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Phase Discussion Thread
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Offline Marker
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Post #31: 28th Apr 2015 1:27 AM 
so aldo im guessin you think that the fuckers that should be left behind are the ones that arent around and dont offer shit?
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Post #32: 28th Apr 2015 1:49 AM 
izza ur one fly bitch u know that?? i can dig ya u feeling me!?
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Post #33: 28th Apr 2015 3:00 PM 
Dr. Elias Baines @ 28/4/2015 6:20
Forget for a second any opinion you have formed of me, and just hear my words, without prejudice.

I think it is a disgrace that anybody here is keeping their votes a secret. Is it not bad enough that we are condemning nine people to die, that we keep them in the dark about it too?

Nobody with a heart can deny this is immoral.

The whole system is immoral. Deciding who should live or die based on their individual characteristics, age, strength etc, is an ugly practice. A truly fair system would be to draw straws, and give up our fate to the gods. But alas, we do not have any straws...

So we must make do with the system we have. But that doesn't mean we can't make this parting of ways as amiable as possible. We need to be honest and open with the ones we leave behind. Nobody deserves to be faced with the sacrifice without being fully prepared.

I understand why some maintain secrecy. It is the desire to not give those who are sacrificed any cause to seek vengeance should they somehow survive. An ultimately selfish motivation, and an understandable one.

But, even from a selfish point of view, do you not think it would be better to give those left behind no cause to seek vengeance in the first place. If we are honest with the unfortunate nine left behind, they are less likely to hold a grudge.

I'd look like a hypocrite if I didn't post my list after all I just said. Here goes:


Felicity, you volunteered to be sacrificed. To the others...I am sorry. Understand that if there was any other way, we would have found it. But don't think of this as the end. Think of it as the beginning. We are placing you in the hands of the gods. Your fate will ultimately be decided by them. I pray we will see each other again.

nigga whats ur reasoning for putting SASSY CASSIE at the bottom of ur list? ive shown more worth then u pussy.
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Offline Marker
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Post #34: 28th Apr 2015 3:04 PM 
one of u fuckers that im looking at that many ppl havent talked about is edom cause nigga aint posting anything that we dont already know and he hasnt even made much posts in total!

he said hes gonna pick his list based on quality of posts but the fucker doesnt realize that most of his posts are trash.
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Post #35: 28th Apr 2015 4:22 PM 
thinking about this shit more i agree that rin bitch hasnt added much to the discussion. i like the little shit and all but girl u gotta add more to the group and you gotta do that shit FAST young buck.
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Post #36: 28th Apr 2015 4:41 PM 
Rin @ 28/4/2015 11:39
Are you really about to start shit about being interesting? You?

if u wanna grow up to be a fucking classy lady then u better learn a thing or two about what good and bad language are u piece of shit little cunt.
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Post #37: 28th Apr 2015 5:12 PM 
we have just a few hours left we need to start finalizing shit nigga so anyone else wanna share there lists i havent made one yet or i would just wondering bitch
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Post #38: 28th Apr 2015 7:59 PM 
El Diamente Azul @ 28/4/2015 14:50
This is the bottom of my list, no particular order. I frankly totally disagree that "just because we don't like someone they can still contribute. I think the cons outweigh the pros. Sure they may offer up opinions, but if they are just going to fight and argue with us that provides a dangerous distraction to the group and makes everything that much harder. You should never underestimate what a harmonious group can accomplish. Aside from that there are the common untalkative and unhelpful people others have put


bitch who have i fought or argued with?
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Post #39: 28th Apr 2015 8:04 PM 
El Diamente Azul @ 28/4/2015 15:01
Well, you're calling me a bitch right now for one. So you aren't exactly convincing me to place you higher. But most seem to think you're presence has value so why worry? I'm not going to be quiet with my opinions though.

calling you a bitch isnt arguing with you you dumb piece of shit.
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Post #40: 28th Apr 2015 8:09 PM 
El Diamente Azul @ 28/4/2015 15:07
Insulting someone isn't starting a fight? Your poor attitude is contributing to a productive group that's not going to get distracted by unnecessary conflict?

when a nigga calls me out for some bULLSHIT imma ask them what that shits about you feeling me? i aint been a distraction this entire time and ive also been much more of a help then u have u fucking cunt. stop being a pussy and worry about ppl who aint helping cause up until now all ive done is suggest wtf is best for the group so sit ur ass down and learn a thing or two BITFCH.
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Post #41: 28th Apr 2015 8:11 PM 
and i aint afraid of SHIT unlike this bitch who cries when someone confronts her about shit. u gonna be a little bitch during this whole trip? we aint need shit like that if ur just gonna cry over stupid fucking shit.

SASSY CASSIE out for now bitches.
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Post #42: 28th Apr 2015 8:12 PM 
El Diamente Azul @ 28/4/2015 15:11
What I think is best for the group is people who aren't going to throw a tantrum when someone has a different opinion.

aint no one allowed to question ur opinion? who the fuck do u think u are ?
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Post #43: 28th Apr 2015 8:12 PM 
imma step out before this causes more of a distraction
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Offline Marker
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Post #44: 28th Apr 2015 8:15 PM 
also niggas best believe cassie brings the best out of ppl AMIRIGHT LOL. putting pressure on ppl makes them speak up more and thats how ive always treated every situation. this bitch has spoken more in the last 10 mins then she has in any other span since the start. cassie knows ppl even if it may be a different way of handling shit yaknow nigga
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Offline Marker
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Post #45: 28th Apr 2015 8:19 PM 
El Diamente Azul @ 28/4/2015 15:19
Cassie @ 28/4/2015 15:15
also niggas best believe cassie brings the best out of ppl AMIRIGHT LOL. putting pressure on ppl makes them speak up more and thats how ive always treated every situation. this bitch has spoken more in the last 10 mins then she has in any other span since the start. cassie knows ppl even if it may be a different way of handling shit yaknow nigga

Except our interaction wasn't really all that productive, and really could have been if you fixed your attitude and interacted with me like a normal person.

we know more about u as a fucking person after this interaction. u gona tell me im wrong?
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