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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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Post #1: 19th Mar 2013 3:51:43 AM 
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Name: Carl
Carl was a respectable member of the community. He attended his local church every Sunday and was a true Christian soldier, selling Bibles door to door. At least so it would seem. The truth of it is that Carl is a very successful con artist. The Bibles he would sell were stuffed with crack. A big time hustler in an underground drug network, Carl was the perfect double agent. By day he was a fine Christian gentleman, but by night he was a ruthless gangster.

When the darkness dawned and the world went under, Carl went under too. Hitching a ride to the military base at gunpoint, and dumping the passenger of the cab on the side of the road to die, Carl ensured his safety. Living in the caverns underground was the best thing for him, really. Law and order is lax down here. Carl has never been so successful. He still manages to put up a heroic front, but deep down burns the black heart of a ruthless criminal.

Reason for Joining:
Carl wanted to expand his reach, but a man named Gabriel McCoy has been preventing it. Gabriel is a businessman who owns a lot of the underground networks where Carl likes to hustle. He's a problem, but he's too well protected to take out. When word got back that Gabriel was calling a meeting for some heroic quest, Carl jumped at the chance. He'd show up and opt in to save the day, but at the last possible moment he'd take Gabriel out when nobody was looking. Job done.
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