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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
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Post #1: 18th Mar 2013 4:49:39 AM 
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Name: Urk
Urk is an ancient and immortal being that stirs deep beneath the Earth. He is purely chaotic in nature and has the ability to change his appearance in any way he likes. Despite being immortal, Urk can be put to sleep for great periods of time. During this sleep phase he is trapped and bound but still able to command a minor presence in the world above.

Because of his chaotic nature however, Urk struggles keeping this presence consistent from time to time. Its appearance and speech tends to suffer as a result of this, causing it to become something else entirely.

Reason for Joining:
Urk wants to be freed from his sleep phase and so sent his presence to Knossos. He believes that somewhere in the Labyrinth is a key to releasing his full chaotic form. So for the time being, Urk has taken on the appearance of an Immortal soldier and joined up with the band of heroes for his own purposes.
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