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Sausage Link Round
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Joined:Sep 19, 2015
Post #1: 19th Oct 2015 11:05 AM 
Everyone in this game is a Fugazi right now. They are all scared. Brice and Lue in particular are my favorites right now. They don’t want to send home Colton with any idol because they like him and that’s “harsh”. AKA they don’t want to lose his jury vote. They are going to fuck up this plan, because of this. So Rodney’s going to take matters into his own hands.

Their Plan:

Amber played immunity.

Lue, Mookie, Brice all vote Lembo
Me, Mama C Vytas all vote Colton

Amber, Lembo, Colton vote Vytas

That’s 3-3-3 we revote and they want to vote out Lembo. They are convinced that they can get Colton to play his idol.

The correct plan:
Amber played immunity.

We convince Amber and Colton that Lembo is the target. They vote for him and we all pile all our votes on Colton.

God forbid we lie and trick them into doing the smart plan.

Rod’s best case scenario plan:

They do all there split bullshit and the vote is supposed to be 3-3-3. I go to Vytas and let him know this is the case. Tell him to tell Lembo and Lembo only the plan. Then Lembo switches his vote to Colton. If
Colton plays his idol Lembo essentially votes himself out. It’s a hail marry for him though, because either way he’s screwed if he plays the idol.

What does this do for ya boy? I didn’t vote for Lembo he likes me, Colton’s pissed at all them still and doesn’t know where all the votes came from. Vytas feels like he made a big move, even though he would never think of that on his own and I am voted number 1 in the Sausage Rankings this week. Most importantly if it blows up I can blame Vytas. Or worst case Mama C.

Option one will happen. It will be fine. Colton will play his idol and Lembo will go home. RIP Dan.
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Offline Marker
Reputation: -2
Joined:Sep 19, 2015
Post #2: 19th Oct 2015 11:11 AM 
PS: Pretty sure Mookie thinks I'm a manic depressive this morning. I officially stressed him out by trying to talk strategy with him. I carry a strategic AKA 47 and he possesses a Thumb Tac and some silly putty.

Post Edited by Rodney @ 19th Oct 2015 11:12 AM
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Offline Marker
Reputation: -2
Joined:Sep 19, 2015
Post #3: 19th Oct 2015 2:16 PM 
Colton realizes Brice and Lue arent with him any more. They are fighting and I'm like:

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