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Rod's Plan for World Domination: Merge Ep
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Joined:Sep 19, 2015
Post #1: 12th Oct 2015 10:20 AM 
Def take me to the end:
Mama C

Most likely go to the end with me:

Would take me to the end if I wanted to commit:


Potential Idol Holders:

Lue, Amber, Colton

Last round was all about eliminating Ami from the picture to cut off Amber, Colton, and Monica’s options. Ya boy assumed it was the round before the merge so I had to get a little aggressive and use my social standing. Luckily with the help of Mama C and some clever planning we were able to give Vytas immunity. He would definitely have been the other sides target and made the rest of the game an uphill battle. I probably would have had to severe ties.

On Cavalara I think I was almost everyone’s numbah 1. Ami’s number one was definitely Monica, but Rod was her numbah 2. However, we weren’t that close which is why she got flushed. If you aren’t giving all your love to Rod, you have to go.

Mama C I believe trusts me more than anyone in the game. Vytas trusts me more than anyone in the game. Brice I think is full on trusting me more than anyone in the game. Brice is the only person who has that sort of social hold on people. However, Brice has a bigger target than Rod at this current moment.
Now if there was ever a round for the 3C’s its this round. I have to do a lot to set myself up for the next few rounds, while taking a risk and showing the 4 horsemen I am still with them. I can send home whoever I want. I’m not sure how many people realize the power I have. Its very important I play this right and minimize the damage on the side I don’t pick, which with hustle like me I can definitely do.

There are 2 plans in play right now:

Calavara plan Sherri/Monica:
Make Mookie seem like the target. Pull in Lembo and vote Leu because they think he may have the idol.

Diveertiwhaaaaateva Plan:

They wanted either Monica or Sherri depending on challenge results. Then the challenge ended and they were floating Mama C. Bro! Are you serious? No. So then I told them Sherri’s plan for utter world domination and they saw the error in their ways. So now they are targeting Sherri. So target off Mama C and onto Sherri
Now with the 2 plans the cleanest and easiest is to go with Calavara we have 6 we can pick them off one by one, but it’s not that simple. The other side 100% has an idol and the second I vote with Calvara they are going to be most pissed at ya boy, making me the target for the idol. So even though I have the numbah’s, I m sweating it out, and messed with some votes on the jury. Plus a move of this size, it might be just a little soon for it. So I have decided I am going option two. Sticking with the horseman and turning on Calavara. Timing in Survivah is everything.

So now I have to make sure I save as much face with my old tribe as possible. How do I do this? I need to pin the decision on someone. Perfect person to do that on is Vytas. Sherri put a stray vote on Vytas and would have tried to vote him out last round if he didn’t have immunity. So would have Monica. So I need to get Vytas to tell someone that he won’t vote with the Calavara’s until Sherri’s out. Which Monica will believe. I already planted the seed. So after Vytas says hes not voting we hem and haw and say we don’t have the numbers and there is nothing we can do. We have to vote Sherri out with the majority. Sherri will be salty, but she aint coming back from redemption. The only way this potentially blows up is if Monica somehow wins over Ambah and Colton. However, they are both pretty passive and I see that as unlikely. Everyones a little uneasy this round. Minus ya boy.

So the next thing I had to do before getting in Vtyas’s ear is go to Mama C and “talk about our options”. Ask her what she thinks we should do. Now Rodney knows the entire time what he’s going to do he just needs her to help get to the same place. The good thing about the Mama is she thinks relatively similarly to me and I like her. She likes the same people and it wasn’t really tough to convince her. Her only concern was getting Vytas on board. We created an alliance together last round when we got Ami out called VCR. That is ideally the best case scenario for Rodney to be sitting with at the final 3.

Sherri’s going home. I’m going to empower Vytas by saying it’s a big move and he gets to make it and use it on the jury. His ego will eat it up. Rodney is walking a tight rope right now. I must win sausage island. I want to see a picture of me on a Keilbasa stat. Thanks PWs. I love you as much as I love my mother.

PS: Due to the relationships I have with the horsemen and there relationships we will have the merge idol this round or next. We can get everyone’s guesses. Im trying to do as little work as I can to get them. Make Mookie, Brice, Leu ask everyone. Then hopefully I will have the last guess and can swoop in and get it .

Main alliances:
4 Horsemen (Leu, Mookie, Brice, Rod)
VCR ( Rod, Mama C, Vytas)

After reading this everyone better party like its MY DAMN BIRTHDAY! We got a great shot at winning this.

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