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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
Rest in Peace
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 142
Post #1: 26th Apr 2013 10:05:04 PM 
The group rounded on Fong who scuttled over to the door, cursing. He waved his sceptre around and began to shout.

"Don't hurt me!" He declared as Angela and Brie kicked him to the floor. Stonehard Lee smashed him with a heavyset fist and grunted as he bent over double.

"This is not bito!" He shouted. Mark and Wilt ran across and gave him the same treatment as Boone went back to biting. The reptilian Urk dashed across alongside Walton and the two of them smashed away. Finally as he lay bleeding and cursing, Rita stepped forth.

"Hello uncle." Said Rita with a crooked smile.

"You are no relative of mine!" Said Fong, spitting out blood on the floor.

Rita considered this for a moment and nodded.

"I could live with that quite happily."

She booted his body over into the chasm and watched as he fell. There was a squelch from below.

"S---save.....my s....sons........as I would......"

Rita cocked her head to the side.

"I'll think about it." She said.

Then Fong coughed up a stream of blood and lay dead.


Ugh this is not bito! Not bito at all. Things were going so well. You were soaring. You could almost see the faces of your children again and it was torn away.

By her.

The one who you disowned. And you should have carried on disowning her! She's no Kanakiri. She was always nothing but a fool, a runt and a black sheep. You're angry but there's no anger where you're going. You miss your sceptre and crown. You hope those fools aren't defacing it. The bito isles is a proud nation and there will be repercussions.

"I can undo all that has been done..."

The voice fills your mind. You'd change it all. For starters, you'd have their insolent heads! But mostly you'd go far back and find your sons and your nephew. You wanted to. That was all you ever did. Do they not understand what it is to be a grieving father? They are heartless, all of them.

You feel cold and alone. You don't feel like much of an emperor anymore but you will carry on. You must. For the nation of Bito and all that it holds dear. You hope that your sons will come out of this okay. They must...

As the world fades into nothing, once and for all, you have one warm feeling to fill your soul. Maybe you're going to see them again really soon. You aren't sure but it's a comfort at least.

Only then can you rally them up and take what is yours.

You have been killed. This is a sad event that no player wants, but it's part and parcel of the game. It may not be the end though as there are revives from death in this game.

Please ensure you still follow the game rules. You may post in your journal but do not attempt to contact any players outside of the game.
Emperor Fong
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The Greatest Emperor Who Ever Lived
Offline Marker
Reputation: -7
Post #2: 27th Apr 2013 2:49:47 AM 
What the fuck...........?
Emperor Fong
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The Greatest Emperor Who Ever Lived
Offline Marker
Reputation: -7
Post #3: 27th Apr 2013 2:50:22 AM 
I guess that's what you get for trying to not be a LITTLE BITCHASS and actually DO something. The scum that are still alive can go fuck themselves.

Fuck it all.
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 124
Post #4: 27th Apr 2013 7:35:02 AM 
:( You using your voice to strike up a partnership really was a great move.

I'm really sorry that it ended like this.
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