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Phase Discussion Thread
Lionel Cronkite
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Post #16: 28th Apr 2015 3:04 PM 
If we are sharing our current bottom 9, then I will share mine as well. I will also include the notes I have kept beside each person's name, as I have compiled thoughts and notes on all of my crew mates as I have followed along with this discussion. I feel that it is best to know who I am dealing with, as I am afraid we will have some trials ahead of us.

33. Veleriya - soviet soldier and officer; could have helpful skillset, but can't recall anything useful being posted
34. Paige - low posts, no real content; born into political family?
35. Diamente Azul - nothing helpful yet; not sure of skill set
36. Rin - nothing helpful; not sure of skill set
37. Watts - captain of first crew; not even posting
38. Matilda - posts a lot, but hasn't added anything of value other than asking for her glasses; not sure of skill set
39. Jeong - no real posts, talks in jibberish? skill set could be holding a key to doors on the Dalia? Hard to translate
40. Clifford - chimed in on briefly
41. Misty - very abraisive, wants us all to burn, has added nothing meaningful

I have tried to compile my list as fairly as possible with the purpose being to ensure we have the best crew possible to complete our mission. You will note the common theme being lack of meaningful contribution to our discussion and/or an inability for me to decipher any particular skill set that could be useful aboard the Dalia. I will also note that my list remains fluid, and could still change before we must ultimately decide.

This is a very hard decision, my friends. I hate to lose anyone and sincerely hope that the 9 who are left behind remain safe on this ship. Perhaps, when we open the airlock to board the Dalia, the pressure change will be brief enough to not harm the remaining crew, but strong enough to put out the flames?
Lionel Cronkite
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Post #17: 28th Apr 2015 3:06 PM 
I must also add that the numbers in my list are not necessarily the order in which I place anyone's value. I simply numbered the entire crew list, and changing the numbers completely each time my opinions change is too time consuming, so the numbers are not necessarily a proper ordering based on my opinions.
Lionel Cronkite
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Post #18: 28th Apr 2015 3:11 PM 
Dr. Elias Baines @ 28/4/2015 5:20
Forget for a second any opinion you have formed of me, and just hear my words, without prejudice.

I think it is a disgrace that anybody here is keeping their votes a secret. Is it not bad enough that we are condemning nine people to die, that we keep them in the dark about it too?

Nobody with a heart can deny this is immoral.

The whole system is immoral. Deciding who should live or die based on their individual characteristics, age, strength etc, is an ugly practice. A truly fair system would be to draw straws, and give up our fate to the gods. But alas, we do not have any straws...

So we must make do with the system we have. But that doesn't mean we can't make this parting of ways as amiable as possible. We need to be honest and open with the ones we leave behind. Nobody deserves to be faced with the sacrifice without being fully prepared.

I understand why some maintain secrecy. It is the desire to not give those who are sacrificed any cause to seek vengeance should they somehow survive. An ultimately selfish motivation, and an understandable one.

But, even from a selfish point of view, do you not think it would be better to give those left behind no cause to seek vengeance in the first place. If we are honest with the unfortunate nine left behind, they are less likely to hold a grudge.

I'd look like a hypocrite if I didn't post my list after all I just said. Here goes:


Felicity, you volunteered to be sacrificed. To the others...I am sorry. Understand that if there was any other way, we would have found it. But don't think of this as the end. Think of it as the beginning. We are placing you in the hands of the gods. Your fate will ultimately be decided by them. I pray we will see each other again.

Might I inquire as to why I am in your bottom 9? If you have reasons why I would not be fit to continue on this mission, I would appreciate your sharing with me so that I may determine if it is something that is correctable in our remaining time.
Lionel Cronkite
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Post #19: 28th Apr 2015 3:21 PM 
Anna @ 28/4/2015 9:17
I hope your numbers are not correct as the people with the highest total combined will be leader. Would hate to see Watts be a leader because people made a minor mistake""

The Phase Update tells us to place those we want for command at top, and those we want to sacrifice at bottom. I will likely delete the numbers upon submission just to ensure there is no confusion.
Lionel Cronkite
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Post #20: 28th Apr 2015 4:27 PM 
Jeong @ 28/4/2015 10:21
41. Cronkite
40. Anna

Glad to see that not only can you not communicate with us, but you are only going to rank people based on your emotional reactions. At least I gave some reasoning for why I had you at the bottom. I've said all along that I will be keeping an open mind until the deadline, so give me a reason to change my list.
Lionel Cronkite
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Post #21: 28th Apr 2015 5:28 PM 
I will add this: if we can find a way to understand Jeong, and she does, in fact, have a key or set of keys that open doors on the Dalia, then we may well need to keep her with us.
Lionel Cronkite
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Post #22: 28th Apr 2015 5:39 PM 
Frederic @ 28/4/2015 11:29
Lionel Cronkite @ 28/4/2015 8:28
I will add this: if we can find a way to understand Jeong, and she does, in fact, have a key or set of keys that open doors on the Dalia, then we may well need to keep her with us.

Assuming she's telling the truth in a possible life or death situation for her, yah?

Very true, Mr. Gainz. I have not removed her from my list, but I am curious to see if we can find some common ground to understand her in the next several hours.
Lionel Cronkite
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Post #23: 28th Apr 2015 6:13 PM 
Jeong, can you even understand what we are saying? Aldo has at least demonstrated the ability to understand and respond to direct questions in a manner that we can all understand
Lionel Cronkite
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Post #24: 28th Apr 2015 6:15 PM 
Anna @ 28/4/2015 12:14
Dain @ 28/4/2015 13:13

I just feel like mentioning that 1 was supposed to at the top and 41 was the bottom.

The host said that he would be ranking them 41-1 and those with the most would get leadership. I covered this hours ago ;)

This confusion is why I shall submit my list without the numbers
Lionel Cronkite
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Post #25: 28th Apr 2015 11:41 PM 
24 hour fire reprieve? Kudos to whichever of you mechanics slowed that fire down!
Lionel Cronkite
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Post #26: 29th Apr 2015 4:17 AM 
What's this!? Watts is alive!? So miracles CAN happen!
Lionel Cronkite
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Post #27: 29th Apr 2015 4:25 AM 
Watts, it seems fortune has shined upon you and given you extra time to convince the crew that you deserve a suit. So tell us, things got off to quite the rocky start under your watch, but what skills, expertise and/or other qualities do you bring to the table to assist us in completing our mission?
Lionel Cronkite
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Post #28: 29th Apr 2015 4:55 AM 
Clifford @ 28/4/2015 22:52
Aippaq @ 29/4/2015 4:29
Clifford @ 28/4/2015 21:43
I'm fine being in the bottom nine. I don't even know if my wife and kids are alive at this point so what's the point I even living. Just because a bunch of you are lemmings and to lazy to determine your own lists just blindly follow someone that is kind enough tobpst theirs. So please include me in your bottom nine others are much more able to help the crew at this point.

It's not blindly following if you've made that kind of impression and everyone agrees at putting you in the bottom.

No the impression I've made affected one or two people and others just follow them . That's fine I've already said I'll fall on the sword, to save others if need be. It's just that the lists I've seen look very similar, and it must just be a coincidence. Everyone having the same opinion is again a coincidence. I've fought my entire life for others, I'm not fighting now, when who knows, if I even have anything to live for. For years I've fought for the rights of those that can't fight and now I'm being thrown to the abyss because there is no one there to fight for me or those that haven't been able to fight for themselves to this point.

Speaking only for myself, it's more the lack of impression made as opposed to the impression made. At least in your case, that is. There is still time to alter those impressions too.
Lionel Cronkite
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Post #29: 29th Apr 2015 3:15 PM 
Good morning fellow crew mates! I hope that everyone rested as well as possible given the dire situation and this ever present, slow moving inferno.
Lionel Cronkite
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Post #30: 29th Apr 2015 6:13 PM 
Matthieu Soderbergh @ 29/4/2015 10:57
Lionel Cronkite @ 29/4/2015 15:15
Good morning fellow crew mates! I hope that everyone rested as well as possible given the dire situation and this ever present, slow moving inferno.

Do you have any relations to Walter Cronkite?

As a boy working the farm back on the Lunar Base, my pop used to tell me stories about his great grandpa Walter, who was a journalistic legend back on Earth. Can't say that I believe he existed at all, but I have read quite a lot about the man in my extensive research on the Interplanetary Network. I must say, real or fictitious, I have perhaps molded some of my own writing after the styles that Walter is said to have embodied.
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