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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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Post #1: 22nd Mar 2013 4:30:51 AM 
Theseus @ 21/3/2013 21:04
It seems some of you are ignorant. I have no idea why you're here but I doubt the fat king sent you too. You don't exactly strike me as heroic. Then again none of the other fools did so nothing unusual there.

I'm not sure how you couldn't have heard of me. I was the first to conquer this wretched Labyrinth and slay the minotaur. This is all quite unfamiliar though.

Theseus @ 21/3/2013 21:05
Ezra @ 22/3/2013 1:03
Theseus @ 21/3/2013 21:01
Ezra @ 22/3/2013 1:00
Theseus @ 21/3/2013 21:00
What in the hells?

Who are you people? What are you doing in this place? Answer me!

You first.

That's a fine head you have boy. What do you think it would look like on the ground?

We asked you first, and we were here first. You're the one who magically appeared in a fury of sparkles. Only right that you explain yourself. Once you do I'd be happy to explain what we're here for.

I didn't appear. You did. I'm always as I was.

I came to the Labyrinth to fulfill the requests of the bloated fool Minos. Are you his soldiers? No wonder you faltered so readily.

Theseus @ 21/3/2013 21:07
Angela @ 22/3/2013 1:05
Theseus, tell me, what is your sword?

The most powerful blade ever crafted. Built in the forges of Olympus itself and cast down to the world. It can cut through anything known to man.

Which is why as the man with the sword, I presumed you to answer my questions first.

Maybe you don't believe in its power. I can gladly demonstrate.

Theseus @ 21/3/2013 21:31
I bestowed myself on nobody, "your majesty". I was standing in the room I entered and the world turned to darkness. It was your magic that ambushed me, and I'd like to know why you did it.

You admittedly tore me away from the other fools which is a grace. But leaving the company of fools to be thrust into the company of even more fools does not seem a viable improvement.

Theseus @ 21/3/2013 21:35
The fat king employed us to investigate the labyrinth because his puny soldiers could not take it. I considered it a talent far below me but the reward was based entirely on us committing together. Being rid of them is a grace as far as I'm concerned.

Nonetheless I travel alone. I do not wish to be slowed down.

Theseus @ 21/3/2013 22:05
I do not wish to stay with any groups, be it the heroes or whatever it is you are supposed to all be.

I will find some remnants of the fat king's worthless army and leave. I planned to be on the boat to Knossos by evening. Your meddling has cost me that start. I will spare you for now.

Theseus @ 21/3/2013 22:33
Brie Halloway @ 22/3/2013 2:31
Oh...hello, Theseus...

This defies all logic and explanation, but that's sort of Willis' calling card, isn't it? I remember a tower emitting a purple substance in the middle of the labyrinth from outside. Maybe we need to head there to stop Willis. No doubt, our best bet would be to keep heading north.

Tower? What tower? There is no tower in the Labyrinth.

Theseus @ 21/3/2013 22:36
Thomas @ 22/3/2013 2:34
Theseus, how long have you been in the Labyrinth? And, do you happen to have a map of this place? I know that your Labyrinth and this Labyrinth do not seem to be the same, but perhaps we can figure out the differences as we go on? And perhaps...perhaps...things are not as different as we all think?

I set foot in this wretched place yesterday with the other fools. I told them I was due to leave them be and marched straight into the Northward room. Upon entering the world turned black and there were sparks of violet.

Then I was here, in a room filled with weak liars.

It is for this reason I'll be taking my leave. If I wasn't disoriented, I'd have struck already.

Theseus @ 21/3/2013 22:36
Thomas @ 22/3/2013 2:34
Theseus, how long have you been in the Labyrinth? And, do you happen to have a map of this place? I know that your Labyrinth and this Labyrinth do not seem to be the same, but perhaps we can figure out the differences as we go on? And perhaps...perhaps...things are not as different as we all think?

I set foot in this wretched place yesterday with the other fools. I told them I was due to leave them be and marched straight into the Northward room. Upon entering the world turned black and there were sparks of violet.

Then I was here, in a room filled with weak liars.

It is for this reason I'll be taking my leave. If I wasn't disoriented, I'd have struck already.

Theseus @ 21/3/2013 22:39
I did not care to count. More than necessary. The golem alone commanded enough presence.

Theseus @ 21/3/2013 22:40
Rita Kanakiri @ 22/3/2013 2:37
Theseus, I'll ask again. What year do you think it is?

What kind of foolish questions do you ask, child? It is 743, the year of the twin serpents. Do your family lack the funds for timekeeping?

Post Edited by Ezra @ 25th Mar 2013 1:03:58 AM
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Post #2: 23rd Mar 2013 7:28:12 PM 
She wasn't supposed to post it, but since people are getting a peak at it I'm sticking it here. I won't read if you guys delete it from the thread, and I'll delete it from here if you do.
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Post #3: 25th Mar 2013 1:04:04 AM 
Willis @ 22/3/2013 22:58
Brittany shrieked out again. As she did, two of the creatures leaped onto her and one covered her mouth. She felt physically sick. Boone rushed over to attempt to pull them away but one lashed back fiercely. Boone was sent flying and hit the wall with a thud. Some of the shades quickly fled with the heroes' weapons. They were now unarmed and penned in. There was no escape.

Right at that moment the floor began to shake. The walls rumbled as the roof overhead changed colour slightly. The purple lightning still flowed over everything but it was replaced by blue energy. An enormous thunderclap filled the sky. All parties looked up in awe as clouds formed on the roof of this cavern. Even the shades looked bewildered. This was obviously something they weren't expecting.

The clouds overhead thickened into a black maelstrom. They rumbled with thunder and flashes of occasional lightning danced across their surface. Bracing themselves, the group looked up as a huge flash hammered down from the storm clouds. They darkened the entire room. One of the shades took flight and fled for the door. As it reached it, a flash of lightning shot through it. It electrocuted the shade and turned it into dust on the spot. All around the other shades were milling about in a frenzy as more lightning strikes hit their targets.

The group looked on in awe, ducking from the lightning as it came down. It surrounded all of the dark creatures and one by one began to shock them into nothing. One of the bolts clipped over Eleanor's head. She rubbed it, but realised at that moment it hadn't hurt. The lightning was painless to them.

An enormous thunderbolt struck the ground below. Lightning flew around all over and shocked the creatures. In the middle of the storm there was a figure. It was kneeling on the ground but it slowly stood up. Lightning was surrounding it. In fact, it emanated lightning. It looked like an elderly man. he was wearing a long, black robe and had a very serious and determined expression. He wore a priest's collar around his neck. There was another man stood next to him wearing a brown robe. The second man was carrying a decorative staff of some kind. He was much younger, but still totally unconcerned about the lightning all around them.

Finally the storms subsided. The clouds cleared and all that remained of the shade horde was dust. The dust blew away and disappeared into the air. The young man stood watching with a calm smile, still holding his staff. The old man however fell to the ground.

Some of the group rushed over to assist as he raised a hand.

"No..need..." He said weakly.

"Not much you can do for me now....there is only one thing I ask...."

"What might that be?" Said Carl, arms folded.

The man looked up with tired eyes.

"Listen. Most people don't when I first start talking. But for once, I just want you all to be quiet and listen."

The group murmured. Who was this guy? Why should they trust him? He closed his eyes wearily.

"I bet you're wondering why you should trust me. That's fine. But you need to because there's very little time. What I just did....what I just unleashed...it weakened me considerably. I'll have to go soon and I can't be of much use after that fact either...but I don't want to dwell on this...it's a waste of time."

"Just what in the hell is going on?" Kane yelled.

The man crept to his knees and looked like he was counting. Then he paused and spoke again.

"Trust me because I helped you. And be quiet because I need to explain to you everything. Your lives and the fate of the world depend completely on it. Take what you will from what I say, but listen now. I know you're confused."

He stopped and looked at the puzzled faces.

"But it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better...trust me..."

Roth @ 22/3/2013 23:04
Right now...I have so much to say and I just don't know where to start...

Okay. I'll start by saying that this isn't what I came to expect. I knew to meet a group of heroes here but...well no offense meant...it's just you don't all look particularly heroic.

That statement is a tad unfair maybe. I just expected you to be at least armed. I didn't think I'd have to come in and do so much...myself.

You need to be more careful from here on out! You march in arguing like children amongst yourselves and yet you are here to perform a vitally important task! I don't know what you were expecting from this but...you need to watch yourselves. You walked right into that army and those aren't the only shades around. That's a fraction of Willis' army. These things are endless.

I want to help you more but...I only have a certain amount of energy. I'm dead you see but I don't want to go on about that. It gets a bit complicated and it's not relevant to your interests. In a few moments from now I won't be able to stand here and join you...I'll be gone. You may hear from me again. I'll try to recover my strength in time for the final battle...

I really used more energy than I expected to...damn.

Roth @ 22/3/2013 23:10
Anyway here goes nothing. Don't ask me to explain it in more detail because firstly, I won't be around to. Secondly, I don't understand it myself. All I know is that what happened did happen. I was told it might by the forces that govern but...well...the point is that it's no longer a might. The worst case is a reality.

I suppose you've all heard of a legendary tale that talks about Pandora's box? It's a mystical artifact that was said to contain all of the evils in the world. Once opened, it unleashed them and the world fell to darkness. Well the point is that never happened. And Pandora's box is real. Thankfully the box remains sealed but not for lack of trying.

Around 10 years ago to this day when the Earth fell...Willis got his hands on the box and has been bombarding it with his magic ever since. Why? Because he wants to break it open. He hasn't managed to but I fear that eventually it will yield to whatever it is he's doing. He stands up there on top of his tower, hitting it as we speak. All these strange purple and colourful lights you see are a result of that little experiment. Willis is a powerful sorceror.

I'm not sure how you expected to face him as you are....

Sorry, I'm digressing. The point is that the closer he gets to opening it, the more...unstable things become.

"I can undo all that has been done"

*pauses to take in the voice*

You all heard that voice? That is the voice of Pandora. It wants to be opened. And when that happens...I don't know what the result will be. All I know is that it will be the end of all things. I've heard said that it will allow the opener to reset and repaint history however they choose but I'm just as inclined to believe it will freeze time altogether and nothing will exist anymore.

Roth @ 22/3/2013 23:16
Here's where things get a little tricky. The closer it becomes to being open, the more energy that seeps from it. The energy contained inside the box is so powerful that it distorts time and space...I believe that's right. It can accumulate and create a tear that will rip it apart at the seams.

I think you just witnessed that happening firsthand...

In any case, it must be on the cusp of being fully unleashed. Because something quite dramatic has happened. Two timelines have become...connected. Bear with me on this last point...

This place you stand was once the Labyrinth in Knossos. Some 2000 or more years ago, an army of heroes went to raid it because the sorceror Willis returned. Originally Theseus bested him and he was defeated...job done. But Willis built his fortress over the same place and when he bombarded Pandora with his magic it...took a little bit of him for itself...and it made a connection.

It created a link to the point in history where Willis was invaded by the heroes...and those two points in time are sort of...side by side now. Parallel...you might say. Think of it as two boxes, each containing a version of the Labyrinth in time. The walls of the two boxes are next to one another but...they're ripping open. So the heroes who were meant to invade and take on Willis in the past are now here...in the future.

That means they're not in the past to take him on. The consequences of something like that are...dramatic....

But the universe has some built in method of governing such messes. It took action immediately. It has trapped both versions of the Labyrinth in a sort of bubble...one that can't be penetrated from either side. They no longer exist as part of time or history...they're just floating on their own. That doesn't mean things are resolved though. If Willis opens Pandora, everything will be destroyed regardless.

I just wanted you all to know what was at stake in case you're getting selfish ideas. You can't turn back now. There is no back. The way you came in from has been destroyed. Until Willis stops using his magic and the box is recovered, you are stuck in this place with the two time periods side by side...forever....

Roth @ 22/3/2013 23:24
Don't look so despondent. The fact of it is that you came here to achieve a goal and now you must achieve it. You don't have a choice. If Willis succeeds, it will be the end of all things. Even if you're scared there's no way back...so you may as well move forward. There's no other choice.

I'm quite fond of choices, but I'm afraid to say you already made all yours. You chose to come here and now you have to deal with the consequences of that. What's more, you have absolutely no chance of defeating him in your current state. He's just too powerful. All of the heroes combined could not manage it.

Never give up hope though...hope is important. Willis is a proud and stupid man. He has left the seeds of his own undoing on his very doorstep. Once he unleashed the darkness on the world there were a few that sought to oppose him. Willis gained a powerful utility. It was a sword, the same one that Theseus carries. It can cut through anything and it was able to cut through the immortals that stood in his way. These immortals...ancient ones...as they like to be known are very powerful. They possess the means to defeat Willis.

And he left them right under his nose. He couldn't destroy them so he froze them to ice using his magic. But he kept them in his fortress under his careful watch. I believe his watch is too focused on the task at hand to care too much about looking over them now...and thus they're ripe for the taking.

If you can find these frozen guardians and release them into the Labyrinth, together they might just stand the best chance of defeating Willis. They are very powerful, especially when they work together. They didn't originally, which is why they wound up where they are.

Their names are Cassandra, Virgil, Minos and Daedalus. Four standing at various points in the Labyrinth. But getting to them won't be so easy. They've been sealed away I suspect. Traversing the Labyrinth here and now is a dangerous task but...I think you can use the situation to your advantage.

The man standing next to me is my assistant. His name is Kristoff. The staff he carries is the only true key to opening Pandora's Box. If Willis were to obtain it, he would unleash Pandora in an instant. But while it's in other hands, the staff has special properties. It can control the light and the energy Pandora releases. Whomever holds this will be able to instantly create a portal...one that leads between the two Labyrinths. The Labyrinth of the future...and the Labyrinth of the past.

By traversing both, you will be able to find new ways to travel. Be wary though. The layout has changed somewhat in the last 2000 or so years...

Willis @ 22/3/2013 23:31
"One more thing..." Said Roth to the group.

"Where is Theseus..?"

The group looked around. Airlea shot a glance over at Mark who shot a glance at Kane.

"He...he's gone. He disappeared."

Roth blinked.

"Did you get his sword?"

Tyrese shook his head miserably.

"He had it on him when he travelled."

Roth's face fell and he looked around frantically.

"No.....no no no no! This is not good at all!"

Kristoff looked over at Roth thoughtfully and then spoke.

"If I may...the problem is that Willis has that sword in the future. Another version floating around the Labyrinth would be catastrophic. What if he were to obtain a second? Even the guardians couldn't defeat him then."

Roth sighed.

"Moreover...the guardians may need that sword to fight him for themselves. I don't care what it takes, you absolutely must recover that sword. What happens to Theseus is sadly not a concern. We no longer need to worry about the prospect of history changing. It's close to collapsing altogether."

Roth fell to the ground miserably.

"I can't...be around here any longer....it will destroy me and then....I won't be able to help at all...."

"Please....divide yourselves into two groups and go seek what you need to find.....everything is counting on you...."

"Be true heroes.........."

There was a flash of light and Roth disappeared. Kristoff stood looking over at the group. They had no idea what was going on.

"Hi there!" He said cheerily.

It is now Phase 3. Phase 3 will end in roughly 45 hours from now.

Divide into two groups by electing two leaders. Post ##Elect: Player name to choose your leader. The groups must be roughly equal in size.

Players (45):

Emperor Fong
General Chuikov
Pai Chan
Queen Genevieve
Sr. Culo
Stonehard Lee


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Post #4: 26th Mar 2013 10:28:29 PM 
Tyrese @ 26/3/2013 1:01
Willis @ 25/3/2013 23:54
"....Can anybody hear me?"

The voice was faint on the edge of hearing.

"Roth!" Kristoff shouted. "I thought...I thought you were dead!"

The voice fell silent.

"...I am dead. I thought we established that. I've been dead for ten years..."

There was another awkward pause.

"Look that's not important....what is important is I'm recovering in Sanctuary. I can't be with you but I can witness and I can advise...if I need to...."

Kristoff looked relieved.

"What's important is you just encountered...something......and you need to know what it is you're up against. I hope the weak-hearted amongst you are sitting down because this isn't going to be much fun...."

The voice drifted off a little.

"......as a prisoner in a Labyrinth 10 years ago. Willis' Labyrinth. And in that Labyrinth was a beast. He's an ancient one...and immortal just like Daedalus, Minos and the others. His name was Cerberus and his role was to guard inferno, grinding the humanity out of anybody who drifted along the Acheron. He also kept the living away. At least...he was meant to."

"The point is Cerberus was released onto the plane above the Acheron. Willis did this intentionally so he would attack the prisoners. I barely escaped the beast with my life. This was Cerberus when he was normal and healthy...so to speak. He was merely following his ordered protocol...doing his duty. Cerberus was meant to keep the living away and so he chased the living. He had the distinct ability to lock onto the nearest entity and track them until he made the kill. He did have a weakness regarding locked doors but he couldn't be killed and well...the point is he was a constant danger."

"There was another immortal who guarded the Acheron a long time before this. His name was Charon. Charon ferried the dead into Inferno. That was until Willis made short work of him. This was years before the incident with Cerberus and the Labyrinth. A few hundred in fact. But I'm getting off topic. The ancient ones cannot be killed. They're immortal, as I say. But Willis didn't kill Charon. He was able to plunge him into the Acheron...the river of souls. Charon became infected...polluted and maddened by the effect of this. He was no match. He may have been immortal but he lives out the rest of his immortal years as a mindless, feral monstrosity."

"Back to the topic...Cerberus hounded us through our Labyrinth but I died before I laid eyes on the beast again. But I did go back to the shell of that place some time later. I say shell because Willis burst forth the Acheron. It flooded those caverns and shot up to the world. That's when darkness dawned on the world and his shade army came forth."

"But I went back to the remains...like I say. The Acheron was dried up...and Cerberus was nowhere to be found. He was gone. I've never been clear on what happened to him but he was immortal and it was always a concern."

"I'm afraid to say that the howling you just heard was Cerberus. It seems he has found this place. I don't know why or how....or even what state he's in. Because Charon was a higher being. He had human-like attributes. Cerberus was a beast, even if he was an ancient one."

"If the Acheron could turn Charon into a feral monstrosity...what it could do to Cerberus is just...."

The group looked around nervously. This didn't sound good.

"It's probably not worth worrying about. Just...if you hear the beast I suggest you run. It will hound you until the ends of this Earth. And it cannot be destroyed. It's entirely possible it has no weaknesses at all..."

There was silence.

"I...I must leave....this is using up too much of my energy........I need to preserve it in case I am needed....again...."

And the room fell into quiet once more.

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Post #5: 1st Apr 2013 4:58:48 PM 
Tyrese @ 1/4/2013 11:24
Dennis @ 27/3/2013 22:37
Thank you for the map. I'm going to upload my own real quick because that'll just be easier.

Also something that I 'know' about the labyrinth itself that I'm not sure is public information is that it's two-story. On the otherside of the medical supply closet is stairs to go up. If a room has an "upstairs" component with the same x and y value, just a different 'z' value- I can go there in one turn, but I can't bring anyone with me.

From what I know, there are only a few rooms that are actually on the "upper level"- but I think that they're significant...

Other then this, he did not share anything. He said we shouldn't go NorthEast because of a trap and South because the item there is not very helpful. He never told us what he knows about the rooms - he was going to but then people forgot to ask because of the break. Maybe next phase.

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Post #6: 2nd Apr 2013 2:19:17 AM 
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Post #7: 6th Apr 2013 5:14:15 AM 
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Post #8: 7th Apr 2013 1:05:28 AM 
Parker Moon @ 6/4/2013 15:38


Mirrors picked


Don't know


Mirrors not picked


Note: We don't know who Frederick picked
Going off the assumption that Brie and Wilt picked each other

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Post #9: 7th Apr 2013 1:29:36 AM 
Pollux @ 6/4/2013 2:58
You feel somebody approach. As you look on, you feel comfortable knowing that you won't have to face this alone.

It is now Phase 11. Phase 11 will end in roughly 18 hours from now.

Players (10):
Emperor Fong
Sr. Culo
Stonehard Lee


Mark @ 6/4/2013 15:30
Pai Chan

Mark -> Angela
Fong -> Lee
Lee -> Angela
Angela -> Ezra
Ezra -> Parker
Parker -> Ezra
Culo -> Ezra(?)
Thomas -> ?
Frederick -> ?
Walton -> ?

Sorry I didn't see what you three said you went in.


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Post #10: 7th Apr 2013 1:54:39 AM 
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Post #11: 7th Apr 2013 7:52:31 PM 
Mark @ 7/4/2013 14:47
Posted Image

This is the past labyrinth as I know it.

The only details on this labyrinth that I have which you don't is the entirety of the right side of the map.

To date that's what I have that are rooms that are definitely in our labyrinth.

1144* is a weight trap room where the floor is unbalanced, and it's a puzzle where you have to balance every single person and item or one person dies. I don't really know the details on who dies, I assume it's first person in, or if there's any sort of time limit beyond the regular phase. This is the room Carl disappeared out of, where he stole Kristoff's staff and came into our labyrinth, this is when I got the LYNCH ON SIGHT message.

There is a package for us in the future labyrinth in room 5230* which I guess was deployed from one of those rooms. I don't know what the package is, it could be dangerous, it could be a prize. But it was sent from one of those rooms.

Lincoln was teleported somehow. So he's alone somewhere. I just got a "Lincoln teleported." I assume it's a trap.

So Lincoln and Carl are both alone somewhere.

They went into a room with a hot potato that killed Erebos, that room does not exist in our labyrinth.

Cerberus is in their labyrinth and approaching.

I think that's it?

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Post #12: 8th Apr 2013 9:49:15 PM 
Willis @ 8/4/2013 16:47
Walton pulled a piece of paper out of his pack for the group to see. He then placed it on the ground and unrolled it.

The group all gathered around in awe of what might be written there. What they found was cryptic to say the least.

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Post #13: 15th Apr 2013 8:10:17 AM 
Emperor Fong

Sr. Culo
Stonehard Lee


Suspects for the healer. Fong and Walton are incredibly unlikely but not totally ruled out I guess. I think 10 was Culo. 8 (I think) seemed like Marek.

The healer is probably Kane or Stonehard Lee.

I don't trust Lee at all because he's kind of annoying.

Thus, I think the Healer is Kane.
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Post #14: 15th Apr 2013 7:18:27 PM 
Mark @ 6/4/2013 23:15
Currently, to my knowledge, the groups are as followed:

Group Lee:

Emperor Fong
Origo (I)
Sr. Culo
Stonehard Lee

Group Kristoff:

General Chuikov

Pai Chan



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Post #15: 15th Apr 2013 10:11:02 PM 
Emperor Fong @ 15/4/2013 17:10
Ezra @ 15/4/2013 14:03
By the way, Emperor Fong, can you post your results that you got when you had your role? I never got them into my notes.

For you my jester, anything ;)

[phase we ALL met up, everyone, phase 3?] - Vision of Frosti. Very quick blur. Vision of red cape and crown.

[phase from first time seeing boat up until cog room switch] - Visions of Bear. Saw him open a gate and lock it behind him. And I saw a lock of fur at the end of the boat ride.

I strongly believe Bear is concealing something we need.

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