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Phase Discussion Thread
Garthon Alfray
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Post #106: 6th May 2015 5:46 PM 
Some flaws in this i forgot to remove, for example Pipes wouldn't know we got a double room, so whoever gets a double room should always stay and wait for the other to enter our room.

However, we would waste a phase if that person was dead.

I'm just trying to at least have some sort of a plan ´:)
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Post #107: 6th May 2015 5:51 PM 
This unit just really hopes that south of the center of our current room isn't an empty space, with the two southern rooms on either side accessible from this room only having exits that further separate us.

Aippaq, can you sense multiple traps or can you only check one exit each day? If you don't want to answer, that's fine.
Garthon Alfray
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Post #108: 6th May 2015 5:54 PM 
RAMSES @ 6/5/2015 16:51
This unit just really hopes that south of the center of our current room isn't an empty space, with the two southern rooms on either side accessible from this room only having exits that further separate us.

Aippaq, can you sense multiple traps or can you only check one exit each day? If you don't want to answer, that's fine.

I agree Ramses It would make things so much simpler, but we can only hope I guess.
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Post #109: 6th May 2015 6:00 PM 
Hopefully, there's only 1 or 2 rooms connecting the Southern exits. I do feel that there's a likely scenario with more rooms than 2 separating West and East, if fate put 2 fusion cells on this Eastern side for a reason then crawling through to the Western side might be a detour.

I do feel that Diamante's treasure hunting skills will come to good use making a decision.

It's good planning ahead though, especially with fusion cells in mind.
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Post #110: 6th May 2015 6:04 PM 
Garthon Alfray @ 6/5/2015 10:46
Some flaws in this i forgot to remove, for example Pipes wouldn't know we got a double room, so whoever gets a double room should always stay and wait for the other to enter our room.

However, we would waste a phase if that person was dead.

I'm just trying to at least have some sort of a plan ´:)

It is always good to have a plan. Better than to not have one at all and we've been trying to think through this well, so better to stick with that.

As for a meet up: I really do not think this will be as easy as said. I feel if I were to get separated, then meeting up is going to be made difficult.

As for my role, I guess I should clarify before I outright leave. I am what is called a seer. I don't detect traps, but I do get to look ahead and see what the room looks like. I am given a brief description of the room, therefore I can at least look and decipher what we might be dealing with ahead. This isn't fool proof and I don't get told if a room is trapped (though based on the descriptions I might be able to guess).

I say this for 2 reasons: if someone thinks their role is more valuable to lead themselves back to the group or keep them alive, then they should speak up. Also, if the group thinks I'm more valuable to guide them through the rest of this ship assuming the person who gets split off will just be gone for a good while, then I will stay.
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Post #111: 6th May 2015 6:06 PM 
RE: your three outlined scenarios, they look to be the best way to handle those specific situations. Thank you for taking the time to map the possibilities out for us.

I'm very curious what is through both the Northern and Southern door on the other side of this room. If this room could be so freely entered through those doors, it would completely negate the situation set up here because the switch would be right there to flip and deactivate the rampant currents..
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Post #112: 6th May 2015 6:13 PM 
Garthon Alfray @ 6/5/2015 9:42
We need to plan ahead in case Pipes (or anyone else) gets separated, I suggest going south until we manage to turn towards each other.
We have some options, here are my predictions if we go SOUTH.

1. I predict that the room south of this room will be exactly like this one, connected together.

2. If the room is not connected and the big group gets a double room, then pipes should wait for us in his single room for 1 phase while we enter his room.

3. If there is a door leading another room, we both exit. However if pipes gets a double room he stays and we enter his room .

If there is no entrance we keep on going south until we find one.

However if someone senses a trap of some kind and has to turn, we just have to wing it it i guess.

Here is my map with my predictions, please give feedback.

This is just a small plan, and it will probably not work as planned.

Posted Image

I'm glad Pipes has caught on. I think your stuff is spot-on, nice work.
Garthon Alfray
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Post #113: 6th May 2015 6:17 PM 
Thanks Dain :goodtimes:
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Post #114: 6th May 2015 6:20 PM 
Right, time to exit to the South East. Good stuff, hopefully we'll all be meeting up on that side.
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Post #115: 6th May 2015 6:23 PM 
RAMSES @ 6/5/2015 9:01
The octopus, a strangely noble creature.

I admire their tenacity.

Sneaky bastards.
Garthon Alfray
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Post #116: 6th May 2015 6:23 PM 
Thanks for sharing your detailed role Aippaq, very cool.

Also, could you maybe sense the south/west room and see if we could meet up with whoever goes through the crawl space?

It could make it easier to meet up.
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Post #117: 6th May 2015 6:24 PM 
If there is no entrance we keep on going south until we find one.

I have a sense that if there are many rooms separating the two paths, then it might be a mistake doubling back through too many rooms. If it is say, 7-8 rooms south of us then we might run a risk of running low on fusion cells. If there's only 1-2 rooms I think we can manage and I'm with you all the way with your thinking, meeting up if things go south is preferred.
Garthon Alfray
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Post #118: 6th May 2015 6:26 PM 
Dain @ 6/5/2015 17:20
Right, time to exit to the South East. Good stuff, hopefully we'll all be meeting up on that side.

I'll put a follow on you Dain.

Also who wants exit the south east, should he get the armor?

[[Still hasn't moved from my inventory to Aippaq's inventory, I could just change it]]
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Post #119: 6th May 2015 6:27 PM 
Garthon Alfray @ 6/5/2015 10:26
Dain @ 6/5/2015 17:20
Right, time to exit to the South East. Good stuff, hopefully we'll all be meeting up on that side.

I'll put a follow on you Dain.

Also who wants exit the south east, should he get the armor?

[[Still hasn't moved from my inventory to Aippaq's inventory, I could just change it]]

I just entered it in, so I might be the first one through. I wouldn't mind holding on to it going into this room, and then I can pass it back when we get through.
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Post #120: 6th May 2015 6:30 PM 
Garthon Alfray @ 6/5/2015 11:17
Thanks Dain :goodtimes:

I copied your plans into my journal.

I really do wish there was some sort of outside communication. If we cannot meet up in a room south of here after maybe 2 rooms, we should just try to accomplish our goals.

Our ultimate goal is not to remain a group for as long as possible, but to turn on the power and I think that should be the priority. We can't just keep going south in hopes of meeting up especially since you guys will never know if I had to derive from the path to avoid something potentially bad.
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