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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
The Final Journal of Kristoff the Reborn
Kristoff the Grey
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Post #1: 19th Mar 2013 4:25:08 AM 
March 19th 2021.

I begin this journal - which I believe to be my last - in the hope that this is not the end. I hope pray that this is not the end of humanity as we know it and that this journal will aide those who need help in the future.

In 2010 I killed myself died. I was possessed by a demon - of unknown origin - and committed horrific acts. I killed Melissa, my daughter and my wife Sarah in the hope of saving them during my demonic spells. I tried to exorcise the demons... multiple times... with the help of Father Roth. It didn't work. I do not know why. I took my life in September to rid the world of whatever I discovered.

But this was not the end of my story. I did not die. Or so I believed at the time. I was destined to be tormented for the rest of my life. I could not kill myself. I was trapped. But then.... After what seemed an eternity I man I once knew appeared. It was Father Roth. I cannot begin to describe my relief and happiness. After so long... I found a friend I was saved. The pressure from the demons was gone. I cannot explain what happened. I did discover a method to fight the demons. Using my own blood I would paint this:

Posted Image

While painting this symbol you must chant the following;

Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica...
Ergo, draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica, adjuramus te ... cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare...
Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ, hostis humanæ salutis...
Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei; contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine... quem inferi tremunt...
Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine.
Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos.

It worked as a control mechanism for the demons... I pray that whoever reads this journal does not experience what I went through.

Father Roth explained where we were and what happened. He had died too. Trapped in some maze... it made little sense. We tasked by an entity called Virgil to save the world. Crazy I know. We were in a place known as Purgatorio. We travelled for a long time. We met other deceased souls. A man with no body but a set of armour. A man with nine fingers. Many killed by some butcher.

Then I saw my daughter. On the very swing I built. But it was just an illusion. A figment of my imagination you would say. But it felt real. For that brief moment... Then she disappeared. Gone. Just like that.

Our travels were not without trouble. Creatures of Purgatorio opposed us at every opportunity. Shadows of the darkness. Creatures of pure evil. As we ascend the steps such a creature attacked our group which was significantly smaller by now. I had survived earlier attacks. But not this time. I fell. And now my body and soul, I was dead.

But then, I was reborn.

My Mother once told me my name means "Christ Within". Like him, I have been given a second chance. I now reside in a place known as Sanctuary where Roth has joined me. No evil is here. I am free from the demons which have haunted me. We have another chance to save the world. But this time there is no second chance. This time we must succeed.
Keep hope alive.
Kristoff the Grey
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Post #2: 19th Mar 2013 11:50:16 AM 
March 19th 2021.

Roth has told me we now wait for the right moment to enter the Labyrinth. I am not sure what exactly is the right moment and Roth doesn't seem willing to tell me. From Sanctuary I am able to observe one of the two groups. This one is led by General Chuikov. Society has clearly... changed. Most of these individuals do not seem to understand the importance of our task. Most are also very young and inexperienced and unprepared for what we will have to face. I am not much older then most of them but I feel a thousand years old. What I have gone through is something I would wish on no man, let alone someone of my age.

I will write my observations of the group here. Gabriel seems a man of mystery. He is not revealing all he knows. Kane is a confident man but uses it as a mask to hide his fear. Brittany... I think is on drugs. This is why I am so concerned. How can they be so unprepared? There is even a monkey. I cannot speak on the evolution of monkeys in the past 10 years but to bring a monkey?

The Emperor I am concerned about too. He is related to General Bear. I have met him before... in Purgatorio. He was part of the creatures of darkness. When I first met him he was a coward, a man who cried. Now he leads the army of Willis. The man is truly a magician if he can transform such a man into a General. His niece, Rita is there too. She seems dangerous.

Roth and I have much work to do to shape these individuals into a team which can defeat Willis. I can only hope Roth sees a path for I do not.
Keep hope alive.
Kristoff the Grey
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Post #3: 21st Mar 2013 12:32:04 PM 
March 21st 2011

I bring exciting news. Roth has informed me that in 2 days time, we shall travel to the Labyrinth and assist the group. They really do need it I fear.

Gabriel disappeared. I can not say I am surprised and I must say this is not the last we have heard of him. The group I am observing is heading North as it is their only exit. The room number is 4853. I will update my journal later of a map. There appears to be a bridge above them which has led me to believe that unlike the Labyrinth Father Roth was in, this one features multiple levels.

That is all for now. May God help us all.
Keep hope alive.
Kristoff the Grey
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Post #4: 22nd Mar 2013 1:57:52 PM 
March 22nd 2021

An interesting post by Angela

"It's possible Theseus could be onto something. Three possibilities...
A) This isn't his Labyrinth.
The Labyrinth is changing
C) He's been teleported to a new part of the Labyrinth."

She seems to be intelligent if she has figured out there are two Labyrinths. Soon all will be revealed. Twelve hours Roth says. Twelve hours.
Keep hope alive.
Kristoff the Grey
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Post #5: 23rd Mar 2013 1:37:31 AM 
March 23 2021

It is time.
Keep hope alive.
Kristoff the Grey
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Post #6: 24th Mar 2013 2:17:06 AM 
March 24th 2021

It was Father Roth's plan for me to lead the group to the past. How are they not listening to his wishes? It frustrates me greatly that they underestimate the power of Caduceus. It is the Key to Pandora's Box and I am expected to pass it up like we are playing pass the parcel at a five year old's birthday? Nay. This will not happen. I am the guardian of the key, protector of the realm.

I fear they will learn of my past history of being... possessed.
Keep hope alive.
Kristoff the Grey
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Post #7: 26th Mar 2013 8:38:05 AM 
March 26th 2021

Keep hope alive.
Kristoff the Grey
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Post #8: 26th Mar 2013 11:32:56 AM 
March 26th 2021

Things have not gone to plan. Not at all.

First Roth disappeared. Then when I tried to execute Roth's plan to have me lead a group into the past, everyone was instantly wary of me. And I saved their lives! This is what people have become in the ten years since I left.

After gaining control of a group... the staff breaks! You cannot believe my horror I thought that was perhaps it. But far from it. I had to get the group to head East to avoid the trap in the North. I have learnt that our first room we were in was some halfway dimension. I will have to watch out for that. After heading East I was sent to the Red Room. I learnt of a task I must complete and on my way back I discovered I had lost the Caduceus! Father Roth will never forgive me.

I believe it is a trick of Willis but a thief is possible. Stealing it would not be a good idea but who knows the intentions of evil doers. I think my redemption path is slowly but surely coming around. It is amazing how much information I have revealed to the group but they have yet to believe me fully.

Time will tell. I will not let you down Roth.
Keep hope alive.
Kristoff the Grey
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Post #9: 14th Apr 2013 3:49:48 PM 
15th April 2012

It has been a while since I last wrote. I just want my staff. The burden of leadership is too much. I need Roth. Please come back.
Keep hope alive.
Kristoff the Grey
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Post #10: 21st Apr 2013 1:04:59 PM 
22nd April 2012

THE STAFF HAS BEEN FOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND THE QUEEN IS EXITING FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lets hope she gets transported away. That would be the best thing. She disrupts my power and that is never good.

I must now plot a way to get my staff back. It's my precious. For the time being the sword of Theseus will have to do. I believe I can get the group to give it to me when we find it. Or maybe one of the immortal items.
Keep hope alive.
Kristoff the Grey
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Post #11: 28th Apr 2013 6:02:34 AM 
28th April 2021

Brittany is the next one to join the loony crew.
Keep hope alive.
Kristoff the Grey
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Post #12: 19th May 2013 12:39:06 PM 
Possessed DV "Kristoff": We wants it, we needs it. Must have the precious. They stole it from us. Sneaky little Markes. Wicked, tricksy, false!

Pre-possession Kristoff(inside his head): No. Not Mark!

DV: Yes, precious, false! They will cheat you, hurt you, LIEEEEEE.

Kristoff: Mark is our friend!

DV: You don't have any friends... nobody likes you!

Kristoff: I'm not listening... I'm not listening...

DV: You're a liar and a thief.

Kristoff: No!

DV: Murdererrrrrrrrrrrr

Kristoff: Go away!

DV: "Go away? Hahahaha"

Kristoff: *cries* I hate you, I hate you.

DV: Where would you be without me? I saved us! It was me! We survived because of me!

Kristoff: [stops crying] Not anymore.

DV: What did you say?

Kristoff: Mark looks after us now! We don't need you anymore!

DV: What?

Kristoff: Leave now, and never come back!!!!

DV: No!

Kristoff: Leave now, and never come back!!!!!!!!!!!!

DV: Nooooooooo!!

Kristoff: LEAVE! NOW! AND NEVER COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kristoff: We told him to go away... and away he goes, Precious! Gone, gone, gone! Kristoff is free!
Keep hope alive.
Kristoff the Grey
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Post #13: 19th May 2013 12:55:01 PM 
DV: I have a new precious now. I have theseeeeee *waves gloved hands in the air*

DV: I can have any precious I want now.

Kristoff: No! We must be good!

DV: But we placed the explosives on Tyrese.

Kristoff: He is evil... :\

DV: And when he dies? Airlea? Sophia? Mareeeeeeek?

Kristoff: No! We need Marek!

DV: Tick tick tick BOOOOOOOOOOOM hahahaha

Kristoff: No! You already took Sarah :( Isn't that enough?


Kristoff: What if..... I kill myself again?

DV: Wut.

Kristoff: What if I kill myself?!?

DV: Then Markes will steals the precious and have twooooo

Kristoff: I don't care!


Kristoff: *pulls knife out*


Kristoff: It's the only way to stop you once and for all. I won't be reborn another time


DV: I won't kill Marek if you do something for me.

Kristoff: What?

DV: You... get me.... MORE PRECIOUSES!!!!

Kristoff: Ill get caught....

DV: But no one knows you have the precious!!!

Post Edited by Kristoff the Grey @ 19th May 2013 2:00:18 PM
Keep hope alive.
Kristoff the Grey
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Post #14: 19th May 2013 2:51:44 PM 
(think I will do my incharacter confessionals like this from now between DV Kristoff and "normal" Kristoff. First one is just a Gollum parody)
Keep hope alive.
Kristoff the Grey
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Post #15: 20th May 2013 12:47:38 AM 
Kristoff: They stole Airlea's items and aren't giving them back!

DV: You have theseee *opens and closes hands*

Kristoff: They are leaving us alone with Mark :(

DV: Naw naw naw nawwwwwwwwww.

DV: What if........ you take........ all of Markses preciousessssssss!!!!!!
Keep hope alive.
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