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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
Phase 67
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Reputation: 142
Post #1: 9th Jun 2013 1:18:57 AM 
Leaving the mirror and his miserable looking reflection behind, Lee headed for the Eastern exit, pushing it open absent-mindedly.

He came out into a hugely open room that stretched out far in front of him. It extended for twice the width of a standard room, East from where he stood. On the Eastern side, it then extended for twice the length of a standard room. At the far South of the Eastern side was one exit and there was another to his immediate South.

Near his feet was another dry stone canal. He studied it carefully. It moved in from the Northern wall and out through the Southern, just by where the exit was. It passed through a tiny metal gate at the foot of the wall which would be too low down for a small person to move through, let alone him. He left it where it was and starting heading East.

Set against the North-East corner was a strange machine. The stone walls in here were covered in overgrowth that sprawled around in different directions and some of this was wrapped around the machine. A series of cogs and gears lay still, next to a giant hourglass filled at the bottom with sand. It didn't seem to be doing much at the moment.

Slumping down, he awaited his fate. It was ponderous and slow going to move around now.

It is now Phase 66. Phase 66 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (1):
Stonehard Lee

East Side South
West Side South
Stonehard Lee
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 28
Post #2: 9th Jun 2013 6:30:44 AM 
I hope the others are making more progress than I am!

##Exit: East Side South
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