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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
Phase 63
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 142
Post #1: 4th Jun 2013 4:29:36 AM 
He'd been in this strange, alien time for far too long. Lee yearned to return to a better time where the water wasn't yellow and the ropes were made of rope. He felt the longing within him and he used that to focus. If he could just focus hard enough...time would shift to him. Purple sparks bounced around the room and encircled the strange device as he focused and finally they converged into a swirling portal.

He stepped inside it, being taken instantly to a strange vortex that danced around in different shades of violet. This part of the experience left him feeling uncomfortable but he would stomach it for the sake of his goal. He shut his eyes and willed it to end. Even with his eyes closed he could still see the colours, but before long he was standing back on solid ground in a better time.

This was much better, truth be told. The room had a pleasant temperature and also had green water. A much much healthier colour. It was a relief to see. The room was a standard size with one exit to the South. The air was misty and had a salty smell. Light danced upon the rippling water, broken by a mass of debris. There was quite a bit of it scattered about. A large pool in the middle of the room separated the Northern side from the Southern.

The walls were decorated with images of the sea, with depictions of krakens and the leviathan amongst the fish and the occasional mermaid. Statues of them were also laid out about the walls. At the very North side was a vault, flung open and completely empty. There was no way to get across the water to it from the South side anyway. Pieces of wood floated on the surface.

It didn't matter, this was a better place to be. Lee sat and enjoyed it. Moments like this were rare.

It is now Phase 63. Phase 63 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (1):
Stonehard Lee

Stonehard Lee
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 28
Post #2: 4th Jun 2013 4:35:09 AM 
Oh damn. I realized just now that the only known route to 9036 in the past is from the NW corner. Perhaps something important is there and I should have headed west again last phase and then teleported.

this journey is quickly turning into a comedy of errors. If I survive and find a group of people, I will be very impressed.

Also, exit spoiler:


##Exit: South
Stonehard Lee
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 28
Post #3: 4th Jun 2013 4:36:08 AM 
Remember when I had to give up the walkie because I was about to black out?

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