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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
Phase 32; shit not again
Head Knight Mark
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 72
Post #1: 30th Apr 2013 1:29:05 AM 
The door opened to the North. Sr. Culo walked cautiously into the room. It was a standard sized one and it was very, very dark. It was so dark that he could barely see the shape of the exits. There was one North, one South and one West. His eyes slowly began to become accustomed to the gloom as he paused and waited to get his bearings.

There was nothing but empty air in all directions. That was very unsettling. He looked back as the door to the North opened once more. Kane walked into the room a little hazily, followed by the rest of the group. Something didn't feel right about the room though. Why would there be one so empty? His eyes wandered and eventually rose to the upper wall. And that's when he saw it.

The mechanism up there was beginning to light up. There was a click as something extended out, followed by a whir as another shape appeared in the darkness. A green glow began to emerge from the device, revealing it to be a small metallic cylinder connected to a mechanical arm. Finally, the glow grew bigger and bigger. Culo backed away with fear in his eyes before running towards the Western exit. But it was too late.

The device blasted forth a green laser which extended down to the floor and arced along the wall, crossing Sr. Culo's neck. For a long time after the laser moved on, there was no sound. But slowly, illuminated by the green of the device, everybody watched Culo's head drop away from his body. His body slumped down, leaving a bloody trail against the doorway where it fell before collapsing on the floor, headlessly.

Nobody dared make a move as the device above continued to emit the green light. Finally, the laser shut off leaving the room in darkness once more.

Nobody said a word for a while. Finally, Rita began to speak but stopped again as something else started happening. Kane looked down at his hands which were currently surrounded by bright purple sparks. His entire body seemed to be covered with an aura of them. He looked over at the group with confusion in his eyes, visible by the light he was emitting.

"What the f-" He began but with a purple flash he vanished into the air. Another figure appeared in his place, stumbling forward with confusion in her eyes.

Queen Genevieve looked upwards through the gloom at the group.

"My queen!" Said Wilt excitedly, rushing forth to help her stand.

It is now Phase 32. Phase 32 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (12):
Queen Genevieve

Head Knight Mark
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 72
Post #2: 30th Apr 2013 1:29:19 AM 
An unpleasant howling noise echoed across the walls of the room. It was travelling across from the West. Two more bloodthirsty howls followed it before they finally faded out again.
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