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"Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man."

Friedrich Nietzsche
Phase 54
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 142
Post #1: 24th May 2013 4:52:20 AM 
Lee walked East. He was lost and confused and this was troubling. He didn't want to sit around with that...thing gnashing and roaring away so he tried new territory.

The room to the East was a standard sized room. The door he walked out of was at the top of a tall flight of stairs, very steep and very high. At the bottom of the staircase was another exit. Seemed straightforward enough. Lee began to clamber down the stairs carefully.

For somebody of his size, this proved to be a daunting task. The stairs were narrow and he was not. Still he was sturdy and he'd been raised in the mountains. He knew enough about steep climbs and this didn't particularly phase him. He was halfway down the stairs when he felt something wasn't right. There was a very high pitched sound in his ear.

Turning his head to look at the wall, he saw something that was flickering. He turned his head to look at the opposite wall and there was a similar device. Both of them were glowing. Lee braced himself as the devices fired out a tremendous blast of purple energy. He closed his eyes. He would take whatever came next.

When he opened them again, he was stood in a standard sized room. But the world was all different. There was only one exit to the East, and no stairs. Moreover, the walls of this room were made of stone. It was bathed in a cool green glow, emanating from a portal on the Western wall. The portal was a flickering puddle of blue/green energy, rippling and dancing away. Lee walked over to it and reached out. His hand passed right through the other side. He gave a shrug and stepped through.

He came out into another standard sized room with exits to the North and South. They were labelled as such above the doors. Except....the one that he worked out was to the North...said "South" and the one he assumed should be South said "North". He rubbed his head and growled, stepping back through the portal frustratedly. The door on this side had "East" written above it. He really was lost now.

It is now Phase 54. Phase 54 will end in roughly 24 hours from now.

Players (1):
Stonehard Lee

Stonehard Lee
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 28
Post #2: 24th May 2013 5:05:56 AM 
##Exit: "East"

lol, so lost, no friends.

Stonehard Lee
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 28
Post #3: 24th May 2013 6:39:06 AM 
This is so fucking boring.
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