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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
Rest in Peace
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Post #1: 10th May 2013 2:12:39 AM 
Wilt cracked his knuckles. Fishing was romantic. Maybe he'd catch a wedding band for his beloved. He winked at her, much to the eye-rolling of the onlookers. Taking up the pole in arm, he splashed it down in the turbulent waters with a firm nod.

The waves were getting aggressive now. They splashed up hard against the side of the wooden plank, almost causing Wilt to topple over. He managed to regain his composure though. He was feeling it. The rush of nature, the force of the primal urge. He was going to provide like nobody else could. With a snap of the rod forth, he felt something latch onto him. He pulled but whatever it was, was huge.

He smiled. This could be their wedding feast. It was long overdue. Just a little more...just a little more....

With a frantic tug, he yanked forth with all his might. And then the world turned blue. There was a tremendous scream as water engulfed the whole plank. The rod was dropped and Wilt was up in the air. Brie's eye finally took in what they were seeing and she screamed out, trying to rush over. Stonehard Lee held her firmly in place.

"There's nothing you can do!" He shouted above the torrential forces. Urk looked on, confused as the monstrous creature lashed forth with its mighty deadly jaws. The long and scaly body below stretched out as far as the eye could see. The back was covered in razor sharp fins. It clamped down, holding Wilt firmly in place with its mighty jaws, twisting its snake-like tongue around him. He glanced down at Brie, mouthing something that she couldn't hear above the rush but she understood.

Tears poured from her eyes as the beast leapt, arcing down into the water, glancing back for a second with reptilian eyes before splashing hard into the waves. It disappeared beneath, the blue and green scales no longer in sight. A fish-like tail slapped down into the depths last.



The name is with you in spirit but...you can barely remember....you can barely see her face. All you see is hers. Brie is smiling down at you so tenderly in the way that she had done. Nothing else had mattered for the longest time.

You'd wanted to change it all. You'd wanted to end them so you could undo your troubled past. But now...you'd take it all back in a heart-beat. You were a fool and a coward. And you felt like you'd let her down most of all. Now who would protect her from the evil of this place? It was over...

"I can undo all that has been done..."

The voice hits you and fills you with an overwhelming sense of hope. The world is darkness and you feelings have turned to ashes but for that moment of hope. You could undo....was it really that simple? Would it all go back to the way it was? Then you'd have Lorlei but....but not her. You wouldn't have Brie.

Your heart ached but it longed to feel her embrace. It longed to hold her like you'd never had chance with the bedraggled group looking on. To know and love her for all of your days. But those days were over now. You would never again wield a blade. So much was lost to you, so much was gone.

Undo....you want to take it back now. You'd do it right next time. On your honour. You'd protect all those who needed protecting. You'd protect her. For now all you have is the darkness.

As it takes you, you see her face once more. Not Brie...it's hers...she's been waiting. But you couldn't wait for her. Lorlei...I'm coming....forgive me.

In your mind the two faces merge and you're left looking up at a blank, still face full of tenderness and...hope above all things. You reach out to embrace. This is the one you truly want.

For when hope is dead, then you will be lost forever.

You have been killed. This is a sad event that no player wants, but it's part and parcel of the game. It may not be the end though as there are revives from death in this game.

Please ensure you still follow the game rules. You may post in your journal but do not attempt to contact any players outside of the game.
Wilt Silverstone
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 7
Post #2: 10th May 2013 2:17:08 AM 
Doubt I'll get revived but who knows.

That really sucks.
Wilt Silverstone
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 7
Post #3: 10th May 2013 2:17:46 AM 
Hopefully Rita lets me say my final words to Brie.
Wilt Silverstone
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 7
Post #4: 10th May 2013 2:21:35 AM 
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