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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
Things to Take Note of About Others
Head Knight Mark
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Post #1: 22nd Mar 2013 11:58:24 PM 
Phase 2:

Angela - Doesn't want to get away from the group - totally wants to conform to whatever, wants people to convince her of stuff. Says she will go anywhere if 9 people do. Wants to be convinced, why. Suggested the non-lynching idea, she might potentially have an evil role, or a role that causes harm and she doesn't want to be hurt for it in the long run of things. Very much debating twinning her.

Boone - Very intelligent, pointed out Theseus' post count which I noticed last night. Person to watch out for - Wikey didn't talk last lab, and still did well. Potentially also might have a mime type role? Very possible. Possible trap tracker: From room 1328

*points north*
*pretends banana peel is a trap*
*points west first*
*points north second*
*points east third*


*points west, points north, points east*

*points at group by north door*
*lays banana peels around* *points to north door*
*pretends to run from peel trap*
*runs west first*
*runs north*
*runs east*

*points at ezra and walton*
*points at north door*
*points at peels*
*points west, then north, then east*

*points at group by north door*
*lays banana peels around* *points to north door*
*pretends to run from peel trap*
*runs west first*
*runs north*
*runs east*


Brie - I feel like she might have a bad role, she has a dark past but easily likable as people are already following her. This worries me a lot. However, I do trust her for the instant, I think that if she stays, I won't - if she comes, I'll trust her.

Brittany - no opinion. nothing of significance yet except an obsession with Hobert. Questionable, though nothing too bizarre. Now staying? OK. Sounds good.

Carl - Asshole, good to keep around. Don't think his role is anything beyond a typical win condition. Everyone will want to lynch him sooner or later.

Dennis - Questionable intent. Questionable things he says. Suggested lynching Theseus when he arrived - very interesting. Has some sort of relation to Gabriel, who is now gone, even more interesting. His back story might be important. WATCH OUT. Says he can make everyone stay??

Eleanor - Also trusted initially, why do you want to stay??? What do you know?

Emperor Fong - playing a character hard, clearly an assigned character as him and Rita are connected. They could be connected even more through their roles for family ties. Very questionable. But what isn't.

Ezra - I thought I trusted him, but now he wants to stay behind, why????


General Chuikov

Hobert - getting annoyingly defensive about people looking into things, makes me think he has some sort of important previous role. Though his want for no metagaming or studying may make him a good twin target.

Kane - First to suggest that someone stay behind with Walton. One or two people. He doesn't volunteer himself. Tells people to follow him in case he goes somewhere elsewhere - like the other group. Smart.

Katy - this girl is really weird, and she's hugging on to a lot of people, and i don't think that's good








Sophia - Disagrees with lynching, makes me slightly trust her despite her drunk attitude. She knows that we'll need to lynch, so I have a slight trust for her. Very outspoken - avoid twinning her in case.

Sr. Culo - Also very for lynching. Don't buy that it's for the good of the group. He must have a harmful role. He highlighted the word guide in yellow, I believe it was on purpose, that word has the bb code on it. "I believe we settle on something before the game ends; however, we were guided to remember that good people can kill also." he's encouraging people to say I DONT TRUST THIS. I don't trust the people who are leaving.






Walton - Why is he staying, it says he's forced I think that Culo might have something to do with it.

Post Edited by Head Knight Mark @ 26th Mar 2013 8:34:41 PM
Head Knight Mark
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Post #2: 23rd Mar 2013 2:26:26 AM 
Phase 3:




Angela - potential alliance with brie/ezra




Brie - potential alliance with angela/ezra




Dern - alliance with maria, helping her look for her teleport crystal

Eleanor -
I will say one last thing in regards to Kristoff, and I will try to point out all the key issues here so people don't have to sift through the many pages of arguing. (I think I can remember most of it).

- A lot of the time when asked a valid question, Kristoff danced around it two ways. He either ignored it completely or played the "I came down from the sky with Father Roth" card.

- There has been so much arguing for the past 30 odd pages because of this. A lot of the time those of us who suspect Kristoff have tried to get a straight answer, and when given none, we repeated the questions. Half the time Kristoff's defense was taken up by others.

- He became pretty irritated when nobody listened to his first claims to leadership. His whole rise to power is reminiscent of a certain 20th century dictator I don't feel the need to name. He played on your fucking fears.

- This last point for me is the most compelling evidence something is amiss here. He will not pass the staff to two members we trust to confirm his story. He has said himself that this room does not have a parallel. Where could they go? And since they are trusted, level headed members, it would be highly unlikely they would use the one shot powers the staff possesses. Even if they were evil it would be a stupid move as they would be lynched instantly. Whilst it is still just speculation that Ezra and Lee are on our side, it is a fact that neither of them are stupid.

One person alone knowing the powers of the staff is very dangerous. It gives that said person way too much power. I believe Kristoff said he would be happy to pass the staff to someone next phase...when there is a parallel room to escape to. That is retarded.

He could pass the staff now and all it would take is a nod and everyone here would feel a lot better about him. Instead he seems content to let things end on a sour note between our two groups. Way to go.

There are few to challenge him in his group at the moment. He probably wants it this way. If anyone in my group who shares my mistrust and is willing to switch with Rita, it would be good if someone who isn't just a blind follower was keeping tabs on him. I will do it if nobody else wants to.

Nobody come to his aid this time please. I am looking at you Lincoln, Katy, Brittany.

And Kristoff, if you aren't going to answer properly, do not bother even acknowledging what I said. Otherwise we will have another 50 pages to sift through.

Now there is the subject of the exits to consider. Walton seems to have the ability to sense danger. He had no choice but to stay behind last phase, and whilst he was dragged through with us, it seemed to be a good move, as the shade attack happened.

Now he says the voice in his head told him that North wouldn't be a good direction to travel.

Group Lee should go east in that case. Until I know which group I am going to be in, I will hold off.

Something else has been bothering me. If there is only one means for time travel at the moment, and apparently that is the only way to reach the idols and Theseus, what is group Lee's purpose?

Sure, we could come across a blocked idol in the present, but unless we have a way of telling group Kristoff, what are we really doing?

I am sure there are alternative means of time travelling, but the exploration of the labyrinth in the present must serve our purpose some way too.

Quintuple post!

We need to revise the strategy we use for exiting rooms too. At the moment there is no organisation at all, and it is usually the most active among us who exit first. This will lead to problems.

Traps are going to catch us out. It is inevitable. But who they catch out is up to us. Usually, the first person to enter a room will fall victim to a trap.

I don't care what system we put in place but we need to really think carefully about who leaves first each phase. Whether that is someone volunteering (perhaps some inactive contributors would like to step up another way) or a system where we elect someone each phase. I think this is important.

Don't think I am exempting myself from such a system were we to use it. I know full well that if it came down to Ezra surviving and me, Ezra is a more beneficial to the team. I am fucking willing to die to complete this mission.

My win condition might only be valid whilst I am alive, but it is just a formality. If my death allows someone to go on to defeat Willis, I will be happy

Emperor Fong


Ezra - potential alliance with angela/brie


General Chuikov

Hobert - potential alliance parker/katy


Katy - potential alliance parker/hobert

Kristoff - In response to Eleanor:
Ahh Eleanor, I have to go to work soon but will do my best. You claim I do not answer anything. I was asked fifty or more questions. This is literally too. This is what you have learnt from me:

- My staff, Caduceus, can teleport groups through time.
- In order to reach SOME (I do not know how many require this) guardians, time travel is required to go through blocked paths.
- There are alternative time travel methods that have side effects which I do not know. Highly unlikely they are group based ones.
- The leadership role is needed for my personal use of the staff.
- Caduceus has (two) one shot powers.
- Caduceus is the key to Pandora's Box (although this is an established fact, it is very important).
- The previous two points are the main reason I am not passing the staff around. I do not trust anyone nearly enough. You may trust each other but it is too early to pass it around. Has anyone else been passing around items of high importance?
- The staff reveals markers that tell me if a room is a parallel room to the other Labyrinth. Some rooms are not. Such as this one.
- The past maze is safer, because of the fact this maze is 2000 years older. I believe this because of flavor but I think it is a fair enough assumption.

Now tell me, who else has provided you with more information? People say I have too many secrets. Yet, I have provided more information then anyone in the game. I do not wish to go over these points as we have thousands of times. Some things I have probably missed out on to. Now what things have I ignored?

I am honored to be compared to Churchill.

I addressed the passing thing many times. The people in my group understand it I believe. I could have pretended Caduceus was just flavor but didn't as I felt the group had the right to know in case I died and was killed and some evil person picked it up.

I welcome you to join our group Eleanor. I do not like you and nor do several members of my group but I am pro-Democracy. A vocal opposition I welcome. And you are clever too. I will give you that. In addition Lee has not stated he will distribute any items he gets. I will, one will be given to Sir Dern and the rest based on what the group believes. I have also publicly stated many times that if I go against my word the group can and should lynch me. If you join us you can keep me to my word. You will even find out all I say is indeed, true.



Maria - working with dern to find a crystal of some sorts , to teleport?? questionable.


Pai Chan

Parker - potential alliance hobert/katy


Queen Genevieve
- hand in hand with wilt, potential role to do with this.





Sr. Culo
- highlighted a word again!!!

I don't quite understand the pun.

Stonehard Lee

said in response to eleanor rant:
Just a clarifying point to your last one:
Kristoff later said that he doesn't want to pass it because the staff has 'one time' powers. To problems with that are
- Why did he not explicitly tell us about the one time powers when trying to gain our trust?
- What are these powers?

Everything else you said was spot on.






Urk - Carries the chalk

Walton -
The first round, I was told I had a choice of doing whatever I wanted to do. So I moved North with everyone.

Last round, I was told I had to stay behind. I was not given any other information except that I had to stay behind.

This round, I was told that it might be best to head East and not North. But staying behind is not an option this round.

Maybe that means someone is behind us?

"You have to stay behind or bad things will happen."

I guess you could say, yes, that is a choice. However, I do not see it that way. I'd rather stay away from any danger.

Wilt - hand in hand with queen, potential role to do with this

Post Edited by Head Knight Mark @ 26th Mar 2013 8:41:26 PM
Head Knight Mark
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Post #3: 26th Mar 2013 1:29:15 AM 

Angela - role might be the same as leos, feeling the pain of the other's
I'm confused. I was told this only reached into the plane I was currently in but I could feel the pain of someone else this morning. The pain seemed fatal to me, although I could be wrong. Either Theseus died or I was lied to. There is the possibility that they somehow reached into the past before the phase end. I wouldn't be saying this now if I didn't think it could be somewhat relevant or helpful.
No, I felt it this morning when we were already here. It felt like my skull was collapsing.
Well, since I was little I could feel the pain of others around me and it's come back. This morning I felt like my head was collapsing on itself, like something hit me... and killed me. I was told in my journal that my power only applied to my present time.



- Very dark past, kind of interesting, never know if it has anything to do with things.
Oh...how charming

Well...my mother died in labor, giving birth to me...and I know my brothers tried to like me, but there was always a hostility...I never felt at home. My father was a great man, though. I was his only daughter, so I guess he always wanted to treat me like a princess...but he got really sick. Cancer. But he was always smiling, and he supported my dreams of becoming a doctor, and I made it into Stanford, full ride, and life was pretty good.

I was set to graduate as valedictorian, but on my graduation day...Willis took over the world...and we were rushed to the underground caverns. But I wasn't going to leave my father behind. I knew I could help him, I was certain, but...there were no supplies...nobody would help me look for any, not even my brothers...everyone was too scared...he...he died...and it was all my fault...my entire family made sure I knew it was my fault...

After that, life was rough...I got hooked on habits that I'm not proud of, and I did some things I'm not proud of to fund my addictions...I...sold my body almost every night...one day, though, one man told me I was worth something...he...he told me that I mattered. His name was Gabriel McCoy, the same man who gathered everyone to go on this expedition...I wanted to go for him, and to prove that what he said was true...

I'm sorry...you probably didn't want to hear all of that...

Brittany -
The staff was passed to Brittany (which is now broken until Phase 6) She confirmed what Kristoff has been saying. The staff doesn't trigger traps unlike portals (thats why the staff is safer) She didn't say anything about what else it can do.


Emperor Fong

- asked walton:
My only question is, is this voice related to your role? I don't believe you should have to reveal any more information about your role than that, and I assume it is related, but if there is no visible connection between these voices you hear and your role, I think that may be significant.
(general notes for full convo)



- is wise i like him a lot -
The alarming thing to me about the voice is Ezra's experience. it was very specific about people. Who can't exit first, how many people would get hurt. It seems waltons is just more "go this way to avoid bad stuff" the outer iffy party of that is it happens every phase so if it is another player communicating to him, they're either amongst us, given updates on or current room, out allowed to read or threads.

f we are to assume that Angela is truthful in explaining her ability (and that it actually wprks properly), and mind you i have no reason to not trust beyond my general caution towards socialized people then we must take into consideration that either the other group traveled to the past maze as well. Kristoff is skilled in his lies. One condition of the staff may be to protect the carrier and all those traveling with him or her from the energy discharges of pandora's box. He can still explain his lie of having to wait ten phases to use the staff when non holders only have to wait five by the fact that in five phases, anyone can open a portal for themselves only with unknown repercussions. The staff seems to be believed to be able to open a portal for any number of people with zero repercussions. I can assume that Roth also talked to their group, especially if they traveled back here. Also, after some deep thoughts by the soothing sounds of the waterfall, it may not be as simple as just lynching kristoff. He has already come back from the dead once prior to our journey, and to follow the christian parallels with him, if he does have the ability to come back again, it will likely take three phases, which i believe is longer that we are allowed to wait in one room to see if he comes back.


Pai Chan


Queen Genevieve


Sr. Culo

Stonehard Lee
- Allegedley no items from being leader, doesn't seem to be the one to leave.



- 250 character chalk. "! Krstf Lies" "4 N" 238 Characters Left
Walton - walton's voice again
The voice has made its way to me. It says that the rooms both directly to the North and West are safe and neither one has any advantage over the other.

It did warn me, though, that if you head North to be aware of what lies ahead. Danger may be upon that route.
(see general notes for full convo)

Wilt - revealed past
I am the son of Charles Silverstone, of the family Silverstone. I have yet to do nothing with my life. I was training with my Uncle to serve in the Queen's royal protection. Unfortunately after his death I was brought back to care for my mother (he was her brother). My brother on the other hand was a Martyr in the Great War and is praised in the family.

I decided against my Mother's wishes to go on this journey to prove my worth to my Father and bring glory to the Silverstone name. I also have now been granted the honor to serve my Oath as the Queen's guard now that she has pleasantly decided to join us.

I hope this answers your question and did not go into too much detail. Anything else would just be unneeded and just me rambling. What about you miss Brie.

Post Edited by Head Knight Mark @ 26th Mar 2013 8:44:43 PM
Head Knight Mark
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Post #4: 26th Mar 2013 2:20:43 AM 

Angela - can now feel death and pain in both labyrinth's because of Frederick. Interesting.





Emperor Fong


Frederick - he actually exists, and is actually quite annoying, role revealed. Picks up hatchet. Gives hatchet to Lee.

I am the booster. I perfected a method of projecting an aura from my own body that enhances others and allows for possible manipulation of environments for the better good as my ultimate goal is to aid you all in completing this quest as opposed to I myself playing the "hero".

It's getting late and I presume we have a busy day ahead of ourselves tomorrow. I will exit North first if that's what you all wish. Just let it be known that there could be unforeseen consequences should I find myself separated from the group and unable to utilize my role.


Kristoff -Sophia says that they've had two threads for this phase,

after Kristoff came back they got a second one.

Meaning Kristoff did something of his own accord. Kristoff says his staff has been stolen.



Pai Chan

Parker - First to reach for the chest. Kleptomaniac role, has a key that unlocks anything in the labyrinth.

Queen Genevieve


Sr. Culo - received a hatchet, fuck. Puts Ezra in red. Why? Drops hatchet.

Stonehard Lee - Has hatchet.


Tyrese - is hearing the voices too.
He said that potential action by others could put a vital member in danger.

Who ever this player is is having fun.


Urk - still holds chalk, current form Captain Urkbeard, has been Urkeanu Reeves, Sgt. Urk

Walton - Second to reach for the chest.

Guys. The voice has spoken.

Basically, we are in danger if we keep heading North. Some kind of ultimate power was mentioned, but the voice said it is up to us what kind of power.

I asked what would happen if we continue North. The voice said that the most critical member of our group would be in serious danger. The voice would not specify who.


Post Edited by Head Knight Mark @ 26th Mar 2013 9:02:07 PM
Head Knight Mark
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Post #5: 27th Mar 2013 6:31:18 PM 

Ajax - Triggered the weight room trap, was the one to almost fall to their death had they not balanced out.


Arminestos - Can move two rooms at a time so he's going after an item Brittany sensed and meeting back up with other group in two phases.




Brittany - can sense items, the limit to this is not currently known by me. I'm assuming it's in surrounding rooms.

Carl - Disappeared from the weight room in a puff of purple sparks. Allegedly has the staff, and is now in the past labyrinth. LYNCH ON SIGHT. Is the message.

DennisHe has a jet pack and can check all corresponding rooms, so we're waiting for him next phase.


Emperor Fong

Ezra - second in the cage. opens for tyron. first to suggest splitting up, ezra is very eager. Attempts to trap Tyron in there, sort of different from character?

I'm not sure. Try typing opens cage? Maybe it will work if you do it from the inside! Just put the double stars in front





Pai Chan

Queen Genevieve - third in the cage. opens for tyron.


Sr. Culo

Stonehard Lee


Tyron - triggers cage trap, and is first one in there.



Wilt - fourth in the cage, opens cage for the queen (surprise, surprise)

Post Edited by Head Knight Mark @ 27th Mar 2013 6:49:32 PM
Head Knight Mark
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Post #6: 10th Apr 2013 10:49:39 PM 
Phase 14:

Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: 6361
Known Items: N/A
Notes: Wanted a list of all the things Sophia said to me as a voice.

Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: 4958* (?)
Known Items: N/A
Notes: N/A

Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: 4958* (?)
Known Items: N/A
Notes: N/A

Status: Alive
Role: Pain Feeler - knows when someone dies, or is injured.
Location: 5381
Known Items: N/A

Status: Alive
Role: Runner - Can move two rooms at a time.
Location: 6361
Known Items: Had the medical supplies but passed them off.
Notes: N/A

Status: Alive - Presumed
Role: Unknown
Location: Unknown.
Known Items: N/A
Notes: One of the three of our group missing, it is unknown as the where he went.

Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: 5381
Known Items: N/A
Notes: Lots of speculation as to whether or not he can or can't be scum, this has been a note of interest whether or not possible for him to be less trustworthy because of his no talking.

Status: Alive
Role: Role Stealer - Presumed - She was the one trying to mask her voice the most in the dark, she's a really active poster and I don't see her as any of the other voices in the group, therefore, can take a role ONCE after a person dies, that is their role for the duration of the game.
Location: 5381*
Known Items: N/A
Notes: Confirmed that her and Wilt were together in the same room. Assuming voice number ????3 was her, she wanted every single person in the room to role claim so that she could know what to take once their dead. Her intentions seem to be unclear though ultimately she is loyal to the group.

Status: Alive
Role: Item Checker - she can check surrounding rooms for an item.
Location: 6361
Known Items: N/A
Notes: N/A

Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: Unknown
Known Items: Kristoff's Teleportation staff

Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: 4958*
Known Items: Jetpack
Notes: Flew up again this round meaning that indeed the jetpack can be used again, as to the limitation, unknown. 5 rounds?

He can check all surrounding room, I don't know if there's a limitation to this power or not with his item. but did this in 1144*

Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: 4958* (?)
Known Items: N/A
Notes: Still excellent at making maps, knows about me slightly as my rooms are slowly being revealed.
Phase 13 Map:

Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Known Items: Map that revealed the water way.
Location: 5381
Notes: Eleanor's notes about the voices:


Emperor Fong
Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: 5381
Known Items: N/A
Notes: N/A

Status: Dead
Role: Unknown
Died: Potato Game
Room: 2019 Future Labyrinth

Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: 5381
Known Items: N/A
Notes: N/A

Status: Alive
Role: Amplifier (?) - Potentially boosts the capabilities of the powers around us.
Location: 5381
Known Items: N/A
Notes: Speculation as to whether or not this power can indeed amplify others, if so, if I'm in the labyrinth that isn't with my twin, will it still work? That's worrisome.

General Chuikov
Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: 6361
Known Items: N/A
Notes: N/A

Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: 6361
Known Items: N/A
Notes: N/A

Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: 5381
Known Items: N/A
Notes: N/A

Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: 6361
Known Items: N/A
Notes: N/A

Status: Alive
Role: Trap Checker - can sense surrounding rooms for traps.
Location: 6361
Known Items: N/A
Notes: Seems to be good now, unknown as to whether or not he really is.

Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: Unknown
Known Items: N/A
Notes: Still teleported to an unknown place, potentially dead though no one is quite sure.

Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: 5381
Known Items: N/A
Notes: N/A

Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: 4958 * (?)
Known Items: N/A
Notes: N/A

Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: 5381
Known Items: N/A
Notes: N/A

Pai Chan
Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: Unknown
Known Items: N/A
Notes: Still missing potentially dead or seriously injured after mirror trap.

Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: 5381
Known Items: Key - was used to enter 5381, so done.
Notes: Used his key this round, besides that nothing spectacular - potentially the Healer?

Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: 4958* (?)
Known Items: N/A
Notes: N/A

Queen Genevieve
Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: Unknown
Known Items: N/A
Notes: Potentially hurt/killed as by Andrea's role. Unknown whereabouts after the mirror trap room.

Status: Alive
Role: Tracker - can see footprints, where they went in which direction.
Location: 6361
Known Items: N/A
Notes: Told the group that Carl's footprints were going to the southwest, therefore they are following her instructions as of her role claim.

Status: Alive
Role: Can Speak to the Dead - can ask the dead one question upon finding their bodies.
Location: 5381
Known Items: N/A
Notes: N/A

Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: 4958* (?)
Known Items: N/A
Notes: N/A

Status: Alive
Role: Part 2 of Current Twin, other role unknown.
Location: 6361
Known Items: N/A
Notes: idk idk idk idk

Sr. Culo
Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: 5381
Known Items: Hatchet
Notes: N/A

Stonehard Lee
Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: 5381
Known Items: N/A
Notes: N/a

Status: Dead
Role: Unknown
Died: Phase 3 - Modkill
Room: 9880* Future Labyrinth

Status: Dead
Role: Unknown
Died: Phase 8 - Modkill
Room: 4958* Future Labyrinth

Status: Dead
Role: Locksmith - Can unlock and relock any door in labyrinth.
Died: Phase 12 - Mirror Trap
Room: 9238* Past Labyrinth

Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: 4958* (?)
Known Items: N/A
Notes: Was hearing the same voice as Walton's which is totally bizarre. I don't know why he would.

Status: Dead
Role: Unknown
Died: Phase 8 - Monster
Room: 1538 Past Labyrinth

Status: Alive
Role: Ward - he can ward off the monsters, though there seem to be limitations.
Location: 5381
Known Items: Chalk
Notes: N/A

Status: Alive
Role: Unknown - Something to do with his voice?
Location: 5381
Known Items: Eleanor's Map current holder.
Notes: N/A

Status: Alive
Role: Unknown
Location: 5381
Known Items: N/A
Notes: N/A


Lots came out in the dark room, there is an unknown healer who can heal someone twice. My assumption is Parker, though it's unknown, still. Headed South.


Scouting ahead, Rhea has the tracking capabilities so she said Carl went South West, that is where that gorup is going forward. Someone has a walkie talkie in this group, it is unknown who does. Walkie Talkies do not work cross-dimensions.


Assumed to still be in 4958* though it is unknown. Dennis used his jetpack to check the surrounding rooms and see what is around and to flesh out the map more. One has a walkie talkie, they are meeting up with group a.


Headed South West from 4958*, solved the puzzle there by himself, unknown where he is.

Post Edited by Head Knight Mark @ 10th Apr 2013 10:53:50 PM
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