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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
Character Information; For reference purposes
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Post #1: 18th Mar 2013 6:18:39 AM 
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Name: Kristoff
Kristoff lived an ordinary life in a rural village. He was happily married with a young daughter named Melissa. Whilst out on a routine hike through the woods, Kristoff fell into an open hole in the ground. He discovered a chamber deep inside containing mysterious artifacts and upon touching one, became possessed by a dark force. Seeking guidance and assistance from his priest, Father Roth, Kristoff hoped to get the demon exorcised. In the end it wound up overpowering him, causing him to kill his wife and daughter. The grief from this catastrophic event pushed his hand one final time as he drove his car down a steep hill, taking his own life.

It was after this that Kristoff was reunited with Roth one more time. With no memory of his death, he journeyed with Roth and a group of people for quite some time before the realisation came that they were in Purgatorio. Eventually he succumbed to the darkness and failed his journey, but Roth made it through and was given a special task. Willis was arriving to take Pandora's Box from Paradiso, and it was vitally important that the key to the box was kept safe. Roth took the key, a staff called the Caduceus and returned to a safe place. He made one final request before he did.

Due to the nature of the task at hand, the forces of Paradiso granted his request. Kristoff was revived and allowed to live once more. He lived alongside Roth in the one place evil could not breach, Sanctuary. A protected place in the Labyrinth around Inferno. In there, Roth taught Kristoff all he knew about fighting demons. However the day was fast approaching when they would both need to step in to help again. Willis had almost succeeded in opening Pandora's Box.

Reason for Joining:
Unlike all of the other inhabitants of the Labyrinth, Kristoff isn't joining a group of heroes to enter. He is waiting alongside Roth for the right moment. When it comes, Kristoff will join the heroes in their quest, taking the Caduceus in with him.
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