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Phase Discussion Thread
Takeshi Haruki
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Post #1: 27th Apr 2015 1:12 AM 
Can the suits be shared? Takeshi is not of big stature and can squeeze if RAMSES is malleable
Takeshi Haruki
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Post #2: 27th Apr 2015 1:21 AM 
Melvin Schrauwen @ 26/4/2015 17:19
Arissa @ 26/4/2015 20:17
Garthon Alfray @ 26/4/2015 18:16
Take into account the people who did not even introduce themselves earlier, in my experience those are usually the first to go during a mission like this.

Grudges should not be taken into account since we have only known each other for a day or two.

I agree with this.

I will third this, though it appears everyone has introduced themselves. We may have to make some judgments.
Takeshi agrees. There are some who are as silent as dried leaves on the ground.
Takeshi Haruki
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Post #3: 27th Apr 2015 1:27 AM 
Dain @ 26/4/2015 17:25
This is a lot to take in...I think our best bet is to see who brings the most to the table, and see what skillsets people have that will help us out.
Takeshi can fight and teach others how to fight. Cannot lead but is a loyal soldier.
Takeshi Haruki
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Post #4: 27th Apr 2015 1:51 AM 
Dr. Elias Baines @ 26/4/2015 17:47
No no no!

It wasn't supposed to be like this. Watts, you have a lot to answer for. A real lot! Dalia isn't supposed to be on fire. And you were supposed to land the ship, not crash it! What kind of pilot are you anyway?

Oh gods, this is bad. Ok...we need to work out a fair system for who gets the suits.

There was a disaster at sea on Earth in the old days. A ship they called the Titanic. It sank, and they didn't have enough lifeboats for everybody. They came up with what I believe to be a fair system which would work for us. They gave women and children priority. I...I think we need to do the same. Little Aldo, where is he? He is the only child here, he must get the first suit.

But a child needs a guardian too. I will take this burden upon myself if everybody allows it...that means i'll have to go with him, so I'll need a suit too, naturally...
Only a coward uses a child as a bargaining chip
Takeshi Haruki
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Post #5: 27th Apr 2015 1:53 AM 
Rin @ 26/4/2015 17:52
I'm not expecting to get by just because I'm a kid. I've never expected or accepted hand-outs, and I don't plan to now.

I'm resourceful, imaginative, brave, and I know everything there is to know about soft drinks, so that could come in handy probably.

Plus I really want to find my dad so that I can beat the shit out of him for leaving us.

Takeshi can teach you how to fight little Rin. And how to kill.
Takeshi Haruki
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Post #6: 27th Apr 2015 2:02 AM 
Misty @ 26/4/2015 18:00
Matilda @ 26/4/2015 19:57
Misty @ 26/4/2015 18:56
Felicity Green @ 26/4/2015 19:52
I'm going to give it to you all straight; those who want to lead, shouldn't lead. Selfishness combined with power is the fuel for corruption, and God knows what's on that ship. I won't be with you all for long, but I care about your wellbeing and urge you to take caution with this choice. Good men can become tyrants...

Let's make people not volunteering leaders. That'll sure make things easier.

Darlin', your word ain't nothin! You WANT to die!!!

Says who? Who are you talking to, old lady? WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR!?
Takeshi believes that was directed at Felicity because Felicity volunteered to stay behind
Takeshi Haruki
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Post #7: 27th Apr 2015 2:20 AM 
Takeshi has not heard from these individuals after the crash

Diamente Azul

If Takeshi mistakenly has missed any of them speaking then apologies.
Takeshi Haruki
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Post #8: 27th Apr 2015 3:01 AM 
Melvin Schrauwen @ 26/4/2015 18:59
Dain @ 26/4/2015 21:58
Watts, Jeong, Clifford, and Elias have all been publicly suggested as candidates to leave behind. Anyone else have names?

I believe Lindberg has been named as well.
Takeshi believes Elliot has been silent as well.
Takeshi Haruki
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Post #9: 27th Apr 2015 3:22 AM 
RAMSES @ 26/4/2015 19:20
Felicity Green @ 27/4/2015 2:18
My offer still stands. Where else would I return to after this mission? My house arrest on Europa? I'm never again setting foot on Callisto again...I can't.

We will need your brand of chutzpah on this mission.

This unit does not believe your story should end here.
Takeshi agrees. Felicity displays great nobility in her desire to sacrifice for the good of others. A rare quality indeed.
Takeshi Haruki
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Post #10: 27th Apr 2015 3:42 AM 
Aippaq @ 26/4/2015 19:28
I would like to defend myself though because I do have skills that are useful.

As a fisherman, my people have learned patience is a virtue. Ay, and that it is. I can be useful for group dynamic. But I am also an extremely skilled fisherman and that does not come easy. My skill set in that area are unmatched. I have quite the knack for discernment and I am capable of analyzing and studying areas; able to easily read my surroundings. Makes hunting and fishing quite easy when you are as aware as I.
Having a good read on surroundings is very useful in a fight. Your skills will indeed be useful. Takeshi is curious if you have any fighting experience.
Takeshi Haruki
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Post #11: 27th Apr 2015 4:08 AM 
If we are discussing toxicity, Takeshi would like to mention Cassie and her incessant cursing and yelling at everyone along with her flagrant flaunting of the riches of her father.
Takeshi Haruki
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Post #12: 27th Apr 2015 7:24 PM 
Cassie @ 27/4/2015 10:55
Freyja @ 27/4/2015 13:53
Us listing the people who have not spoken, may encourage them to be more active in discussion as well.

this exactly.
Takeshi agrees and in the spirit of progressing the discussion lists out the people that have been the quietest

Takeshi Haruki
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Post #13: 27th Apr 2015 9:31 PM 
Elliot @ 27/4/2015 13:14
I feel similarly, Paige. Setting up some kind of task to determine all this could be fun, although I really have little creativity to offer for this.

Takeshi has an idea for team building.

Let us assume in the future we may be required to perform a task in sync with each other ... say groups of 5? We pick and choose ourselves which people we want to team up with and decide on a time (before the deadline) when we can all meet up and perform said task. The task in question being as follows:

"You find yourself trapped inside a burning room on board the Dalia. Time is of the essence and your only hope is working together to clear the rubble blocking the door as fast as you can and escape before the room incinerates. To clear the rubble each member of your 5 person crew must perform the following action

[Name] displaces wreckage

Each crew member may only perform the action once every other member has performed it. To successfully escape the room, each member must perform this action at least 5 times."

Whichever group can successfully perform this task the fastest will exhibit key qualities

a.) The ability to form a cohesive team based on public interactions
b.) The ability to work together seamlessly (agreeing on a time, performing said task)
c.) The ability to perform speed sensitive tasks under pressure.

Takeshi realizes this could turn into a mess trying to co-ordinate so it is just a suggestion to help make the process easier/fun. The perk being whichever team does this the fastest all get suits.
Takeshi Haruki
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Post #14: 27th Apr 2015 9:39 PM 
Matthieu Soderbergh @ 27/4/2015 13:35
Takeshi Haruki @ 27/4/2015 21:31
Elliot @ 27/4/2015 13:14
I feel similarly, Paige. Setting up some kind of task to determine all this could be fun, although I really have little creativity to offer for this.

Takeshi has an idea for team building.

Let us assume in the future we may be required to perform a task in sync with each other ... say groups of 5? We pick and choose ourselves which people we want to team up with and decide on a time (before the deadline) when we can all meet up and perform said task. The task in question being as follows:

"You find yourself trapped inside a burning room on board the Dalia. Time is of the essence and your only hope is working together to clear the rubble blocking the door as fast as you can and escape before the room incinerates. To clear the rubble each member of your 5 person crew must perform the following action

[Name] displaces wreckage

Each crew member may only perform the action once every other member has performed it. To successfully escape the room, each member must perform this action at least 5 times."

Whichever group can successfully perform this task the fastest will exhibit key qualities

a.) The ability to form a cohesive team based on public interactions
b.) The ability to work together seamlessly (agreeing on a time, performing said task)
c.) The ability to perform speed sensitive tasks under pressure.

Takeshi realizes this could turn into a mess trying to co-ordinate so it is just a suggestion to help make the process easier/fun. The perk being whichever team does this the fastest all get suits.

Although an interesting suggestion, wouldnt this favour teams that are situated within the same-ish timezones?

I feel like this suggestion might punish potentially good teams for simply having members within different time zones and perhaps rewarding poor teams that got lucky with their team.
Timezones is a problem we will likely face down the line. Takeshi feels this is one way to bring attention to it and address it.
Takeshi Haruki
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Post #15: 27th Apr 2015 9:49 PM 
Cassie @ 27/4/2015 13:47
if anyone puts dain at the bottom of there lists then those assholes will be put at the bottom of mine. that aint the sign of fucking teamwork thats just being MUTHAFUCKIN selfish bitches.
How will you know what people are actually putting down.
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