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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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Post #1: 19th Mar 2013 2:44:21 AM 
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Name: Emperor Fong
Emperor Fong comes from a very royal dynasty. He rules the distant, obscure and often forgotten island nation known as the Bito Isles. He was a powerful leader and a very strong family man. The family name and their honour is the most important thing in the emperor's life. He raised his two children, Frosti and Bear to be noble fighters. But tragedy befell his family time and time again.

First he learned that his nephew Rito had been killed. He insisted that his children remain strong but it was only a matter of time before they both vanished. The Emperor spent several days in mourning, ordering that his minions find the person responsible. When they failed he had them all executed. People considered that the Emperor was losing his mind and were plotting to overthrow him when the darkness exploded and the world was forced underground.

Emperor Fong was escorted to a safe underground palace where he resided with only his closest minions. Over the ensuing years he slowly tried to rebuild his empire, expanding the underground territory as much as he could. But all he wanted was to see his children once more. Reports started getting back to him that Bear had been spotted walking the Earth again. Emperor Fong dismissed such lies and had the people responsible executed for treason.

Reason for Joining:
When he learned of a mission to invade Willis' fortress, the Emperor insisted on going in person. His intelligence network reported that Willis was the man responsible for both the deaths of Bear and Frosti, and he wanted to deliver his personal revenge.
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