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Ami's Authentic Attempt to Confess Captivating Content; Say that 10 times fast hmm?
Ami Cusack
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Post #1: 20th Sep 2015 5:11 AM 
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Ami Cusack
~Let's get started shall we?~

Post Edited by Ami Cusack @ 22nd Sep 2015 10:00 PM
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Post #2: 20th Sep 2015 6:05 AM 
Episode 01

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Post Edited by Ami Cusack @ 22nd Sep 2015 10:01 PM
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Post #3: 20th Sep 2015 6:12 AM 
Episode 01

*My first response to finding out that I had been cast was Crikey! What have I gotten myself into? I really do not like Survivor games - for whatever reason I just don't enjoy them. Now maybe that's because I've only ever played in one before this lol. I'm much more comfortable as a Big Brother player. I feel like the social game is that much more important in Survivor because you can go at any time really ... and since I consider myself a horrid social player that must mean that I'll be gone soon!

*When I learned about this game there were two things I noticed right off the bat:

1. It involved returnees which scared the living daylights outta me. Just my luck, I decide that I'll give the ol' Survivor org another shot and I just happen to apply to one that might entail Survivor pros - wonderful job, Ami, just wonderful. I figured it would be somewhat like a Christmas party in Downton Abbey - you know, where the beautiful sophisticated rich folk from upstairs(returnees) rub shoulders with the rat-faced servants (newbies) from downstairs. You get that awkward phase before everyone starts having fun. So I was thrilled to find out that I'd only be dealing with pre-juror failures.

2.The board is hot. There are three little explorers or whatever standing on that rock in the background and they look so happy to have found that temple. Good for them. Good. For. Them.

*Why'd you title the season 'Day of the Dead' hmm? Like I get the whole 'Omg past players are back, in fact its almost like they've risen from the dead!' but why make it so dramatic? It makes things intense yo.

*After watching the sharp and sophisticated movie 'The Devil Wears Prada' I thought it would be a good idea to chat with some of these people. I really enjoy doing that because it reminds me of my own death. Chatting with your fellow castaways at the start of a game is like shovelling your driveway while it's still snowing - just as you start to get to know someone, another person decides to check in and message you immediately. *Thumbs up!* But that's okay! I won't let this phase me. I'll soldier on! It's not all bad though because while I hate those boring awkward convos in the beginning, part of me just can't wait to start judging everyone :)

*I won't lie, there's only one person I could see myself working with so far and that's Monica. Maybe it was because I liked her pink font and quick replies but she was the easiest to talk to. I don't know how the tribe situation will work but I feel like it would be stupid to assume we'll be divided returnees vs newbies? If we do end up together then that's definitely a relationship I would like to pursue. Part of me is ashamed to say that I PWed as Ozzy in season 5 and 6 (holy mother I was terrible) and I remember Monica playing a fake idol or something. I'm pretty sure I know who she is too but I can't remember and am too lazy to dig further into that. Anywho, I like her cause she's cool .... nah it's the pink font, who am I kidding.

I'm still undecided as to whether or not Ashley is psychotic. My conversation with her was both weird and wonderful at the same time. I learned that she's a terrible friend because she forgot to film her friend barrel racing. She would have these spurs of nonsense which I did not understand at all. Maybe it has something to do with her being on the original Sausage Island all those years ago because Edgardo is just as crazy. I'd say those were buried pretty deep in the ground before they rose up from the dead. Edgardo definitely seems like the 'funny guy' of the season and I can see him either being really popular with everyone or really useless.

I got the most normal vibe from JT. Maybe even too normal. Decent at conversing. Even though Daniel claimed he was busy he still managed to bore the heck out of me. Granted he was the first person I spoke to and for whatever reason I didn't want to give him much attention lol. Mama C could a favorite if you ask me. What I found peculiar about her was her interest in Survivor fanons. She's writing one right now and I honestly don't see the point in them lol. I mean you're creating all the characters and you decide the winner? Why. Just why. Colton seems like a nice dude but his character choice just makes me wanna judge the hell out of him. Jenn is for sure the most boring person I've met today. She didn't seem compelled to wanna talk to me so I kind of gave up on her.

*I really don't understand why the "N's" are backwards on some board buttons. I found out from Lex the thing under people's avatars did not say 'NLINE' because the skull was supposed to represent the 'O.' Interestingly enough, the next time I log in, the 'O' was added and the skull was left with no purpose whatsoever (kind of like Lex).

*I was pretty nervous at first but then I saw this
Host Lex @ 19/9/2015 21:11
gl don't flop

and it truly made everything better! Thanks, Lex!

Post Edited by Ami Cusack @ 20th Sep 2015 6:13 AM
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Post #4: 20th Sep 2015 11:14 PM 
*It's the first official day of me plying Sausage Island and damn talk about overwhelming. Hosts be throwing shit at us left and right and I'm sitting here like 'Durrrr'. I absolutely love the redemption twist first of all because that means that I can get a second or third chance to show everyone how terrible I am at Survivor! The tribal council puts a nice spin on it though. Isla Muertos is so much sexier to say than Redemption Island. Like who wouldn't want to go there? Of course avoiding it completely is the goal for now.
*Today I thought it would be a good idea to watch Inception because I felt like I just needed a good brain fucking lol. Amidst my confusion I thought it would be just splendid to watch Interstellar after that! Finally, I need to decompress a bit so I decided to talk to my fellow castaways because THAT always works.

*Seems like hosties took the simpler route and divided us returnees vs newbies. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about my tribe just yet but we'll get to that later. The Muertos tribe - or the 'Dead Folk' has some people that I would have loved to be on a tribe with. I messaged Abi and Vytas but they thought it would be cool to just not respond so they can stay far away from me please. Amber is probably the sweetest person in the cast what with all that painting she does. I think it would be cool to connect with her down the line so I'll try and keep that relationship going. Jonny seems interesting enough lol I think he can provide some laughs. Edgardo was hella boring today - maybe it's because he wasn't high? I had a great conversation with Dan and he mentioned working together should tribes swap so I have that to look forward to yay.

*I really don't think the IQ of my tribe is very high. Daniel, Mookie and Rodney went into this bro session and it was really weird. We weren't really active in our tribe chat lmao so it should take a bit before the awkwardness is gone. Brice is probably my favourite out of the bunch and I'll pick his brain tomorrow about possibly working together. I do think I have alright relationships with everyone for now so I'm not TOO worried about being the first boot. Most of us expressed hope in someone going completely inactive lol so we have an easy first boot. Mama C was totally different today. She kept saying 'Indeed' and I didn't like it. Lots of one word answers and not very responsive. Maybe she's only having fun when she's writing those fanons that nobody will read. I'm still trying to figure out which people I'd like to work with exactly. I can see myself working with Mookie for sure - dude seems smart. I don't see Jenn doing much strategizing unless she absolutely has to. Colton was cool so I hope he shows up.

*So many of the vets told me to expect a Captain's Challenge so it was comical seeing them all go 'WTF' when Lex shit on them. I kind of expected a double tribal council because waiting 3 rounds for Isla Muertos to fill up is lame. I think I did alright in the challenge even though speed competitions aren't my thing. Thankfully there's no flood control so that made things a lot easier. It should be interesting to see where I stack up in terms of competition skills. I wonder if there'll be any HIIs in play because I def want one of those :) For now I'll stay positive and hope my tribe doesn't fuck me over.

*Now excuse me while I go watch some WWE because I for one will never grow out of enjoying that shit.
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Post #5: 21st Sep 2015 10:07 AM 
Started my morning off by watching some Arthur. Today seems promising (:

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Post #6: 21st Sep 2015 1:11 PM 
World News with Ami:

Apparently, some British politician was allegedly seen putting his penis in the mouth of a dead pig in uni. British folk AMIRITE

Anywho, in other news Mookie and I are now working together. He was really giddy about us both being Canadians so like a TRUE opportunist I asked for his hand in aligning. Go me.

Ami Cusack
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Post #7: 21st Sep 2015 1:33 PM 
I know you're just an up and coming journalist, Yul, but let me handle the World News :P

But yeah, you're right lol. The allegations against that dude are still out there tho! I rest my case.
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Post #8: 21st Sep 2015 9:06 PM 
Delivered the win! Whew. #winning

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Post #9: 21st Sep 2015 9:31 PM 
*That challenge was really something eh? The Muertos tribe totally crushed it lmao - only 3 people from my tribe even made a successful bid! Kind of makes me worry about the first tribal challenge but I gots to stay positive! Getting immunity definitely lifted some weight off my shoulder. Being safe is so wicked, it's helping me get those initial jitters out of the way. I really don't think I needed it though beacuse I seem to be doing well enough keeping up with my social game.

*Tasha was fo sho the easy vote tonight but now that she's gone it seems like we've settled on Brianna, which is good because she's who I would like to see leave as well. She doesn't talk much at all - the staying silent type is not someone I'd like to keep around. Seems she doesn't talk with others much either so the vote settled pretty quick.

Brianna doesn't seem like the ideal choice for Mookie though - he would rather see Mama C leave. I wouldn't exactly cry if she left either. Her one word replies really get on my nerves. However, she seems to be more social than Brianna so I don't see the vote flipping to at all. I definitely pegged Mookie as someone smart and I'm glad he didn't try and shake things up lol. He told me to keep our relationship a secret baha which I get but it makes me wonder how many secret allies he has.

*I think my social standing on my tribe is pretty decent. I have the strongest bonds with Brice and Mookie so hopefully one of them tries to start some sort of group because I'd be all for it. I'm beginning to like Jenn and Colton a lot more as well. Daniel has kind of being dull for me lately. He keeps harping about the ludicrousness of there being another Dan and how he has to settle with 'Daniel.' He told me he wants to change his name to Travis which is lulzy. Dude's got weird humour. Not sure if you all realize but Rodney apparently likes pandas. Whatta guy lol.

Sherri will be an interesting replacement. Lucky bitch gets to sit out of tribal though. She seems social so I think she'll fit in nicely. Seems like the sweetheart type (inb4 she stabs me in the back down the line)

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Post #10: 21st Sep 2015 9:35 PM 
That empty tribe welcome thread tho <3
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Post #11: 22nd Sep 2015 10:02 PM 
Episode 02

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Post #12: 22nd Sep 2015 11:44 PM 
Episode 02

*Dat tribe swap tho! Definitely wasn't expecting that! At first I was kind of upset because I think I got myself into a pretty decent spot on the Innocentes tribe but than I was kind of happy because I think we would have gotten destroyed in the challenge. Also I wasn't feeling much tribe immunity with them - conversations are kind of sappy and they seemed more focused on the challenge. I was definitely trying to win that Captain's challenge but it was kind of difficult to solve those puzzles on the trackpad. I think getting to the last 3 was a pretty impressive showing though. I did want to decide which castaways I wanted to be with though but OH WELL. When Mookie got knocked out he asked me if that was me lol. Bitch calm down, others can be good at challenges too. I didn't like him just pointing the finger at me. He also told Brianna to vote Mama C which is funny. Dude definitely seems like the 'my agenda over all' type of guy but whatevs.

Brice winning was good! He wanted me to win but alas I was knocked out (maybe by him who knows lol). Monica is someone I really wanted to be with so I told Brice that she's good at challenges and would be a good tribe member. I didn't think JT would pick me first (and he didn't) but I don't think Brice picked me first (from the Innocentes) so boooo him. Don't know how the order went or anything though so I'm already over it.

*Ended up with 5 Muertos peeps on the Calavera tribe (those fonts for the tribes are confusing to read yo!) and I'm not THAT worried so far. Hopefully it doesn't end up as a returnees vs newbies situation. We only had a couple days on old tribes so tribal lines shouldn't play that much of a factor (fingers crossed). I'm just hoping we can go on a challenge run because I don't like going to tribal. It's icky. Our tribe does seem good at challenges so that's a good sign.

Dan is probably my favourite of the new folk. Easy to talk to, funny, good at challenges it seems. He did mention possibly working together that first day - not sure how much he meant it but I shall see how that develops. JT isn't the most interesting guy to talk to but I think he's close with Dan so I'll try and stay close to him. Jonny is alright to talk to and Ashley is still jokey and sarcastic. Not sure if I can get into any game talk with her but we'll see how things go. I think Amber is a sweetheart! I'm not sure where her placement is with her Muertos tribemates though. If I can swing her over to me that'd be great. Not necessarily over to the Innocentes to make us 5 but over to me because I'm more important lol. I can see Jenn being a potential first boot with us. JT mentioned how she's quiet lol which she is.

Lot's of we'll sees with this tribe. WE'LL SEE

Post Edited by Ami Cusack @ 22nd Sep 2015 11:45 PM
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Post #13: 23rd Sep 2015 8:16 PM 
Have you ever been alerted by facebook of somebody's birthday and your reaction is: "Dafuq? Why you in here? I don't even like you." ... So you just unfriend them ON their frickin birthday. It's like going to their bday party and announcing "Yeahh I don't care about any of this and I sure as hell won't care this time next year."

In other news, Dan confirmed that he does want to work with me. Let's just hope he's as serious about it as I am (:

That's all
Ami Cusack
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Post #14: 23rd Sep 2015 10:01 PM 
Oh gosh that challenge was sure a mess lmao. I definitely wanted to be a part of the 2 -member group because I don't work well with others haha. Jonny took the mantle and decided to keep track of all the seconds but bitch was so slow and then his internet cut out x: But being the trooper I am, I kept track of those seconds like 'A' keeps track of the Liars. I'm not feeling confident we won that bout but oh well at least I can blame Jonny for most of it lol.

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Post #15: 24th Sep 2015 8:06 PM 
Dang those challenge results! They're all g0gurl minions

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