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Hunter's Rules
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Post #1: 3rd Jul 2016 2:06:36 AM 
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SO hooooow's it going everyone. I feel like I was eliminated eons ago so I don't really know what to say as a whole. Obviously congrats to the 3 of you for making it this far and doing what the rest of us could not. REGARDLESS of what anyone says in their questions, you clearly beat us all and therefore have SOMETHING to be proud about.

I'm going to try and say something to each of you individually and then ask a GROUP question at the end. Given I relentlessly talked about it throughout this season, I decided to model each person into a yugioh card!

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Liz! So we don't really have THAT much of a relationship in this game considering the first time we were able to talk is when we were dragons during the 2nd swap. I did like you though! Friendly enough and endearing. Then you went on your trip and we didn't really talk all that much until you got that, and that was because I was pleading to you about not voting for me and voting for Jeremiah. The partnership went well for a few rounds until you, of course, decided to vote me out. I don't have ANY hard feelings about it, but I did want to ask about something you brought up in your OS. You said that voting me out was your "own personal vindication for the awful things you felt you had done." How exactly did you see this as vindication? Also, why should I or anyone who was lead on by you, vote for you to win?

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Just wanted to start things of with this; we failed Neal. We failed.


But yeah, I mean, outside of that I actually liked you a lot! You were very bro-y and that was actually a nice thing to have a round. I think there WERE some times where the bro-y-ness may have come off a little facetious, but that happens and overall I still liked you a bunch in game. I think you have PROBABLY played the best game of the season, but I think my vote is going to come down to this FTC and after I see the answers to all the things. Your OS was probably the best one imo, but there WAS one issue I had with it. You had said that the Kenny idol play was your biggest move of the season, even though he ended up being eliminated the next round and you ended up in a POTENTIALLY precarious position the round after. I wanted to ask what you think your NEXT biggest move was, or even a possible replacement for what you said initially while telling me why I'm wrong to say the idol play wasn't that amazing of a move. Also, why should I vote for you when you didn't speak to me at all in my boot round?

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Rachel! To get this out of the way I REALLY really really want to vote for you here because I really do appreciate you not voting me in my boot-round even when you found out I was screwed. I would feel pretty bad to not vote for you after doing that................and yet my vote is still up in the air. During my boot round I WAS getting rather frustrated with you just because I could NOT understand why you wouldn't believe me whenever I spoke about Liz and Neal flipping to try and get rid of me. Post game I keep getting told that if you were more willing to vote with Rita, Nick, and Natalie earlier then there would be a higher chance that I could have survived. It was just a ROUGH round and it was too bad because up until that point I really enjoyed you and really did have you as a super close ally. My questions for you are going to be why did it take so Lóng for you to think that Nick is telling the truth and that I was flipping? Also, did you ever plan on cutting me and if so then when?

Finally for my OVERALL question. Earlier in the season we participated in a Majority rules comp where I ended up with a LOT of the answers (as did Neal!). However, the thing about majority rules is that it's about what you think OTHER people are going to put down, and it doesn't really reflect what the roles are in the game. So I have my own game I want to play to make up for that

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So the goal of THIS if for the each of you to PM me the answers to a shorter version of the majority rules comp (because why do we need to know who you think should die in a fire or something). I'll post what everyone said once it's all in. Here are the Qs, you can answer with anyone on the jury or in the game:

1. Who was the biggest hero?
2. Who was the biggest villain?
3. Who was in control?
4. Who was the smartest player?
5. Who was the nicest?
6. Which player was the funniest?
7. Who is was biggest physical threat?
8. Who will win this game?

Thanks again and I am now realizing I may have written too many questions but I sure hope not! Best of luck to the three of ya.
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Ice Cream Man
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Post #2: 3rd Jul 2016 2:13:45 AM 

Just wanted to start things of with this; we failed Neal. We failed.



One of my pitches for your vote was that if I won the million, I would use the money to jump start our Yugioh monopoly idea. Now I don't know what to believe in.
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Ice Cream Man
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Post #3: 3rd Jul 2016 3:24:08 AM 
I'm super sorry if some of my answers are long. I'm literally the worst.

But yeah, I mean, outside of that I actually liked you a lot! You were very bro-y and that was actually a nice thing to have a round. I think there WERE some times where the bro-y-ness may have come off a little facetious,

First off I want to address this. I totally know how I can come off sometimes and I do feel it can be a little unnecessary. I try to deal with stressful situations with humor, and it’s not always everyone’s favorite. My goal is to try and lighten the mood, but there's a time and place. I apologize if any of my comments came off as malicious or assholey.

You had said that the Kenny idol play was your biggest move of the season, even though he ended up being eliminated the next round and you ended up in a POTENTIALLY precarious position the round after. I wanted to ask what you think your NEXT biggest move was, or even a possible replacement for what you said initially while telling me why I'm wrong to say the idol play wasn't that amazing of a move.

I do think my move to pass the idol to Kenny was a big move, in the sense that it caused the most waves. The first two rounds of the merge were really strange for me. I pushed really hard for Nick to go and not Alina, and I didn’t really get any traction. The next round, an hour before the vote, I find out Kenny is the target. I couldn’t help but feel paranoid about what was going on in the game and if I was being left out. One round it was someone I viewed as an ally, how Lóng before my name came up on the list? It might have just been in my head, but I couldn’t take the chance that it wasn’t. I was willing to take a risk and use my idol to shake up the foundation of the game, good or bad. No regrets. The move definitely had good and bad repercussions. Bad because Kenny only stayed for one more round and I almost went home. Good because I took out someone that I felt was in a great social position. I felt like Jaison was SUCH a big threat in this game. There's no telling how Lóng it would have taken to get him out and whether I would be around in the game when the chance came. Yea it put me in a sticky situation but I was able to dig myself out of that hole with my social connections and clutch immunity win. I was able escape for the negatives of that move and still make it to the end.

Honestly though, I don’t think that was my best move. I think one of my best moves was voting you out. I really enjoyed talking to you but I was worried about where I was in your plans. I knew Hope felt really close to you and even though Rachel had a conversation with me the night before about how threatening you were, I knew she was close to you too. I wasn’t going to risk being lied to, and find out that the four Mushu was a thing and letting you guys have control at final 8. If you guys were just playing me and you all were tight, you would have had half the votes at 8 and I don't know if I would have been able to swing anything. I felt like voting you out *if handled correctly* would give me some leverage in the game with Hope and Woo and Rachel. It would give me just a little more wiggle room so I wasn’t just coasting aLóng with what you guys wanted. I knew Natalie really wanted you out so I could go to her, let her know I was interested, and get the whole thing rolling.

I think some solid social moves were convincing Rachel to not vote me out at final 7 or at final 6. I think that would have been a great time to knock me out, and I know thats what Nick and Rita wanted to do so there definitely was a solid opportunity to take that shot. There’s also convincing Liz to keep me at final 4. It was SUPER close to not being a TB at f4. I had to do some last minute scrambling when I sensed that Liz was thinking about voting against me. Thankfully I was able to convince her and then pull out a win in the tie breaker.

Also, why should I vote for you when you didn't speak to me at all in my boot round?

I’m sorry for not being straight up with you during your boot. It might not be stellar gameplay but I believe that when you’re targeting someone, you shouldn’t tell them they’re going home, especially if you think they have the capability to turn things around on you(which it sounds like you almost did). I also thought there was a chance that you had the idol and if you caught wind, Liz and I would have been FUCKED. It’d be like if you guys told Kenny and I that you all were organizing a split to try and get one of us out. Of course you guys didn’t tell us because you didn’t want us to flip it somehow at the last minute. I was hoping the vote was going to be a blindside but I knew it went to shit when Rachel (and later Hope) told me that Nick had filled you in on the situation. I was just too threatened by you to let you know and I’m sorry for not being open about it with you. It’s nothing against you man, I just thought you were a big threat to my game and I don't like being that guy that comes to people at the final minute and go "Hey I'm really sorry I'm voting you out, I hope this last minute goodbye doesn't make me seem fake or exposes me for jury pandering". Even if that style costs me votes, I can't help it. Thats just not me. I hope my overall gameplay is still enough to get your respect and your vote. Hopefully one day we can get together and play some CAAAHHHHHHHHDS.

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Post #4: 5th Jul 2016 9:26:05 AM 
Hey Hunter!
First I want to say whether you vote for me or not, I won’t hold it against you, you know that I adore you, so no need to feel bad it’s all good, we’ll still talk after this <3

About your round, I admit that I was not the most pleasant person during your last few hours and when I said that “I doubted you” in my OS , what I meant by that was that there was something that happened during the two previous challenges that made me questioned you. During the market auction, for the first few hours everything seemed to go well, you and I were bidding on our items but then I noticed you never went for Nick or Rita’s boxes, and that raised a red flag because we really needed all those boxes to prevent any prizes being distributed on the wrong hands. From what I recall that day, we were in a majority and it was still the alliance of 6 against the 3 (Natalie, Rita & Nick).

The next day, it was probably in the afternoon, can’t really remember, but I do know that I asked if we should be concerned about tribal considering that there’s a strong possibility that Rita may end up with the immunity because the chances she would get it were pretty likely since she wasn’t giving up. Also, we were about to have another immunity challenge (the puppet one) and things would have gone very messy had one of 3 would have won it. So when I asked if you and I should be concerned, you said
“I mean , I’m not” those were your words, and it honestly made me very worried. I’m not saying that I thought you were planning on voting for me, no no no what I feared instead was that you had other plans, that probably didn’t include me and it felt like I had no say in anything. Then, during the following immunity challenge the one with the puppets, I gathered that alliance of 6 around in our group chat because I really wanted all of us to be on board so that one of us would win it which ended up being me.

I pulled you aside and said that we should target Nick first, because I believed he had 8 ropes (with the advantage) , but you didn’t really want to do that, you insisted that you were going to go for Natalie and you argued that Nick’s 8 ropes wouldn’t last very Lóng and it’s not that you were wrong because you were correct, but right there it was a bit too obvious that you were protecting him. First you didn’t really want to outbid their boxes, then you didn’t really want to share money with Hope, and you were perfectly fine with the idea of letting Rita with the immunity, and last you avoided cutting Nick’s rope. I think I understand what was the motive behind it, you didn’t want to upset them because you probably wanted to work with them in the future, but I think it was a bit too obvious and not going to lie I was a bit frustrated because I didn’t really know what you were thinking, it sounded to me you were hiding something. And yes, perhaps your actions were right for your own game because there was a bigger issue to be worried about which was the alliance of Neal, Hope, Liz and Woo, but at that time I wasn’t fully aware of it, so I’m just describing what I felt back then.

So few hours before the vote was due, you came up to me and mentioned if there was a possibility that Neal and Liz would flip, and then you sent me the chat log between Liz and Nick and I didn’t really know what to think of it because me and Nick didn’t have a strong ~game relationship~ and I believe I spoke to him until very late that night, so it made very difficult for me to believe what you sent me not saying it was fabricated, but the intention behind it, that’s what I was curious about. So while we were talking, I think this is where you started getting frustrated because while you were pushing for the idea of a Neal or Liz boot I was trying to deflect it because I really wanted to get to the bottom of this and I didn’t want to target them. At some point, your name was brought up and I tried and tried to deflect it to Natalie or Nick because I figured it was probably your only shot, and then later I went to you and agreed we should vote for Liz because she blatantly lied to me and I wanted to see what Woo and Hope were thinking, and you know what happened next..

Perhaps I should have been more willing to vote with Rita, Nick and Nat , but I wasn’t convinced that Natalie was going to spare you considering she tried to orchestrate a vote against you two rounds ago. Also, me and her drifted apart and as I mentioned earlier, I didn’t really have a solid ~game relationship~ with Nick so that really made it difficult. I think it speaks for itself that within that round, for the first time me and you had separate goals with the people we wanted to work with, I was leaning towards Neal and Liz who to my eyes were more appealing in front of a jury, whereas you , you had plans to go with Nick and Rita, who without a doubt were the biggest threat of this game.

As for your next question, I had no intention to cut you but after what happened at the auction it was really evident that I felt you had your own ~connections~ and not going to lie I felt threatened by it, but I very well knew that you trusted me and you weren’t gunning for me so it would have been a horrible move for me to vote you over many people who I felt needed to go, maybe down the road I would have perhaps at final 4 but that's a whole different story.

I’m really sorry for what has happened, but as I said earlier , I think for the first time for that round alone we were thinking differently ,and had different paths.

Hope that answered your concerns
Thank you for the questions Hunter!<3
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Post #5: 8th Jul 2016 3:00:08 AM 
Tyvvvm Rachel and Neal.

Rachel, when you get a chance can you please just PM me my Majority rules answers so I can reveal publicly what you and Neal put? I'd include Liz too but I'm not SUPER sure she is going to answer my question.
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Post #6: 8th Jul 2016 5:11:01 PM 
Just going to do a quick reveal for all of them

1. Who was the biggest hero?


2. Who was the biggest villain?


3. Who was in control?


4. Who was the smartest player?


5. Who was the nicest?


6. Which player was the funniest?


7. Who is was biggest physical threat?


8. Who will win this game?


Thanks again for your answers! Best of luckkkk
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