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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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Role Thread
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Post #1: 17th Mar 2013 5:09:55 AM 
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Title: Ward
Role Type: Passive
Win Condition: You win if you, or any players who share your win condition:
- Obtain an item from releasing all of the four guardians (Cassandra, Daedalus, Minos, Virgil)
- Obtain the sword of Theseus
- And bring those items to Willis' tower

Role Flavour:
Strange beasts and creatures of the darkness don't scare you, because you're one of them. In fact, these ghouls and monsters seem more afraid of you. You stroll right past them without a singular care in the world.

Role Description:
Your presence within a group serves to tame the untold evils of the Labyrinth. As such, you are completely immune to the monstrous denizens of the Labyrinth. Your presence will also help to prevent your immediate group from any attacks by a monster.

Please submit all role actions in this thread. Role actions not submitted in this thread will not count.
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Post #2: 18th Mar 2013 8:21:02 AM 
*searches the scrolls for more information*

Does this mean I have to exxxplore every room in this dreaded mazzzze to claim victory?
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Post #3: 19th Mar 2013 12:35:55 PM 
The one they call Urk, things will be explained in greater detail as you progress into the labyrinth.

Apologies for the belated response.
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Post #4: 23rd Mar 2013 5:08:40 AM 
Your win condition has been updated.
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Post #5: 28th Mar 2013 7:17:00 AM 
Phase 7 Results:
You gaze into the murky waters and focus on the room you want to see, speaking the name. The waters begin to change and spiral rapidly. They form an image which slowly comes into focus.

What you see is...you...looking into a pool looking into another pool...looking into a....

This is giving you a headache. Thankfully the stillness of the waters return.
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Post #6: 2nd Apr 2013 6:33:19 AM 
Phase 8 Results:

Feeling smothered by the cretins around you, the magnificent Wilurk makes his way to the scrying fountain to take a shot in the dark and get a breath of fresh air. Well, fresh enough. You're pretty sure the monkey has been using it as a bathroom. But you power through and come up with a room. The all powerful Wilurk could surely drag a room from the depths of these restless waters. You speak the room number aloud with glee.

The waters remained still, as if they were mocking you. There was nothing to see.
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Post #7: 6th Apr 2013 3:02:50 AM 
Phase 11:
You don't remember what happened. Did you...did you all go through the Western exit like you planned? That seemed like the right thing to do.

Everything in here is dark. You're dead...aren't you? It was bound to happen sooner or later but it wasn't meant to feel like this. At least it didn't hurt....you don't think. You can't really remember. You recall Balagor going on about doing something useful and the business with the skeleton and....

Balagor defintely went towards the door. And then he opened it and said the room was completely empty. And...had you followed him? You really can't remember.

What had killed you? Shouldn't you at least know?

Suddenly a light came on. Was this the final passage? It was illuminating a small, confined corridor. Along the walls were a number of mirrors. At least...they looked like mirrors. You peered into one but you couldn't see your own face. You saw the face of one of your group.

What...what was this?

"Are you comfortable? Sorry about the delay. I think it's about time we got started, don't you?"

You glance up but there's no sign of the source of the voice.

"It can be a bit disorienting at first. But things will get a lot worse before they get better. First, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Willis. You decided to intrude upon my Labyrinth and I can assure you, I won't be leaving. Neither as it happens, will you."

So..maybe you aren't dead after all. You stand upright slowly and walk to another mirror. Another face in there...not yours. Your reflection is of somebody completely different. This is really unsettling.

"The task at hand is simple. One of your party will meet their unfortunate and final end whilst completing it though. How terribly tragic for you."

You turn around and see another mirror. This one has your reflection in it.

"These mirrors are portals. If you step through any of them, you will be taken to the person in the reflection. Nobody wants to be alone, especially in this place."

"There's a slight catch though. All of your party are also having to choose a mirror. Things will go very well for you provided just one person steps through the mirror that depicts you. But if they don't...I'm afraid that nothing can protect you. There's a very real chance you will die."

Death? Is there no other way?

"There is another way. Sometimes you cannot rely on others. But you can always trust yourself, can't you? One of the mirrors bears your own reflection. Step through the mirror and you will be protected. You will also be alone. You will come out into the room and you will choose an exit as ever, but you will do so entirely independently of your party. Will you all choose the same path? Maybe. If you choose this path, you will be saved from death. You will certainly not die...yet."

This was confusing. You glance along the corridor and see one final mirror at the end. It's nothing but inky blackness.

"The third and final option is the darkness. If you can't rely on your friends or yourself then rely on the unknown. Be brave and wait to see what lies beyond. Maybe it will be better for you, maybe it will be worse for you. It won't kill you the second you pass into it, and that is all I can promise. Think carefully now."

The voice disappeared and you were left alone with nothing but mirrors and a headache.

Choose one of the following mirrors to step into:
Emperor Fong
Pai Chan
Queen Genevieve
Sr. Culo
Stonehard Lee
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Post #8: 6th Apr 2013 3:12:00 AM 
*looks around "Room 9931"*

My, what is this? The work of Satan?

*pulls out crucifix*

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.

*walks through Eleanor's mirror*

Post Edited by [color=333333]Urk'karoth[/color] @ 6th Apr 2013 3:24:12 AM
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Post #9: 6th Apr 2013 9:39:26 PM 
(Can I communicate with Eleanor or this is intended? :3)

#Follow: Eleanor

if not

#Exit: West

Post Edited by [color=333333]Urk'karoth[/color] @ 6th Apr 2013 9:40:37 PM
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Post #10: 6th Apr 2013 10:07:09 PM 
You can communicate.
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Post #11: 6th Apr 2013 10:09:55 PM 
(Topic is closed, I can't post. :3)

Post Edited by [color=333333]Urk'karoth[/color] @ 6th Apr 2013 10:10:46 PM
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Post #12: 6th Apr 2013 10:21:46 PM 
(I have no idea why and how I did that.

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Post #13: 9th Apr 2013 3:06:49 AM 
Phase 14 Results:
To post in the thread, use the following account

Username: ????5
Password: mystery192
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Post #14: 9th Apr 2013 8:21:20 PM 
##Light: Candle
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Post #15: 9th Apr 2013 8:35:23 PM 
Phase 14 Results:

You must now post using your original account.
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