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Phase Discussion Thread
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Offline Marker
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Post #16: 1st May 2015 4:35 AM 
That laser pistol might be different though... I don't think it exactly has the juices to maintain a kill every day
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Offline Marker
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Post #17: 1st May 2015 4:38 AM 
Well shoot, if that's the case then I'll be happy to go first every time. I'll turn into super woman
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Offline Marker
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Post #18: 1st May 2015 6:28 PM 
Alright Alright Alright!!

Y'all sure are a chatty bunch.

Here's what I got. Y'alls a bunch of paranoid people! Although I am in the same state of mind on some things.. Our items need to be spread thin. If one of us decides to go wild and run off on our own, then we need to make sure it ain't a person with an army's wortha guns and medkits.

Now, all this speculation on where stuff is... Eh. I don't think it's worth mullin' over. Every floor we'll be on we won't have any idea where anything is or really what exactly it's for, other than the two we already know about. One'a which is vague... habitation? What's that mean? People livin'... yes, but can't that mean the stuff that helps people live too? Food? Water? These darn air filtration cells?

To me it makes sense to get on a floor and search that one out as much as we can, if we spend a lot of our time just goin' up and down on these elevators we're never gonna know about everything we're missin' out on.

This luchador has a pretty good mind with this treasure huntin' crap. I think we need to go South. I don't know about y'all but I don't really wanna focus on gettin' outta here until we got some security about this air thing. And I ain't gonna let it get to the point of us killin' each other to get a few extra. That's just crazy.

All that bein' said, any of y'all seen my grandchildren? They ran away a lil while ago... I think a few hours or so. I've been lookin' and lookin' and just can't find 'em!
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Offline Marker
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Post #19: 1st May 2015 6:32 PM 
Wait... so this don't end until Monday? I thought this one was gonna end tonight and then the next one don't end until Monday.
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Offline Marker
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Post #20: 1st May 2015 6:33 PM 
Also, I put in my two cents on the page before this in case any of y'all didn't get a chance to see it. I've got a knack for puttin' important stuff at the bottom of pages.
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Offline Marker
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Post #21: 1st May 2015 6:34 PM 
RAMSES @ 1/5/2015 11:33
Matilda @ 1/5/2015 17:32
Wait... so this don't end until Monday? I thought this one was gonna end tonight and then the next one don't end until Monday.

Yes, you are correct.

Well shoot!! All this ammonium really gives a gal her sight back. :awesome:
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Offline Marker
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Post #22: 1st May 2015 6:40 PM 
Yessir! South. I think we need ta get as many items as we can, but prioritize them air filtration cells. If we're secure on them then it's one thing we ain't gotta worry about.
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Offline Marker
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Post #23: 1st May 2015 10:28 PM 
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Offline Marker
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Post #24: 3rd May 2015 9:54 PM 
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