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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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Confessional; Peter's Thoughts
Tribute Peter
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Post #1: 20th Mar 2013 10:34:22 AM 
"The Meeting"

Oh wow, seems to be a lot of interacting already, not what I expected. It's certainly a lot to read up on, but I'm trying my best. I'm already not taking too much of a liking to Queen Genevieve. I can appreciate her character and her role, but she's just already so high on her horse, it'd be nice to knock her down a little to prove that she's just another one of us. Anyway, I want to be well-liked but everyone... I don't understand why everyone else is so quick to be at each other's throats.

I was given the role of Actor, which allows me to "play dead" a couple of times, and I don't intend on wasting those times. This means that I don't want to give anyone any reason to harm me, so I want everyone to like me and to trust me. That way, I can find myself in a good situation no matter who I am around. I'm sure none of us are still entirely too sure on the format of this game, but I'm definitely excited to see how it all pans out, and I just generally like to be well-liked, so I'm sure it won't hurt me to have people not hold grudged against me, right?

Well, here's hoping anyway... lol. So far, I'm liking Theseus, because he seems to saying most of exactly what I have to say, but I'm too afraid to say for myself, because I don't want to rub anyone (Queen Genevieve) the wrong way. I'm also liking Wilt a bit, because of our quick duel when I arrived. I'm hoping I didn't outshine him with my swordsmanship, but that's not even my best quality. As I said when I first arrived, my best quality is camouflage... I guess I didn't even think of how accurate that was, since I just realized my character role is similar to my ability to paint myself and seem hidden (or dead). Lovely! This role is perfect, thank you!

That's all I really have to update for now, but I'm thinking this game will be mind-numbingly crazy, so I'm sure I'll be posting in her plenty, not only to keep you all updated, but to keep my thoughts sorted out and written down so I can help keep myself on track lol. Hope to keep you all entertained and thanks for having me aboard. I hope not to let you down.

Post Edited by Tribute Peter @ 20th Mar 2013 10:36:25 AM

I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #2: 20th Mar 2013 11:58:19 PM 
--The Quest--
Phase 1: 4853

I'm not sure if the number 4853 is important going forward, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to write it down. Maybe it's a code we'll need later on or something, but I want to keep as accurate of a noteworthy Journal as possible. The first phase seems to be labeled 4853, and if that's important later on down the road perhaps I'll have my bases covered. If not, then I've only wasted like 10 seconds. Moving on... it seems that the game is officially starting, so I need to be on my toes. I don't remember many people from the beginning, so I'm hoping to begin recognizing them as I see them pop up in the Labyrinth. I hope I left a good enough impression on the other Heroes to be safe with them all, and for them not to doubt me. But I'm sure all of this will be in due time.

The people I remember so far are: Ajax (didn't get much of an impression of him), Balagor (I probably rubbed him the wrong way), Maria (she seemed sweet), Queen Genevieve (I don't like her, plus she ignored me when I referenced her), Wilt (other than our brisk swordsman duel, not much to report on him other than he seems whipped by the Queen), Theseus (I very much like him, but I'm sure he barely acknowledged my existence), and the girl with the bow & arrow, who reminds me of Katherine. I can't remember her name, but if I saw her face, then I'm sure I'd be able to recognize her. I'm really hoping to encounter some of these people in the duration of the game.

For now, I'll just wait for an announcement of sorts to announce the game's beginning and if we are truly entering the Labyrinth. If so, then it certainly is game on and I'm here to win. I am naturally a trusting person, so I'll try to see if I can find someone to trust while in the game, but I'm sure no one can be trusted completely. Hopefully then, I'll be able to rely on myself and on my acting to advance me phase by phase.

Let's get this party started!

I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #3: 21st Mar 2013 2:38:50 AM 
So not much really happened in the first phase. Urk got chalk, which we figured could be used to leave messages to other people possibly in the Labyrinth. We also think there may be another group somewhere in the Labyrinth, since we feel this group is incomplete. There's only fifteen of us: Airlea, Ajax, Andrael, Arimnestos, Balagor, Dern, Maria, Pai Chan, Peter, Queen Genevieve, Stonehard Lee, Talion, Theseus, Urk, and Wilt.

We all kinda sat around thinking of what to use the chalk for, what could be behind the door to the north, and where others could be, until Theseus stepped up and charged the north door and then we all began to follow him one by one. I followed him as soon as I could, because he seems to be a good leader, and I think I'll follow him for now. As for why I wanted to be fast, well, I just didn't want to be the last to leave the room. You never know what may happen.

Anyway, onwards from here!

I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #4: 21st Mar 2013 2:40:51 AM 
The order we moved north: Theseus - Urk - Ajax - Peter - Talion - Balagor - Stonehard Lee - Wilt Silverstone - Airlea - Maria - Andrael - Queen Genevieve - Pai Chan - Dern - Arimnestos.

Post Edited by Tribute Peter @ 21st Mar 2013 9:45:08 PM

I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #5: 21st Mar 2013 9:05:23 AM 
Stonehard Lee posted this, I thought it'd be a good idea to save it for reference, especially later on down the road when the Labyrinth may get complicated:

Posted Image

I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #6: 21st Mar 2013 9:16:52 AM 
Theseus seems to want to split from the group, which I don't like very well. He seems to know what he's doing and I find safety and comfort in that, so if he were to split from the group, I can't say so confidently that I wouldn't follow him to wherever he would be headed off to. I trust him, is that weird? I hardly know the guy, but I trust him. #ManCrush

I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #7: 22nd Mar 2013 1:48:40 AM 
--The Quest--
Phase 2: 1328

Holy crap. I was highly anticipating this new phrase, because the first one was a bit boring, and now I'm left here with everyone BUT Theseus. I guess this could be the best for me anyway, I was becoming a bit too involved with someone who didn't even care about my well-being. Why was I even trying to look out for Theseus? Gosh! Anyway, now that the purple sparks have swallowed up Theseus and presumably teleported him (perhaps he has been killed?) it looks like we are on our own to move northward again. All that exists is a north and south exit, but we came from the south, so we may as well truck forward north.

The only thing stopping us, I'm sure, is that after what happened to Theseus, no one would like to volunteer to go first through the door. I'm assuming it swallowed him up simply because he was the first to enter? I'm not too sure, but it's frightening nonetheless. I know, I for one, would not like to be the first to go through the next exit... but if no one else is willing to step up, maybe it's my time to shine. We'll see...

I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #8: 22nd Mar 2013 8:42:23 AM 
Posted Image

Once again, Stonehard Lee provided the group with a map. He is incorporating a legend next time hopefully, but green indicates safety, grey indicates the current room, and purple indicates the next room.

In this room, we have discovered a new man, Erebos, who goes by Luminion/Luminous. It's odd because his names seem to depict opposing factors, light vs. dark, and his avatar is a coin, heads vs. tail. He is a part of the Morning Star, which represents day and night. I just find it odd he represents opposing forces, could he represent a grand scheme to this world, possibly good vs. evil? Who knows?

He has teleported here it seems and he has no knowledge of the labyrinth, of why he is here, or what we are to do next, he's useless really, and I don't trust him for some reason. I'd just assume dispose of him first chance we had, but whatever. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now. But I will remember, he is an outsider.

I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #9: 22nd Mar 2013 9:02:36 AM 
I've reached the logical deduction that this shit is confusing. :goodtimes:

I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #10: 23rd Mar 2013 1:51:15 AM 
Ajax - Balagor - Arimnestos - Stonehard Lee - Wilt Silverstone - Maria - Peter - Queen Genevieve - Pai Chan - Airlea - Dern - Andrael

I don't think URK or Talion posted going north, nor did our new friend Erebos/Luminious... hmmm

Anyway, I look forward to the next room and what may await our group should we have two options in exits...

I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #11: 23rd Mar 2013 3:44:25 AM 
Peter Mallick @ 22/3/2013 3:02
I've reached the logical deduction that this shit is confusing. :goodtimes:

Lol if this was confusing THEN... Oh Lord!

Emperor Fong
General Chuikov
Pai Chan
Queen Genevieve
Sr. Culo
Stonehard Lee

I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #12: 23rd Mar 2013 4:24:38 AM 
--The Quest--
Phase 3: 9880

What the fuck! :goodtimes:

I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #13: 24th Mar 2013 6:48:04 PM 
Too much has been going on, my apologies! :\

Ummm, group from past + group from future. We're told to find four guardians (Cassandra, Virgil, Minos and Daedalus) and Theseus' sword. They stand at four various points in the Labyrinth. Some doors are blocked off/etc. We'll need to use Kristoff's staff to go to the past/future/travel time, cool!

So then Kristoff said he needs to be leader to activate it ASAP. He's unwilling to hand it off to someone, but whatever. I came to take risks and I'm following Kristoff to the past - I mean we NEED to go to the past and travel time if we stand a chance, so here goes nothing. Something the group doesn't know is my role, so if this backfires I probably won't die, I'll stand another chance... maybe? Idk.

Whatever, groups are splitting and it's about to get interesting. =o I really like Ezra, Angela, Airlea, Ajax, Maria, Boone, Brittany... they're all in my group but Ezra and Boone I believe... maybe not Angela. Coolness.~~~

I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #14: 24th Mar 2013 9:57:25 PM 
Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

*Note: The pink one is the only correct one (the northern exit of room 9880 is toward the eastern wall)

I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
Tribute Peter
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Post #15: 25th Mar 2013 4:45:43 AM 
Erebos- order of the morning star

I just don't want to be another piece in their game. I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them, that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me.
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