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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
The Voice
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Reputation: 101
Post #1: 27th Mar 2013 6:55:09 PM 
People who have heard voices:

1: Walton: The original.

Before we met the heroes, Walton was informed by his voice that he would have to stay behind.

When he joined group Lee, the voice told him going East would be a good idea. When he switched to Kristoff, the voice told him to go North.

Walton phase 5
Guys. The voice has spoken.

Basically, we are in danger if we keep heading North. Some kind of ultimate power was mentioned, but the voice said it is up to us what kind of power.

I asked what would happen if we continue North. The voice said that the most critical member of our group would be in serious danger. The voice would not specify who.

Walton phase 5
"I asked what would happen if we keep heading this way. It said that a critical member of the group may be out in danger. And it said there is an ultimate power that could be evil or not. Up to us to figure out if its evil."

Walton Phase 6
Voice is mad that we are not listening. Called me an idiot for letting you guys continue North and called all of you fools for thinking you can survive this Labyrinth by splitting up. Said that he/she/it shouldn't even bother giving warnings anymore if we I am not going to obey.

To finish it off, the voice commanded me to not let the group split up for it is far too dangerous.

Walton Phase 10
Alright guys. This is kind of urgent it seems. The voice came and well, it's kind of pissed off. Actually, very much so.

The voice is mad that Tyron was not revived. It said that Tyron could have been the one to get hurt instead of Parker. For not listening, it wants me to separate myself from the group, alone. It said that if I do not listen to what I am told, it will make sure "I receive the consequences that I deserve."

It said that the ultimate power it has been referring to is the voice itself and nothing that we are heading towards. It said that it has the power to control the happenings in this labyrinth and that I (and only myself) is in serious danger for not carrying out the message last round. If I do not separate myself, I will pay for it.

I am choosing to not listen to the voice.

Walton Phase 12
My voice came to me last night. I'm quite surprised it is still coming to me. Here is a summary of what it said...

The first thing it said was that it spared me. I could have easily been in Thomas' position according to the voice, but it decided to give me a second chance to listen.

The next thing it said was to travel in the direction of the most wanted. I'm assuming that means the boat.

And the last thing it said, and probably the most interesting, was that it wanted me to deliver a specific phrase to the group.

"The one that you least expect is the one that should be expected." It gave no reasoning or anything regarding this, just said to carry it out.

Walton Phase 14
Sorry this is so close to the end of the phase, but I wanted to share this.

The voice came to me not too long ago and told me that I have been imagining a voice all along and that there is no real voice. It said that it wants me to separate myself because it doesn't want me to continue giving false information to the group. But there is clearly a voice speaking to me each phase, so it seems as though this voice is trying to trick me not to stick with the group.

(Note to self: stop listening to voice.)

Walton Phase 16
The voice wants us to head North.

Also the voice wants the healer to revive Angela if she loses but not Fong. No reasoning was given for that.

Ezra, the voice did not give a reasoning for North. Just that it will benefit us.

Walton Phase 17
The voice told me that it is someone among us that re-locked the door. It would not say who. It said that person has different intentions as other...which should be obvious considering that person's actions.

It also said that backtracking is better than taking a portal because we will come across the same situation if we portal. Basically, the voice said that there is a locked door on the other side as well.

Walton Phase 17
Also, the voice just came back to me and said that the Cerberus would be very close to us if we were to portal. So I'm thinking we probably shouldn't, if were listening to the voice, that is.

Walton Phase 18
Guys, our friend the voice just visited me again. It said that if we go back to the Cog Room, then the same thing that happened to us the first time will happen again and it will have much different results.

It said if we want to know what it means, then go find out for ourselves. If we want to avoid it, which the voice recommended, then we should head South.

Walton Phase 19
Also, my voice is here once again. It reached out to me earlier today but I responded to it to see if it would answer me and it did.

So the voice is mad that Eleanor has been revived. It said that whoever is the healer is an idiot because we now have only one revived left and we "wasted" one on a "useless" player, as the voice said. It is also mad because Eleanor has been its biggest hater throughout the course of our journey and thought that Eleanor would be dead for good. Now it is set out to kill Eleanor and said it will make sure it happens.

So I responded by asking if the voice could leave Eleanor alone because she has been through way more than the rest of us and is a huge asset to the group. The voice only replied by saying it is either me or Eleanor that will be sentenced.

Frankly, I'm tired of getting bullied by this voice. I wish it would leave me alone, but I'm not sure how to make it stop.

Walton Phase 22
Walton's voice prattled on to him about how it abducted you and will keep doing so to our group until we listen to it. It was adorable.

Walton Phase 25
Also, my voice came back to me...and its the first time its been back since Fong has heard his voice. The voice said that it gave us vital information early in this journey about how we should expect the most unexpected person. The voice now claims that the whole time it was talking about Ezra and that since everyone has caught on, now it can confirm that. It said that if we happen to meet up with Ezra then we should consider lynching him on site.

Also, the voice said to remember who the first person to stick behind with me was when the voice told me to stay behind in the beginning of our journey. It was Ezra.

2: Ezra

And now, Walton, I'll explain why I was asking so much about it.

On Phase 2, near the end of the phase, after I had already settled that I was staying behind, I heard a voice in my head as well. My role has nothing to do with hearing anything. My voice also gave me instructions, but it was a bit more specific about the consequences of failure. It said that if I didn't Eleanor exited north first the next phase, some kind of dire consequences would befall 7 people from the group. I have no idea what it was all about, but I am inclined to believe it no longer applied after we ended up in the room with everyone. I'm also not sure I believe anything would have happened if Eleanor had exited first.

I have no idea where the voice came from. I didn't mention it last round to see if it would occur again. It didn't, though. I've been trying to figure out how, if at all, your voices and my voice are connected.

Honestly, I doubt that they are.

The message happened almost at lockdown, after the entire phase was almost over. It was like all the sound dropped out of the room and I couldn't hear anything else. It sounded like someone was speaking to me and that was the only thing I could hear.

As for the message itself, it began and ended with "Death." Then I was informed that I couldn't allow Eleanor to exit North first during the next round. If she did, dire consequences would befall "seven silent soliders" from the group. It told me if I lead the group, everyone would be spared.

Remember, that phase, me, Eleanor, Sophia, Sr. Culo and Walton were being left behind as the group went North. I think it makes more sense that it was referring to leading the way north from that room, and became invalid after the Shades attacked.

If Eleanor and I had been in the group heading North last phase, I would have made sure I was exitting first, just in case. No point in tempting the unknown. But we weren't going North, so no harm I guess.

3: Angela

Angela phase 5
"Can anyone hear me? Hello?"

Angela Phase 6
My voice said "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World." So if we see Brittany, we need to stay with her.

Angela Phase 13
My voice said if I go below -5 reputation my power will no longer work because I will no longer feel any connection for the group.

4: Mark

Mark Phase 6
It's killing me to confirm, that voice truly evil.

But it is important .

Carl has stolen the staff and travelled to our labyrinth. The voice says to lynch on sight.

Mark Phase 9
Guys, I have heard a totally legit voice again.

It says to tell the group NEWS FLASH: the labyrinth is two stories, and has a shuttle. Have fun!

Mark Phase 12
"Backtracking to the staircase. Cerberus is coming."

Mark Phase 14
I received some very important information in the dark.

The other group has split into two groups, they are now two groups of 9.

5: Kane

Kane Phase 6
I heard a voice. It said "If you build it, he will come."

Pai Chan:

Pai Chan Phase 8
Hey guys, a voice spoke to me. It said that it was assuming that someone else could hear it, implying that it had contacted others before. It wanted me to tell it that I could hear it, and then asked who and where I was.

I told it that I could hear it, and my name, but I did not tell it where I was. I only told it I was inside the labyrinth. I also asked it who it was and why it was contacting me.

Also, good too see you Eleanor!

I'll wait to see if my voice responds before speaking into a room.

6: Fong

Fong Phase 23
And once again I have been whispered to. I was told that I must lead a separate group away from our pack. And that if our group does not split then there will be dire consequences for many of us.

Post Edited by Eleanor @ 25th Apr 2013 5:57:43 PM
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