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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
Phase 66
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 142
Post #1: 7th Jun 2013 11:56:39 PM 
Lee walked East of the statue and tower, pushing open the door and stepping out into a standard sized room. The air hung thick with a strange pink hue that almost swirled and spiraled around him. It gave the place a creepy sensation and he didn't particularly like it.

As he crossed over to the opposite side on the East, he saw the mirror. It was quite tall, set against the Northern wall. Above it were some red drapes that dangled down and drew the eye towards it. Lee took a few moments to glance at his reflection. This place had changed him for sure.

Such changes weren't easily visible to the human eye, but his clan would see it. He had lost a considerable amount of weight and much of what was once solid stone had now corroded away. It was a miserable sight and he couldn't stand to look at it for very long. But there was something else...

A shadowy haze seemed to surround the reflection in the mirror. Lee didn't pay it much heed, but it was a little disturbing and just added to the creepiness of the room. The sooner he left this place, the better.

It is now Phase 66. Phase 66 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (1):
Stonehard Lee

Stonehard Lee
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 28
Post #2: 8th Jun 2013 12:12:06 AM 
I literally have no idea what I am doing.
Stonehard Lee
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 28
Post #3: 8th Jun 2013 12:12:12 AM 
It's hilarious
Stonehard Lee
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 28
Post #4: 8th Jun 2013 12:12:55 AM 
##Exit: East

? to the east, might as well inspect it.

Maybe I will find the mother of all items and then die with it when I meet a scummiest of scum...and we all lose.

I bet it happens.
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