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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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Post #1: 19th Mar 2013 4:23:41 AM 
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Name: Queen Genevieve
Genevieve was the Queen of Devonshire, a small but prosperous country. For many years they were at war with their neighbours, the Maji. The Maji were practitioners of a white magic and they eventually overthrew Genevieve and captured her kingdom. She swore vengeance but lacked the power to defeat them. Seeking help from a magician, she began to train in the art of dark magic herself.

Insistent on reclaiming the throne, she led an army into the capital city before she was fully trained. The Maji overcame her forces but she began to use her newly found magical abilities to fight back. In doing so however, something went horribly wrong and she found herself stranded in another more ancient time. Since that day she has been unable to return and has been desperately seeking a way. In the meantime she managed to claim a small country and is currently scouting for any magicians capable enough to assist her.

Reason for Joining:
Word got to Genevieve's court that King Minos of Crete was ordering a band of heroes to invade the Labyrinth at Knossos. This didn't interest her in the slightest until she learned that a powerful magician was currently stationed there. Believing that Willis might be able to assist her, she decided to leave for Knossos at dawn.
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