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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 101
Post #1: 11th Apr 2013 1:21:36 AM 
Posted Image Hi!

Posted Image I thought I was fucking rid of you!

Posted Image No I am still here. I have to say I am impressed. These assholes respect you!

Posted Image These assholes are my friends.

Posted Image Yes well, I have to think on how I am going to go about killing your friends, so maybe you should rest a while.

Posted Image Fuck off!

Posted Image Calm down and close your eyes. You won't feel a thing.

Posted Image You are no threat to me, I am a free- ARGH! *Holds head in pain*

Posted Image Don't fight it...you cannot stop me.

Posted Image The fuck are you doing?

Posted Image Taking control. It is about time I had my say.

Posted Image Fuck you fascist!

Posted Image I will let you back in soon! Bye for now!

Posted Image You

Posted Image Total

Posted Image Fucking

Posted Image Fuck

Posted Image Head

Posted Image You won't

Posted Image Shit...

Posted Image Ah...that is better! Time to make a plan of action.
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 101
Post #2: 11th Apr 2013 1:33:52 AM 
I need to liberate these idiots from themselves. By killing them! It is a sad truth that true freedom cannot be found in the mortal realm. Life is naturally oppressive!

True freedom can only be found in death. The body is oppressive. The soul wants to be let out!

Posted ImagePosted Image

Oh Émile! You were my hero for so long. But I renounced my love for you as I grew older. I became embarrassed about my past adoration!

How wrong I was...I guess I conformed...I gave up.

But now I am back. I am ready to tear down the establishment once and for all or die a martyr like you.
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 101
Post #3: 11th Apr 2013 2:16:14 AM 
Wilt - Time travelling fuck - Priority: DANGERR ZOOOONE Of all the group, Wilt seems the least moved by my good deeds. Whether this is him just playing in character or not I couldn't say.

Oh boy Wilt revealed he can turn back time TWICE reversing all the effects of a phase. This is undoubtedly a huge threat.

????16 - Healer - Priority: High The unknown healer has already used one of their revives on me, of which they claim to have one left. As for the identity of this dude, these are my top suspects:

Sr. Culo

Unlikely but still possible:

Origo (I)

Rita - Necromancer - Priority: High Active, smart, and has a powerful role which could topple any plans I make. So long as Rita is alive, I am hindered from killing anybody directly. All it would take would be the right question to my victims and I would be exposed immediately. Rita is a big threat.

Ezra - ? - Priority: High I might have Ezra's respect but I doubt I have his trust. He is a smart player and one of the leading members of the group. I always thought he would be. For that reason he needs to die. The less leadership figures the group has, the more chaos will reign.

Angela - Empath - Priority: Medium. How important it is to get rid of Angela will probably depend on the nature of her power. When Thomas died she felt nothing, which I thought unusual, but that could be explained by the fact she was in the same room as him. But I wonder if she feels nothing for dead bad guys? It is unlikely but it would be a neat twist on the Empath role.

Walton - Schizophrenic - Priority: Medium Walton is an interesting case. It is pretty easy to discount most of what his voice tells him, but it has made me feel a bit uneasy with its more recent messages, especially "The one who you least expect is the one who should be expected." I did not like that one bit. Who knows what would happen to Walton if separated from the group. I am not worried enough to class him as high priority, but nor do I feel safe enough to put him out of my thoughts.

Marek - ? - Priority: Medium Before I turned I looked at Marek and remember thinking "I am glad this guy is in our group."

Since then he hasn't changed. He doesn't post often, but when he does, it is always something worth saying. And his posts are always reassuring. You kind of get the feeling the group can do no wrong with this guy.

Sr Culo - ? - Priority: Medium Well I think he has the hatchet at the moment so there is far for starters. I could really use that thing. He is one of the more active of the group and posts plenty, so I should keep my eye on him.

Brie - Mimic - Priority: Medium At the moment, there is not enough about Brie to make her a threat in my eyes. She comes up with some good ideas now and again I guess, but that is hardly enough to make her a major threat.

Update: Brie is the mimic. She has the option to take any dead players role along with their win condition too. She can do this only once. If she is unlucky enough to steal a scum role, this works in my favor. Otherwise she is a threat.

Stonehard Lee - ? - Priority: Medium I hate to say this because I like Lee, but he is not leader material. When he revealed knowledge of my map to the group by the basin, he apologized to me when I showed up when he should have been asking why I wanted to keep it a secret in the first place. But he is around a lot and contributes to the group in other ways. I guess he must be doing something right since the cult of Kristoff has gone to shit, whilst we are still strong.

Mark - ? - Priority: Medium I have this theory that Mark isn't hearing voices at all, and that he is a twin using the voices as cover. But whether this is true or not, he is a source of reliable updates on the status of the other group. For now I will let him be considering his information is proving valuable, but severing a link between the two groups will be necessary later on.

Fong - ? - Priority: Low Questions things a bit, but is not around enough for me to consider him a threat at the moment.

Kane - ? - Priority: Low Not active enough to be a threat at the moment.

Boone - ? - Priority: Low The monkey has got to go...eventually. Despite not knowing his role or alignment, Boone is easily the most uplifting member of the group. He is there for comic relief and morale. That makes him a target in my books. But not yet...later. I like him :(

Parker - ? - Priority: Low Since I saved Parker from the bird cage I expect he might be looking for an opportunity to repay the favor when possible. Not knowing much else about him, I can't really call him a threat at the moment.

Frederick - Role Booster - Priority: Low Frederick is not around much, and whilst his power does make my enemies more powerful, he is also enhancing mine, so for now he is not too much of a worry.

Urk - Ward - Priority: Low Urk is an odd fellow but underneath his facade I think he is a pretty smart player. Aside from that, his role has saved quite a few lives already. At the moment he is good to have around, especially since he seems to trust me and saved me in the mirror room. A ward who can beat back monsters could prove to be an invaluable ally.

Origo - ? - Priority: Non Existent: Origo was pretty impressive for at least...1 phase. Now he is just the groups bait. Hopefully a trap will get him soon and useful members can start dying.

Post Edited by Eleanor @ 21st Apr 2013 11:10:33 PM
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