad of a spot you were putting yourself in if you sent another pissed off juror out of the game and tried to go to the end with Neal. But you didn’t listen, made your mistakes, and got here with one good move under your belt.

First, I was not Woo's lapdog, I understand that it may have looked that way, but that was not the case at all and I'll explain it in a bit.

At the final 6, Right after Natalie got booted, I knew I was going to be in a good position, but there was always that fear that what if I'm next? and knowing that I was going to be vulnerable after being immune for 4 rounds in a row, being all of the sudden vulnerable may have contributed to me leading you on for 24 hrs. I think those immunities got to me, and the second I was going to be vulnerable, I just wanted to maximize my options which led me to promise you the world that I was willing to go for rocks to help you and Rita.

So here's the breakdown of what went through my head and the decision that caused me to lie to you:
-the second Rita won immunity, the first thing I was worried was if there was a possibility that the other 3 (Neal, Liz and Woo) would throw votes at me because I remember people were still suspicious about idols floating in the game. They could have always voted against me in a 3-2-1 or even unanimous 5-1 , so my thought process was to promise you that I would stick by you and Rita and go for rocks, this way I knew you wouldn't scheme something else, and you would always come back to me which you did because I noticed you were quite nervous and you always initiated every conversation which tells me you were fully on board with this rock thing

- I then added a little white lie by saying to you and Rita that there's a possibility that Woo may flip to our side, and we wouldn't need to go to rocks, was I legit when I said that? no I was not, I didn't even know what Woo was thinking, perhaps he was gunning for me, because I knew very well that last round between you and Natalie he preferred for you to stay, and I know you both have some bond that goes back from NuMushu, so I really needed to take some extra precautions here and make sure you both don't vote together.

I didn't like doing it, but manipulation is part of the game and keep in mind that I've just noticed you scheming a good blindside two rounds ago, I mean you were good! and had I told you that I wasn't willing to go to rocks and I was planning on taking you or Rita out next, you probably would have tried something to save yourself, so I couldn't let that happen so I needed you and Rita to always come to me.

Meanwhile, I was letting Neal know that you didn't have an idol, and that you were nervous about this upcoming vote just to ensure that none of them plan on voting me out for idol worry.

As far as me talking to Woo about the vote, that was just me attempting to build trust with him, so I was just letting him know what I should do , it was just to gain his trust, I was not his lapdog.

I apologized for what has happened, I should have been careful with my ~promises~ but I was just taking some precautions, and as I was saying before, those immunities definitely got into my head

1. I went through your entire game and found 1 move that you made. Why should I vote for you when you had very little gameplay of any kind, strategic or social? You can technically claim the Natalie vote as well but that was such a poor move on your part, you’d probably be better served not doing so. Hope is the only person sitting on the jury because of a good move you made and even that was far from being all because of you. I struggle to vote for someone who did not play this game very well at all.

Aside from voting based on ~moves~ I think you should at the very least consider voting for me over the other 2 because I'm pretty sure I at least tried to get to know you, and in fact I didn't ignore you.

but if you were to base it on strategy, I already outlined above all my reasoning behind your boot, despite me leading you on, there was some strategy behind it and I already pointed out in Natalie's thread why I felt it was necessary for me to vote for her, you may not agree with that round but it did give me a few extra rounds of safety!

I think overall you and I aren't very different in terms of how we play, I also don't play with my emotions in this game which is one of the many reasons why some of these jurors haven't really connected with me on an emotional level, I tend to stay away from that so that no one would get hurt in the end.

I hope those are enough :)



I’m putting Rita first because she played a hell of a social game, she’s very personable which makes her a dangerous social threat. Whenever you talk to her, she has this endearing personality that you can’t seem to hate her and that’s very dangerous because had she made it to the end, without a doubt she would have won!

I’m putting you up here because I was impressed with how many rounds you seemed to get away unscathed. You were the driving force behind many votes , and you were covered by many people, you had your former Long, Hope, Woo and Hunter who you never spoke too before the merge, which was quite scary because you’re one of those who were able to deliver a good impression within the span of one round. Not going to lie, I did want you to go instead of Alina, but in the next round you did turn around and gave me a good impression, so your social game is just as good as your strategic game, that’s why you’re up there.

Hunter is very perceptive, intelligent. He’s basically a combo of Rita + Nick
really personable, great strategist, knows how to ask the right questions to get a good sense of what’s going on which is something I lack!, the only reason I’m putting him here is because although he had some good connections in the game , I don’t think his ties were as solid as Nick, or Rita

If Hope would have made it to the end, she would have won hands down
she’s very likable, she’s another one of those jury threats!

Woo's greatest strength is indeed his social game, despite people saying he was Hope's lapdog I do think he had an incredible shot at winning if he were to make it to the end with the right people which is quite good considering ~lapdogs~ don't get much recognition, but he's a total exception

I don't really know much about how she played, but her hilarious personality is just enough for any juror to reward her with a win ( I know I would), I do not think she would have played this game in a ruthless way, maybe a few lies down the road, but overall I think she would play this game very ~clean~ which makes her a jury threat


I believe he should be ranked way higher, but I don't know much about his gameplay because I haven't been on the same tribe as him, but during the Shórt time I spent with Jaison, I became drawn to his personality, therefore definitely a social threat!

It's hard for me to assess Jeremiah because I haven't really talked ~game~ with him, so as far as strategy I don't know much of his strengths. However, personal relationships really matter to him, and since he loves getting to know people, it makes him a dangerous social threat. Also he's very good in challenges.

Kenny got an idol played on him, he for sure done something right, not everyone gets an idol played on themselves , so I think it really shows how his social game is pretty good.

I think Natalie is very clever, and she may have come across as someone sketchy, but I think it mostly has to do with the fact that she has a very busy life, but she's very nice to talk with

The reason why I'm placing Alina here is only because I do not know much about her gameplay, and also because of her Shórt stay but I do remember that I enjoyed talking to her during the first few days and I was hoping that I'd be on the same tribe as her ,because I got a good impression of her.

2. WHO IS ON THE DVD COVER OF THIS SEASON? Keep in mind that the 6 people who make the cover are typically AS and that next season is HvV. Explain why you feel those 6 people deserve placement on the cover and a potential spot on next season. This once again shows game awareness. Who were the big players/characters in the game you played?








1. If you could put 3 jurors in the FTC instead of yourselves, who would it be?
Rita, Hunter and Nick
it’d be pretty cool to see a triple threats all sitting at a FTC, I don’t think I’ve seen that before

2. What is your second favorite Woo moment from this game?
(I haven't posted my first one yet, Im saving it, but here goes moment #2)

It happened while he was in Florida I think, I asked him how was his day and he told me he mistakenly believed he saw a dolphin but it was actually a pelican.. and then he said I shouldn't judge him, but I did oops
that was weird but lulz <3

3. Why is Hope awesome?
oh is she? kidding :)

Hope is awesome because she still looks good without makeup unlike me !

I'll do the comparison soon in morning/afternoon!
Nick Maiorano
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Post #5: 8th Jul 2016 7:24:57 PM 
Rachel please do the ToS comparison before deadline if you can.
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